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I terms of communication I used both formal and informal communication.

frequently used Virtual and Face to face meetings with client’s management. These
assisted in building professional relationship with clients. Forms of writing such as
management representation letter and emails were frequently used. I improved a lot
with communication, I gained firm control over my communication skills always had
to show strong communication skills in discussing audit planning, audit procedures.
In quest to improve my IT skills I engaged in trainings that the firm offered also at my
own time I attended free courses on IT related subjects. Different Accounting
software helped me in organizing data and preparation of future forecasts always
made flow charts for the complete understanding of system notes. With the help of
IT, quality and reliability of my work increased and I always evaluated my work. My
seniors also provided feedback on my work which I fully understood and appraised
the recommendation provided. On instances where I was a group leader, I assigned
different tasks to my juniors and I made sure that I assisted them in resolving
problems that may have existed. To ensure good working ethics I always reacted
calmly towards any conflict within the team or with client and I made sure that all is
resolved in a cooperative way. Cooperation from client’s management and Seniors
helped me to complete work in a better and timely manner. Moreover, quality of work
performed was never at a compromised state. Different assignments helped me to
gain knowledge to the business operations of the client. As an audit team we would
discuss the entire deficiencies in the business system of the client, this in the end
helped client in improving their operations.

3: Strategy and innovation: Research and be familiar with your employer’s business,
the sector it operates within and the wider business environment.ClaimBListen to
and learn from colleagues and experts. Anticipate challenges, show openness and
contribute to new ideas and opportunities.ClaimCPlan, identify and monitor your
personal targets and standards of delivery so that they meet the wider departmental
and strategic objectives of your organisation.ClaimDThink systematically, critically
and innovatively when you’re solving business problems.ClaimEDevelop financial
acumen and sound business judgement. This will allow you to anticipate potential
business problems, recognise weaknesses and propose solutions

As it’s the nature of the audit firms to provide services to different sectors, I worked
with various institutions as an auditor. This organisations were both financial and
non-profit making organizations. Before going to the new client I always
discussed with my colleagues, manager and partners to know about the client.
That helped me to highlight the risky areas and helped me to generate new ideas in
case of planning and execution of the audit. I used online resources such as search
engines and the company’s internal documents to get a full picture and
understanding of business environment. As discussed during the kick off meeting
and I made sure that am remain sceptical and maintain professionalism in dealing
with risk and material areas. my seniors guided me well about certain issues which
were material. I made sure my documentation was clear and understandable. All
findings were properly checked and discussed with audit partners. The new ideas
and innovative techniques to solve business problems were appr eciated by my
seniors and on various occasions, those proved to be very fruitful for the business. In
order to assess the business market, I used guidelines on ISA 315. This meant that I
had to think critically and systematically in identifying risks and addressing them. I
ensured that all tasks assigned to me were performed and properly managed with a
reasonable time. Quality of work was never compromised which helped in bringing
credit to the employer’s reputation.

4 As an auditor I made sure that the reporting information which was needed was
reported in a presentable manner. Proper and up to date formats of reports were
used at all times. Reports relating to tax computations were given to management
well in time after every audit, that is so to allow them to submit tax returns and
comply within the stipulated tax period. Any other information of report, whether
financial statements of the company or audit reports, external regulations and
organizational requirements were fully complied with to aid the understanding of the
intended user. As an Auditor I reported on the code of corporate governance
application procedures, suggested proper ways for rectification. I ensured that during
the audit I remain sceptical and issues relating to cooperate governance were
highlighted and noted to management. At a time during one of the audits I came
across a situation where a retired board member was still a signatory of one of the
company’s bank accounts. This was a risk to the company as the former board
member could authorise transactions that were not business related. I therefore
suggested to management that the retired board member be removed as a
company’s signatory. I reviewed work performed by my Juniors and ensured that
work performed in accordance International Financial Reporting Standards and local
regulatory authorities. In all audit assignments, risk assessment and evaluation was
performed, this included control risk, business risk, control risk, fraud and error. The
identified risks were assessed for their impact on the financials of the company.
Where weaker controls were identified, extensive testing or full substantive testing
was taken as an alternative. When setting materiality, I ensured that it was set
according to the effectiveness of the internal controls system of the company. We
held frequent meetings with the management regarding the issues identified within
the company this in return helped to improve the governance structure of the
5 Working as an Audit Senior allowed me to assess and initiate things
independently, this did not in any way take away the spirit of team work that I believe
so much in. As a team leader I ensured that time was managed effectively during
the performance of audit work to meet business deadlines and professional
commitments. Where we encountered delays I made sure I engage the team and
made sure that as a team we agree on putting extra hours in order to achieve the
desired goals. As a team leader I ensured that all conflicts arising during the audit
either between team members or with client. Team members were convinced
logically about the most appropriate solution. They were also persuaded with proper
negotiations about the practical implications of the suggested solutions. As for
managing resources my skills improved, where I had limited resources I ensured that
resources are allocated to the most significant tasks. Before initiating any audit
engagement, I ensured that goals and objectives to be achieved were properly
explained to each member. And then tasks as allocated to different team member
are achieved, where there are difficulties i helped team members in resolving the
issues. I have always been actively involved in supervising the work of juniors. I
ensured that I review their work and give them constructive feedback. The juniors
were motivated and their suggestions were welcomed. I always believed in
continuous learning during my career. I ensured improvement on my communication
skills during meetings and email communication, I also made sure that I manage,
maintain client and improve customer relationship by getting feedback from client
during the engagement and after completion of the engagement.

In order to assess and improve business performance, customer relationship I used

management approach was used which helped in analyzing customer interaction
and data throughout the customer lifecycle, with the goal of improving business
relationships with customers, assisting in customer retention and driving sales
growth. In case of any conflict, the team members were convinced logically about the
most appropriate solution. They were persuaded with proper negotiations about the
practical implications of the suggested solutions.

7. As an in charge of an audit engagement I would at times prepare financial drafts based on

the information provided by client, during the audit I would accumulate all adjustments and
errors that needs to be processed and make sure they are processed with management
consent, where management do not agree with adjustments, uncorrected journals were
recorded. I would ensure that final audited financial statements are prepared, all disclosures
and subsequent events are updated in accordance with the reporting standard and
legislation. Where I was not in charge of preparing financials I would assist the team
members with the review of the financials to ensure all financial information and disclosure
have been fully disclosed. In review I ensured that information has been correctly classified
in terms of Income, expenses, Assets and liabilities. I made sure that the balance sheet is
not off balance due to misclassification of information. The audit firm I worked for used
caseware software in preparation of financial statements and I always ensured that the
correct version is used, which is up to date with standards, legislation and disclosures. We
always made sure to fully review other information accompanying the financial statements
such as annual reports where applicable and ensured that management make corrections
before the release of the information together with financial statements

18 During my every audit assignment, on behalf of auditors, it is made clear to the

client’s management which type of audit services would be provided and the extent
of the audit to be carried out. In addition to that, it is included in the engagement
letter that true and fair information will be provided to auditors on a timely basis. All
the ethical requirements are identified before starting the audit assignment. The
team members assigned for the audit are carefully chosen after ensuring that they
have no ethical threats to their independence and confidentiality. They fulfil ACCA’s
code of ethics including integrity, objectivity, professional competence and due care,
professional behaviour and independence. During every audit, I always used up to
date auditing standards in respective situations and all legal requirements were
fulfilled. After getting the knowledge of the client’s business, an audit plan is
designed in which audit procedures are decided to be performed in order to collect
sufficient appropriate evidence. Audit procedures are decided on levels of risk of the
business. After assessing the level of risk, materiality level is defined. If the level of
risk is high the level of testing will increase to minimize the inherent risk. The
organization’s internal control structure is assessed through a walk-through test. If
internal controls are weak, a greater test of controls will be performed. In case of
strong internal controls, I can rely more on analyticalprocedures. The plan of work is
amended according to the level of risks of the client’s business.

19 Before starting any audit assignment, we always decide which team members
will be conducting an audit of that particular client. The team was introduced to the
client’s management and a letter was written to the client’s management to acquire
specific documents needed for the audit. In one of my audit assignments, I was
working as an audit supervisor. I allocated different tasks to my junior team
members. At the time of allocation of tasks, there were strict instructions for
completing the work on the deadline provided. We always completed the allocated
work on time as delay in work had a bad impact on staff and its firm’s reputation. The
difficult tasks including work on receivables and payables were allocated to senior
team members whereas inventory count, a few easier substantive procedures
including ratio analysis and comparisons etc were allocated to junior members.
Proper instructions were given to the team members about the filling of working
papers and methods to write observations. All of the work was reviewed and signed
by me and my seniors as well. I checked the observations recorded by junior team
members on a sampling basis. The significant issues were identified on basis of
observations gathered. These significant issues were confirmed after evaluating the
audit evidence gathered against the issues. The audit evidence was checked for its
appropriateness, accuracy, reliability and sufficiency. Before forming an opinion,
identified risks were checked for their likelihood and impact on financial statements.
The financial statements were checked for material misstatements and pervasive
ones. Few other factors considered included insufficient appropriate evidence and
the scope limitation by management

20 To ensure the accuracy of audit evidence during my audit assignments, I always

crosscheckedthe audit evidence for its relevance, sufficiency and effectiveness with
the issue identified. Before expressing an opinion, any of the queries which were left
was first accounted for. The entire deficiencies were discussed with the management
so that they could rectify them. Sometimes there were conflicts with the management
on the issues identified which were resolved before the audit report. During the audit,
a list of those items about which it was appropriate to seek management
representations, were prepared. The client formally documented and signed, a
response and send it to the auditor. Mostly, representations were in the form of
letters or minutes of meetings where representations were made orally. For a better
understanding of users, proper presentations were prepared for the specified use of
the board of directors in the board meetings with the audit firm representatives. For
this purpose, bar charts, line charts etc were prepared which provided a clear cut
vision for the resolution impact of compliance in much lesser time. Moreover,
variance analysis was done for direct comparison of the performance of two years,
which helped in better decision making for potential investments. The audit reports
were prepared in accordance with the international standards. Most of the reports
prepared were unmodified, Emphasis of other matter paragraphwas included in
order to draw the user’s attention about something material. In case of material
misstatements but not pervasive, ‘except for’ modified audit report was issued.
Disclaimer of opinion was given where I was not able to obtain sufficient appropriate
audit evidence. In a case where sufficient appropriate evidence was available but the
matter was material and pervasive then it would conclude to be the type of ‘adverse
opinion’, which was very rare throughout my experience.

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