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A blood clot is also called

a thrombus.
H.I, a 60-year-old male office worker was 3. Discuss the specific structure involved
admitted in the emergency room due to as to:
complaints of severe chest pain while at a. The structure / anatomy
work. The pain was relieved by taking  Coronary arteries – The coronary
nitroglycerin and thrombolytics. The patient arteries run along the coronary
also complained of easy fatigability and sulcus of the myocardium of the
inability to perform heavy tasks at home and heart. They start at the aortic root,
at work. 3 weeks ago, patient experienced which is the first part of your aorta
chest pain after doing moderate heavy that emerges from the left ventricle
chores while at home. This occurred 3 times of your heart.
and was relieved by rest. Patient also
 Myocardium – It makes up the
experienced shortness of breath when
middle and thickest layer of the
climbing stairs or walking long distances.
heart wall.
Patient has been taking maintenance
b. The function / physiology
medication for hypertension. The patient was
 Coronary arteries – The right and
diagnosed with myocardial ischemia
left coronary arteries supply blood
secondary to coronary artery disease.
to your heart. 
SAMPLE GUIDE QUESTIONS  Myocardium – It contracts and
releases involuntarily that is
1. What specific parts of the circulatory responsible for keeping the heart
system is affected in this case? pumping blood around the body.
 Myocardium – Myocardial ischemia
occurs when blood flow to myocardium
is obstructed by a partial or complete
blockage of a coronary artery by a
buildup of plaques.
 Arteries (blood vessel) – The arteries
carry oxygen and nutrients away from
your heart, to your body's tissues.
 Coronary arteries - provide the main
blood supply to the heart. The coronary
arteries also supply the myocardium
with oxygen to allow for the contraction
of the heart and thus causing 4. What are the risk factors / causes of the
circulation of the blood throughout the medical condition?
body. Factors that can increase your risk of
2. What are the normal functions of the developing myocardial ischemia include:
body system involved in this case?  Smoking and long-term exposure to
 Blood circulation – pumps blood from secondhand smoke can damage the
the heart to the lungs to get oxygen. inside walls of arteries. The damage
The heart then sends oxygenated blood can allow deposits of cholesterol and
through arteries to the rest of the body. other substances to collect and slow
 Blood clotting – Clotting is a normal blood flow in the coronary arteries.
function that stops your body from Smoking causes the coronary arteries
bleeding too much when you get hurt. to spasm and may also increase the
Normally, a blood clots start as a risk of blood clots.
response to injury of a blood vessel.  Diabetes and high blood pressure.
When a blood clot forms where it Over time, high blood pressure can
should not have developed, it is called accelerate atherosclerosis, resulting in
damage to the coronary arteries.
 High blood cholesterol level. and reliable measure of arterial
Cholesterol is a major part of the stiffness. The increased arterial
deposits that can narrow your coronary stiffness, whatever its underlying
arteries. causes, would reduce the
 Obesity is associated with diabetes, function of the arteries near the
high blood pressure and high blood heart and increase pulse wave
cholesterol levels. velocity, both of which increase
 Lack of physical activity. Not getting systolic and pulse pressure.
enough exercise contributes to obesity o
and is linked to higher cholesterol. 7. What are the approaches done by a
5. What are the ways to prevent these risk professional Medical Laboratory
factors/ causes? Scientist in this case?
 Avoid inhaling secondhand smoke to  Medical laboratory scientists perform
protect yourself, or quit smoking while mostly of the laboratory tests to identify
it’s still early to prevent future difficult and examine specific signs of
health conditions. hypertension that can eventually lead to
 Balance the food you consume and eat myocardial ischemia. Blood and urine
fiber-rich foods to promote weight loss tests are done to check for conditions
and lower the risk of diabetes such as: that can cause or worsen high blood
o Fruits, such as tomatoes, peppers pressure. For example, tests are done
and fruit from trees to check your cholesterol and blood
o Nonstarchy vegetables, such as sugar levels. You may also have lab
leafy greens, broccoli and tests to check your kidney, liver and
cauliflower thyroid function.
 Get and practice regular aerobic o Routine lab tests are
exercises to have better heart health, recommended before beginning
which is associated with a lower risk of treatment of high blood pressure to
myocardial ischemia and heart attack. determine organ or tissue damage
Exercise also reduces blood pressure. or other risk factors. These lab
6. What is the effect of aging in the body tests include urinalysis, blood cell
system involved? count, blood chemistry (potassium,
 Hypertension – High blood pressure is sodium, creatinine, fasting glucose,
a common condition that affects the total cholesterol and HDL
body's arteries. If you have high blood cholesterol), and an ECG
pressure, the force of the blood pushing (electrocardiogram).
against the artery walls is consistently o Electrocardiogram – a simple test
too high. The heart has to work harder that can be used to check your
to pump blood. heart's rhythm and electrical
o Aging is a continual and activity. Sensors attached to the
progressive process that results in skin are used to detect the
decreased physiologic function electrical signals produced by your
across all organ systems. heart each time it beats.
o Several studies indicated that the o A blood pressure test measures
incidence of arterial stiffness and the pressure in the arteries as the
hypertension is higher in the aged. heart pumps. A blood pressure test
o Cardiovascular aging is an may be done as a part of a routine
health checkup or as a screening
important factor that determines life
for high blood pressure
span. The wall of large arteries,
especially aorta, thicken and lose
8. As a future MLS, what advise/s will you
elasticity over time, and this
give to enhance and maintain the health
process results in an increase in
of the body system involved in the case?
pulse wave velocity, an important
 Alagaan niyo sarili niyo mga the heart can cause: Chest pain, also called
bwakanangshet saken niyo pa iaaasa angina.
problema niyo
Nitroglycerin – Used to prevent angina (chest
 Do not underestimate or ignore the
pain) caused by coronary artery disease. This
symptoms and signs your body is
medicine is also used to relieve an angina
experiencing. It is highly suggested to
attack that is already occurring. It works by
manage underlying health conditions to
relaxing the blood vessels and increasing the
prevent worst case scenarios. Treat
supply of blood and oxygen to the heart while
diseases or conditions that can
reducing its work load. It belongs to a class of
increase your risk of myocardial
drugs called vasodilators.
ischemia, such as diabetes, high blood
pressure and high blood cholesterol. Vasodilators – are medications that open
 Practice healthy techniques for (dilate) blood vessels. They affect the
managing stress, such as muscle muscles in the walls of the arteries and
relaxation and deep breathing, instead veins, preventing the muscles from
of endangering your health in smoking tightening and the walls from narrowing. As
and other life-threatening ways. a result, blood flows more easily through the
Thrombolytics – work by dissolving dangerous
Myocardial Ischemia (ischemia: to suppress clots in blood vessels. This helps restart blood
blood) – also called cardiac ischemia, reduces flow to the heart and helps prevent damage to
the heart muscle's ability to pump blood. the heart muscle.
Myocardial ischemia occurs when the blood
flow through one or more of your coronary Blood Clot – are gel-like collections of blood
arteries is decreased. The low blood flow that form in your veins or arteries when blood
decreases the amount of oxygen your heart changes from liquid to partially solid. Clotting is
muscle receives. Myocardial ischemia might normal, but clots can be dangerous when they
also cause serious abnormal heart rhythms. do not dissolve on their own.
Coronary artery disease – caused by plaque
buildup in the walls of the arteries that supply
blood to the heart (called coronary arteries) and
other parts of the body. Narrowed arteries can
cause chest pain because they can block blood
flow to your heart muscle and the rest of your
Plaque – made up of deposits of cholesterol
and other substances in the artery. Plaque
buildup causes the inside of the arteries to
narrow over time, which can partially or totally
block the blood flow. This process is called
atherosclerosis. When plaque that forms in
your narrow coronary artery breaks apart, it can
attract a blood clot. When a blood clot settles
in a coronary artery that’s already narrow, it
can cause a blockage (thrombosis).
Hypertension – High blood pressure can
damage your arteries by making them less
elastic, which decreases the flow of blood and
oxygen to your heart and leads to heart
disease. In addition, decreased blood flow to

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