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Q1. Explain Google Adwords.

Ans: Google AdWords is an online advertising service, by Google, to help marketers

reach their customers instantly. Businesses use this service to display ads on
Google and its advertising network. It is the most famous Pay-Per-Click advertising
system in the world. Adwords allow businesses to set a budget for ads and the
payments happen when people click on the ads. Google Adwords service focuses on

Q2. Explain Google AdWords Remarketing.

Ans: Google AdWords Remarketing is referred to a targeted marketing strategy that

assists the marketers to reach out to people who visited their site previously but did
not complete the purchase. Remarketing helps target the right people at the right
time with the right ad. It helps increase conversion rates as the past site visitors may
already be familiar with your brand and turn into prospective customers easily.

Q3. What is the limit for the characters in Adwords Ads?

Ans: The headlines and sub-headlines should not be more than 30 characters and
the descriptions should be within 90 characters.

Q4. Name some of the Google AdWords ad extensions?


 Call extensions
 Callout Extension
 Promote extension
 Structured snippet extension
 Sitelink extension
 Affiliate location extension
 App extension

Q5. What can be the ideal approach for effective PPC campaigns?


 Add more PPC keywords to expand the reach

 Split ads into smaller segments to have a better Click Through Rate (CTR)
 Review non-performing PPC keywords
 Refine landing pages to align with search queries
 Improve campaign relevancy by adding negative keywords

Q6. What can you do to improve your conversion rates?

Ans: Increased conversion rates can be achieved by testing different website

elements, especially on a landing page. Also, you can experiment with functionality,
layout, and style on landing pages.
Q7. Explain a responsive web design?

Ans: Responsive web design makes web pages perform well on different devices
like desktop, mobile, and tablet. It ensures that the user has a great viewing
experience no matter what device they use to access your website. The practice of a
responsive design consists of a mix of flexible layouts, images, grids, and the use of
CSS media queries.

Q8. What is the difference between direct marketing and branding?

Ans: In the case of branding, the advertiser has to expose his brand to websites
and applications that have a higher audience reach. The most known methods are
YouTube ads, display target ads, custom ads, and remarketing.

In the case of direct marketing, the advertiser is interested mostly in establishing

communication with his target audience through different mediums like emails, mails,
pamphlets, catalogs, flyers, etc.

The basic difference between them is that branding is done to build awareness,
whereas direct marketing help companies to reach out to their customers directly.

Q9. What are the limitations of Online Marketing?

Ans: Intense Competition: Since online marketing is easily accessible and cost-

effective, it has become a preferred method for most of the brands. Therefore, it is
an uphill task to get noticed amongst such intense competition.

It can get overwhelming: There is so much information and data and an onslaught

of tools that it’s easy to get overwhelmed and get confused. It takes a lot of practice
and experience to get your head around all of it.

Analytics is only as good its user: There is analytics for everything but you can’t
do anything with plain data unless you know how to read and make use of it. It can
become misleading sometimes and you can get stuck in chasing vain metrics and
burning cash at the wrong places.

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