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CENG 3361 Applied Hydrology and Hydraulic Structures

Open Channel Flow

Homework practice
Due date: No submission

Problem 1: Design a lined trapezoidal channel to carry 20 m3/sec on a longitudinal slope of

0.0015. The lining of the channel is to be float-finished concrete (n = 0.015). Consider
(a) the best hydraulic section
(b) the section with side slopes 1.5:1 (H:V).

y = 2.1 m
b = 2.4 m
Total depth = 3.1 m

y = 1.9 m
b = 1.15 m
Total depth = 2.95 m

Problem 2: An earthen channel will be excavated into sandy soil for which Vmax = 4.0 ft/sec, n =
0.022, and the recommended m = 3. The channel will have a bottom slope of 0.0011 and
accommodate a design flow of 303 cfs.
Design (size) the channel section.

y = 4.5 ft
b = 3.5 ft
F = 2.5 ft
Total depth = 7 ft
Fr = 0.5 (ok).

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