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Rubric for Speaking

Category/criteria Excellent (4) Very good (3) Good (2) Unacceptable (1)

Fluency Smooth speaking Smooth speaking Slow speaking Not fluent

pace, stressing words pace, with 2-3 pace, with some speaking pace,
and appropriate stress and stress and with more than 4
intonation. one intonation errors. intonation stress and
unnecessary pauses Few unnecessary errors. With intonation
pauses more than 3 errors.

Content The content is The content is to The content is The content is

complete and correct. some extent half-complete not complete
Supporting details are complete and and correct. and correct.
adequate enough and correct. Supporting Supporting Supporting
can fully support the details are enough details are details are
main ideas. for most of the missing for many missing for most
main ideas. ideas of the ideas.

Grammar and Diction Grammar and word Grammar and word Grammar and Grammar and
choice are considered choice are word choice are word choice are
very well while considered while not considered not considered
speaking with only speaking with only to some extent while speaking
one error. few errors. while speaking with only many
with only a few errors.

Organization Major and minor Major and minor Major and minor Major and minor
ideas are well ideas are to the ideas are to the ideas are not
connected with each more extent some extent connected with
other using connected with connected with each other there
appropriate signal each other using each other using is very few signal
words and main ideas signal words and signal words and words and main
are flowing to one main ideas are main ideas are ideas are not
another smoothly flowing to one flowing to one flowing to one
with only one-two another smoothly another another
errors. with few errors. smoothly with a smoothly.
few errors.

Gesturing Using appropriate and Using appropriate Using to some Using

natural gestures while and natural extent inappropriate
speaking. gestures while appropriate and and unnatural
speaking with few natural gestures. gestures.
unnatural motions
of hands.

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