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Human & Experimental Toxicology (2000) 19, 360-366

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Toxicity of ingested formalin and its

CK Pandey*, A Agarwal, A Baronia and N Singh
Department of Anaesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine, Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical
Sciences, Lucknow 226014, India
Formaldehyde is a physiological intermediary metabolite ing gastrointestinal hemorrhage, cardiovascular collapse,
taking part in many biological process in the body. It is a unconsciousness or convulsions, severe metabolic acidosis
constituent of many items of daily use, including foods. It is and acute respiratory distress syndrome. No specific anti-
also used in medicine for treatment of some conditions. A dote is available. Treatment of toxicity is supportive care of
40% solution offormaldehyde in water is known as formalin. the various organ systems. Multidisciplinary approach is
Formalin is irritating, corrosive and toxic and absorbed from required for proper management. Human & Experimental
all surfaces ofthe body. Ingestion is rare because of alarming Toxicology (2000) 19, 360-366.
odour and irritant effect but documented in accidental,
homicidal or suicidal attempts. Ingestion can lead to
immediate deleterious effects on almost all systems of the
body including gastrointestinal tract, central nervous sys- Keywords: formaldehyde; formalin; methanol; formic acid; inges-
tem, cardiovascular system and hepato-renal system, caus- tion; toxicity

Formaldehyde is a water-soluble, colourless, pun- occur that direct formate to various other pathways
gent, irritating and highly reactive gas. Forty percent including the citric acid pathway where it can be
solution of formaldehyde in water is known as utilised for energy need, releasing carbon dioxide
formalin."2 In medicine, formalin is used in the and water.'3
preservation of surgical specimens, for the treatment
of uncontrolled intravesical hemorrhage3"4 and radia-
tion-induced hemorrhagic proctitis5- 10 and cystitis, Metabolism and excretion
and to prevent hydatid cysts dissemination.1"
It is also a physiological intermediary metabolite The metabolic sequence of formaldehyde is identical
in mammals. The endogenous formaldehyde is in all mammalian species. It is rapidly metabolised to
rapidly metabolised to formate or enters the one- formic acid by several enzyme systems, including the
carbon pool via tetrahydrofolate.1 Formate, as the formaldehyde dehydrogenase (FDH) complex dis-
sodium salt, is one of the simplest endogenous tributed in several tissues, or a hydrogen peroxide/
forms of carbon in man and is the intermediate in catalase system (Figure 1). FDH is involved specifi-
many anabolic and catabolic reactions. Formate or
cally with the oxidation of formaldehyde and has been
formaldehyde has been shown to be involved in identified in human liver and erythrocytes. FDH is
single carbon transfers from many essential amino also involved in the release of formate by cleavage of
acids including glycine, histidine, tryptophan and the thio ester with glutathione. The efficiency of
serine and in the synthesis of purines, pyrimidines, formate metabolism by catalase has been strongly
methionine and cholase.12 The tetrahydrofolic acid linked to the hepatic concentration of tetrahydrofo-
pathway is the primary means through which the late. In vitro studies with human tissue have also
above metabolism occurs. Once formate has entered shown that functionally related aldehyde dehydro-
into the one-carbon unit pool, numerous reactions genase and catalase, which are not dependent on
glutathione, are both capable of converting formalde-
hyde to formate."3
*CorTespondence: Dr CK Pandey, Department of Anaesthesiology In humans and monkeys, formic acid is slowly
and Critical Care Medicine, Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of
Medical Sciences, Lucknow 226014, India metabolised to carbon dioxide and water by an
Received 4 November 1999; accepted 20 May 2000 enzymatic reaction, which depends on folate. Folate
Toxicity of ingested formalin and its management
CK Pandey et al m

Methanol life was 45 min when 3 g of formate was given orally to

one individual, while in a second individual, the
plasma half-life was 46 min after intake of 4.4 g of
1 Alcohol dehydrogenase sodium formate.'3 In this study, 11 volunteers were
given a 1 g and a 2 g oral dose of formate on two
Formaldehyde occasions and urine samples were collected for the
periods 0-6, 6-12 and 12-24 h. It was found, under
the conditions of this study, that after the two doses
1 Aldehyde dehydrogenase were given, the output of formic acid in urine over the
24-h collection period was 1.9 times and 2.6 times
Formic acid greater than normal, respectively. The increased
amount of eliminated formate in the urine, however,
represented only 2.2% and 3.3% of the formic acid
Folate dependent dose, leaving the remainder unaccounted for. Elim-
ination was rapid in each regimen and 80% and 90%
Carbon Dioxide and Water of the increased elimination occurred within 6 h of the
Figure 1 The different enzymes and folate in metabolic pathway of administration. This study indicates that large bolus
formaldehyde and methanol doses of formate result in large, rapid increase in the
urine concentration. A much smaller elevation in the
baseline formic acid concentration was, however,
is an essential vitamin found in fresh fruits and noticed when the smaller dose of formate was
vegetables and is the building block of tetrahydrofo- administered. 13,16
late. The rate of conversion of formic acid to carbon More recent research indicates that while high
dioxide and water is approximately 50% more rapid in plasma concentration of formaldehyde is removed
the rodents liver than in primates. The relatively slow rapidly, a trace baseline concentration frequently, or
metabolism of formic acid to carbon dioxide and water nearly always, exists. An average of 2.24 and 2.61 ,ug
in humans leads to accumulation of formic acid, formaldehyde per gram of venous blood was reported
which results in metabolic acidosis. Excess formate in rats and humans, respectively. When human
that is not utilised metabolically will be eliminated in volunteers were exposed to 1.9 ppm of formaldehyde
the urine.'3 for a period of 40 min, the blood concentration was
In vitro experiment with human blood showed that not elevated significantly."7 These baseline concen-
formaldehyde is quickly oxidised to formate after its trations and the rate kinetics for formaldehyde
transport in erythrocytes. Since formaldehyde can be removal suggest that formaldehyde is replenished
handled so effectively not only by the liver but by the constantly by in vivo processes, but that the removal
blood as well, the rapid disappearance of formalde- process is capable of maintaining plasma concentra-
hyde from the blood can be understood. A study using tion in equilibrium at low concentrations. In the
monkeys who were given a rapid intravenous admin- above studies, urine or plasma formate concentrations
istration of formaldehyde reported that it has a plasma were not measured and it is not known from these
half-life of approximately 1.5 min.14 During the studies if urine formate concentration was elevated
disappearance of formaldehyde, a corresponding after inhalation of formaldehyde. The high variation
rapid increase in the plasma levels of formic acid in blood formaldehyde concentration observed within
was observed.'3 Whereas formaldehyde has a very the human volunteers and lack of response to
short residence time in plasma, the half-life for exposure, however, would discourage the use of blood
circulating formic acid is 90 min.13 In an experiment samples for measuring formaldehyde exposure.13
with a monkey who received intravenous infusion of
several concentrations of sodium formate, the results
indicated that the plasma half-life for formate appears
dose-related, at least at high dose levels, but shows Toxicity
signs of becoming constant at lower dose levels.
Similar low dose levels could be experienced during High intake of carbohydrate or protein -rich food is
workplace exposure.15 believed to increase formate output through the
Elimination kinetic data on formate in man have urine.'3 Formic acid occurs naturally in animals
been supported in two studies. In one study, the and in most plants.'4 In addition, some foods and
average plasma half-life in 11 volunteers, who were beverages have been reported to contain small
given an intravenous specified dose of formate, was 55 amounts of formic acid. Formic acid is added
min. 13A16
'Another study reported that the plasma half- intentionally to some foods as a flavor adjunct.13
Toxicity of ingested formalin and its management
W CK Pandey et al
Formaldehyde presence has also been reported in mobile homes.26 Skin hardening, cracking, and
popular soft drinks as well as in beer at a bleeding have been reported with its contact.23
concentration of approximately 8 mg/kg.'5 Since Animal studies have shown that formaldehyde is
formate can arise from many sources, there always both mutagenic and carcinogenic in several experi-
appears to be a certain amount of it in the blood. mental systems, raising concern about chronic
Endogenous or background levels of formic acid in human low level exposure.23'27 Although epide-
blood vary from 0.07 to 0.4 mmol/l. A deficiency miology studies are underway, no definitive assess-
in any of the essential biochemical components in ment of human risk is available. The exposure
the tetrahydrofolic acid pathway will reduce the levels are low but there are mounting evidence
proportion of serum formate metabolised to carbon from work in both man and animals that adverse
dioxide and water. Animal studies have shown effects of formaldehyde can arise at levels well
that nutritional deficiencies in folic acid and below 1 ppm.28
vitamin B12 result in an accumulation of formic Most studies have investigated the effects of
acid in the blood and elevated excretion of formate formaldehyde vapours. Symptoms following low dose
in the urine.18"9 This imbalance can be corrected formalin inhalation include mild irritation of the
by dietary supplementation resulting in a return to respiratory tract and mucous membranes, higher
a lower urine formate concentration.13 Formalin doses may cause respiratory symptoms of various
forms Schiffs base with plasma proteins, which is degrees and severity, extending from transient asth-
metabolised into formic acid (an oxidative product matic episodes through asthma and pneumonitis,
of formalin) and is responsible for all its harmful culminating in acute respiratory distress syndrome.
effects.' Formic acid is an inhibitor of enzymes Bronchoscopy is advised for early diagnosis of
like hexokinase and the cholinesterase. It also pulmonary complications."129 Industrial exposure to
inhibits succinate oxidation and anaerobic glyco- formaldehyde can cause a reduction in ventilatory
lysis and thus affects the normal physiological capacity. The mechanism of the effect of formalde-
functions of the liver. Formic acid is also con- hyde on airways is not clear; it may be due to direct
sidered to be a sufficient inhibitor of mitochondrial irritant action, but sometimes it may be a hypersensi-
cytochrome oxidase to produce histotoxic hypoxia tivity reaction also. Since formaldehyde is a highly
so that a significant part of the acid load results reactive, water-soluble chemical, formaldehyde gas is
from hypoxic metabolism.17-19 absorbed primarily in the upper respiratory
In minimal concentration, formaldehyde is non- tract.2" 23'26 However, formaldehyde could migrate to
toxic to humans, but exposure to higher concentration remote tissues and affect them by direct and indirect
may result in severe toxic effects. Following systemic mechanism. Formaldehyde that contacts body tissues
absorption, formaldehyde is oxidised to formic acid reacts with amino acids, protein, nucleotides, and
by enzyme FDH in the liver and in erythrocytes.20 nucleic acids. The reaction of formaldehyde with
Normal blood level of formic acid in human ranges small molecules such as amino acids and nucleotides
from 0 to 12 mg/l. Urine formic acid levels range from produces labile conjugates. These may carry formal-
0 to 27 mg/l, although absolute toxic levels are not dehyde to tissues that are remote from the respiratory
known.20 Investigators have demonstrated that inges- tract. It is possible that the changes in various organs,
tion of 120 ml of 37% formaldehyde (commercial such as liver, kidney, and hemopoetic tissues that
formalin) resulted in formic acid level as high as 500 develop after formaldehyde is inhaled, reflect such a
mg/1.23 Dietary intake, nutritional status, and smoking process.30
may be confounders that can affect the levels of The use of formalin therapy is successful in
formaldehyde in the blood.20 controlling intravesical hemorrhage and hemorrhage
A number of reports have documented the toxic of radiation proctitis.5,12, 3 Acute toxicity and death
effects of formaldehyde exposure via different following the use of formalin for instillation in
routes because it is absorbed from all surfaces of intravesical hemorrhage have been reported.'12"3
the body.3 Formaldehyde exposure can occur in The attributing factors of death were severe metabolic
various ways. It is a constituent of cigarette smoke acidosis because of formic acid production and acute
and car exhaust fumes.21-24 The exposure occurs renal tubular necrosis leading to anuria.'12"3 The
mostly in autopsy rooms, surgical pathology complication rate is high with prolonged or repeated
laboratories, and renal dialysis units. Skin sensi- use of high concentration of formalin. In animal
tivity to formaldehyde can result from contact with experiments, it has been shown that minimal contact
clothing and facial tissues finished with formalde- time helps to ensure that only the hemorrhagic
hyde resins.25 Formaldehyde can also be released mucosa will be affected by formalin and therefore
from resins used as bonding agents in plywood decreases the complication rate.5 Constant exposure
and chipboard materials employed extensively in to formalin causes serum formic acid to reach toxic
Toxicity of ingested formalin and its management
CK Pandey et al tb
levels within 15 min after instillation.20 Blood levels brain. Formic acid can be excreted through the kidney
appear to peak prior to removal of formalin, indicating as sodium salt or further oxidised to carbon dioxide
that the tissue may become fixed by formalin, and water. The half-life of formic acid is reported to
preventing further absorption through the mucosa be 90 min.13 Formic acid levels can accumulate in
despite continued exposure. Urine formic acid levels high concentrations as rapidly as 30 min after
also become elevated in these animals within 15 min, ingestion.33 Local gastrointestinal effects are due to
but the result was inclusive as kidney failure occurred the necrotic effect of formaldehyde on mucous
in some of the animals. The results of these experi- membranes. Early gastrointestinal damage from for-
ments have shown that instillation of 4% neutral maldehyde includes ulcers and perforations, whereas
buffered formalin for treatment of radiation-induced stricture formation is the most common late compli-
hemorrhagic proctitis using a series of aliquots for cation.33 Dysphagia occurring several weeks after
60-s intervals appears to be safe and preferable to ingestion is indicative of esophageal stricture. This
constant exposure over an extended time.20 A case of occurs in 6-20% of caustic ingestion and, contrary to
rectal formalin instillation is documented in medical prior opinion, is now believed to occur in exposure to
literature when a patient accidentally received a 100 both acidic and alkali solutions. Early satiety, weight
ml enema of 10% formalin. The patient experienced loss, and progressive emesis suggest an evolving
sharp abdominal pain and was misdiagnosed initially gastric outlet obstruction. Acute symptoms of dys-
as non-specific chronic colitis. The condition was phagia and hoarseness resolve without treatment.
recognised later, which resolved with treatment Fibrosis, which is induced by caustic ingestion,
within 2 months.3' continues, on the average, for up to 3 months. Thus,
The medical literature is replete with cases of it is not uncommon to see stricture occurring weeks to
ingestion of acids and alkali and the complication months after the ingestion of caustic substances.
thereof. Ingestion of formalin is rare because of its According to the experiments of all published cases,
strong irritating effect and alarming odour, but there the time frame of stricture onset from ingestion, in
are many reports where ingested formalin toxicity has cases of formaldehyde poisoning, appears to be 2-4
been documented because of accidental, suicidal or in weeks .33
homicidal attempts.' The pH of formalin (the soluble The formalin-induced corrosive damage of gastro-
form of formaldehyde) is neutral and thus cannot be intestinal tract depends upon the duration of contact
classified as either an acid or alkaline substance.32'33 between formalin and the gastrointestinal tract.
However, the corrosive effects of formaldehyde on Esophageal burns with formalin is rare because of
gastrointestinal tract are similar to that caused by the the rapid passage through esophagus."135 If present,
ingestion of both acid and alkali. Acids are believed to it may be probably due to ingestion of high
lead to a coagulation necrosis of the contacted area concentrations and large amounts and persistent
with formation of a protective eschar, limiting their vomiting, which exposes the esophagus to formalin
absorption.'4 Alkaline ingestion, however, can lead to repeatedly. The presence of methanol in formalin (as
liquefaction necrosis with intense inflammation and an added preservative to prevent polymerization of
saponification of mucous membrane, submucosa, and formalin), which causes pyloric spasm, may result
muscularis layer of area of contact.33 Ingestion of in remaining in contact with the gastric mucosa for a
formaldehyde may cause burning in the mouth and longer time leading to extensive lesion.35 Some
esophagus, nausea and vomiting of tissue and blood, patients also show corrosive lesions in the jejunum,
or coffee ground material, abdominal pain, and ileum and in colon because formalin passes into the
diarrhoea. Besides gastrointestinal effects, ingested lower part of gastrointestinal tract with time and
formaldehyde can also cause liver and kidney damage more surface area is available for contact but
leading to jaundice, albuminuria, hematuria and absorption is slowed down as time passes because
anuria, acidosis and convulsions or central nervous tissue becomes fixed.
system depression, and lead to unconsciousness and Methanol is added (5-12%) in formalin solution to
death resulting from cardiovascular failure. However, prevent polymerization.35 Thus, methanol toxicity
the occurrence and the severity of each adverse effect may be present with formalin.19 Methanol is metabo-
depend on the exposure dose, which is related to the lised in humans and monkeys by liver alcohol
chemical concentration, exposure frequency, expo- dehydrogenase in a rate-limiting step to formalde-
sure duration, average body weight and time period of hyde. Methanol toxicity is caused by its metabolite,
exposure.33 The fatal dose of formaldehyde in human formaldehyde, and formic acid.19 The oxidation of
is about 60-90 ml.34 methanol to formic acid leads to a buildup of reduced
Once absorbed into the bloodstream, formaldehyde NAD (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide), which
is converted to formic acid within 90 s, which can results in reduction of pyruvate to lactate.'7 The
rapidly necrose cells in the liver, kidneys, heart, and accumulation of formic and lactic acids causes
Toxicity of ingested formalin and its management
W CK Pandey et al
metabolic acidosis with an increase in anion gap two disturbances and kidney function also need close
to three times of normal.'5 monitoring.
Pharmacological gastric suppression can be the
initial treatment of caustic-induced stricture in an
Signs and symptoms of toxicity attempt to decrease pyloric inflammation and
prevent further scarring. Corticosteroid is no longer
Signs of formalin toxicity are unconsciousness and believed to be of great value in decreasing further
coma. Other signs of toxicity may be restlessness, stricture formation. Generally, the definitive treat-
drowsiness, extreme tachycardia, tachypnea and ment is surgical, which consists of the removal of
anuria.3 Metabolic acidosis, which develops in for- the damaged gastric areas. A temporary jejunostomy
malin toxicity, is probably due to high concentration often allows the patient to regain strength dimin-
of formic acid and hyperlactatemia secondary to ished secondary to malnutrition. Elective surgery,
circulatory shock.i13 Ingested formalin may cause consisting of gastroduodenostomy or gastrojejunost-
liver and kidney damage, leading to jaundice, albu- omy, can then be performed when the patient is
minuria, hematuria and anuria, acidosis and convul- more stable.33
sions or central nervous system depression and
Extreme tachycardia is a prominent feature of
cardiac failure.33 Early gastrointestinal damages due formalin toxicity." Circulatory collapse due to
to formalin are ulcers and perforations, whereas decreased cardiac output may also occur because
stricture formation is the most common late compli-
of severe metabolic acidosis. Vasopressors are
cation.33 ineffective and do not improve cardiac function
Endoscopy is the preferred method for determining and may even precipitate cardiac dysrhythmia,
the degree and extent of injury, but is difficult to irreversible hypotension and cardiac arrest.3 Cate-
perform in acute condition due to fear of perforation. cholamine, which is required to manage the circu-
The degree of corrosive burn can be graded endosco- latory shock, probably aggravates the problem by
pically from grades I to IV as follows: grade I injury - decreasing the renal blood flow by its direct action
superficial burn; grade IIA injury - hemorrhagic and secondarily by its inability to raise the blood
pressure and to perfuse the kidney in severe
eroding blisters, superficial ulcers, exudate; grade IIB acidosis. Treatment must be started at the appear-
injury - similar to grade IIA, but lesions are ance of the first sign of circulatory collapse.
circumferential; grade III injury - multiple deep, Hypotension should be treated with fluids, sodium
brownish, black or grey ulcers; and grade IV injury bicarbonate and vasopressors. Sodium bicarbonate is
perforation. Grades I and IIA usually resolve without essential not only for the effectiveness of the
sequelae, whereas grades IIB and III have a high vasopressor but also to prevent the penetration of
incidence of eventual stricture formation.33 undissociated form of formic acid into cerebrospinal
Another major complication of toxicity is acute fluid and in decreasing plasma formate level.3
renal failure because of acute tubular necrosis. Many Ethanol therapy also slows down methanol metabo-
case reports have been published where renal failure lism into formate.15'35
occurred, but it is not clear whether it is due to toxic Deteriorating vital signs are indicators for dialysis,
effects of altered plasma constituents secondary to but the literature does not contain adequate case
reaction with formaldehyde or due to severe circula- studies to guide the treatment. Hemodialysis is
tory shock.' usually performed to manage acute tubular necrosis
and to remove formalin metabolites, but it is not
required in all cases if the patients are maintaining
Treatment adequate urine output. However, the option of
hemodialysis should be kept in mind even in cases
There are no antidotes. So the treatment is supportive. with good urinary output where the responses to
Since formaldehyde is corrosive, dilution of stomach alkali treatment are incomplete or delayed because
contents with milk or water as a first aid measure is methanol, formic acid and formate are all dialysable
recommended. This may be followed by charcoal (1 substances.3 If the hypotensive shock is responding to
g/kg) or 1% ammonium carbonate and a mild saline alkali treatment, the patient can be successfully
catharsis. managed with forced diuresis also.
Ingestion of formaldehyde can cause a reduction in Skin, eyes and respiratory tract toxicity should be
body temperature. So adequate steps should be taken looked for and appropriately managed. If patient loses
to keep the patient warm. Vital signs and serial blood consciousness, airway and ventilation must be sup-
counts should be monitored. Signs of gastrointestinal ported. Ethanol, which has greater affinity for alcohol
hemorrhage are watched for. Electrolytes, acid base dehydrogenase, may be given as a component of
Toxicity of ingested formalin and its management
CK Pandey et al m
therapy to prevent methanol from adding to the formic multifactorial because of deleterious effects on all
acid load.Z1'27,35 systems of the body so multidisciplinary approach is
required for management.
Ingestion of formalin in significant amount usually
has fatal consequences. Cause of death may be

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