Ferris Wheel Investigation

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M5 - Ferris Wheel Investigation

In this investigation we are going to look at models for how the cabins move
around a Ferris Wheel.

Section A (London Eye)

On the London Eye Ferris Wheel, riders enter the cabins

at the bottom, which is at a height of 15 metres above the
ground. The cabins reach a height of 135 metres, and it
takes 30 minutes to complete a full revolution.

Jonathan suggests this model for the height, h metres, of a

cabin t minutes after the riders enter it.

I can confirm that the model is valid. By looking at the graph, the highest point is
135 meters and the lowest point is 15 meters from the ground, so the graph can
be compared to a given real-world information. The module is precise since both
the most elevated and least point of the graph matches the data given.

By observing the graph, after 22.5 and 7.5 minutes, the Ferris wheel has come to
a height of 75 m from the ground for both. This height make’s sense in a real life
circumstance. The Ferris wheel obviously turns around in minute 7.5 the Ferris
wheel it's on is way up and at minute 22.5, by the time passed, the wheel must be
on it's way down. They will both be at the same point, however, on opposite

22.5 min 30 min

------------- ------------
75 m 100 m

75 x 30 / 22.5 = 100

After doing my calculations, I can say that every time 30 minutes has passed a
cabin will be 100 meters away. My answer makes sense because when 22.5
minutes have passed the cabin is 75 metres from the ground. It is logical that
after 30 minutes a cabin will be 100 metres away from the ground. So from 30
minutes onwards cabins would be at 100 meters or higher.

A Ferris wheel spins around, I have previously calculated the time it takes to
reach 75 and 100 metres but as a general rule a Ferris wheel stops for a certain
amount of time each time it reaches the starting point, for the passengers to get
in and out of the cabins. However the height of the cabins will always be the
same amount of meters from the ground.

Section B (Star of Nanchang)

On the Star of Nanchang Ferris Wheel, riders enter the cabins

at the bottom, which is at a height of 10 metres above the
ground. When at the top, the cabins are at a height of 160
metres, and it takes 35 minutes to complete a full revolution.
The numbers chosen in the model are related to the information about the ferris.
85 meters is the centre of the complete revolution, the point between 10 meters
and 160 meters. 75meters is the entirety it takes to get a result from the most
elevated cabin to the center point, and the lowest cabin to the centre. 35 minutes
is the time taken for a full revolution to end. In connection to the information
and graph,, if you subtract 85 meters from 75 meters, (85-75=10) you get 10
which is the lowest the cabins can get. If you include 85 and 75 together, it gives
you the most elevated point of the revolution 160 (75+85 = 160).

The numbers chosen make sense because (75 + 85 = 160) and (85-75 = 10) and
by reading the initial information I know that by the minute 35 a full revolution
is finished.

Section C (New Ferris Wheel)

Jonathan is designing a new Ferris Wheel, and the details have not been decided
yet. Riders will enter the cabins at the bottom at a height of a metres, and the
height at the top will be b metres. It will take c minutes to complete a full

h= A-B cos (2π/ 30 t)

height= 160m (A)

time(full revolution) = 30min (C)
height(cabins at their lowest point)= 10m(B)
In order to enjoy the view at the site of the new Ferris Wheel, Jonathan requires
that the cabins are above a height of 100 metres for approximately 15 minutes.

ex. 1:

The height point of this example is 95 meters and the lowest point of a cabin
which is where the people would go inside if it is 5 meters away from the ground.
A full revolution of this Ferris wheel takes 20 minutes. The time may not be ideal
to look at the views since the ferris wheel would go too fast. The highest point is
also not very good since there is not enough altitude to have a look at the views.
However this Ferris wheel can be considered as being safe in terms of altitude
since the starting point is only 5 meters away from the ground and the highest
point is very high. Contrasting the safeness of the height, the time to take a full
revolution goes too fast which makes it less safe since people have to get up and
down very quickly. Another good thing is that the structure of this Ferris wheel
is going to be good since it is not going to be hard to build it because the highest
point is not that far away from the ground.


For example 2, the highest point a cabin can reach is 105 and the lowest one is 15
meters. The time for a full revolution to occur is 65 min, this is a long time and
the people inside may get bored and impatient. In terms of the heights, 105
meters is better than 95 as in example 1, meaning that you have better vows in
this Ferris wheel. The bottom height is also pretty good since it is not too high
and can be considered as being safe.

Ex. 3:

In this last example, the highest point is 200 meters away from the ground and
the lowest one is 15 meters, same as example 2. AS said in example 2 15 meters
is a good measurement that makes sense in a real life circumstance and it would
be safe for the people. 200 meters is the highest a cabin can get in this new Ferris
wheel. With this measure the people inside the cabins will get to have a good
view from the top,plus the time for a full revolution to happen is not too slow or
too fast, with this time people will have the time to admire the vows of a city
from the top. The Only problem with this Ferris wheel is the construction since it
can be very hard to get to the 200 meters when doing the construction.

The most appropriate model to actually build, taking into account the rider
experience, safety or issues related to construction, compared to the other
examples, example 3 would be the most appropriate since the highest point of
the Ferris wheel is quite decent as it is high enough to have a good base structure
and a good construction to make it safe, on top of that having the option to have
good views from the top. Example 3 also has the right amount of time for the
wheel not to go too fast, taking away the good views and the health of the people
as in example 1, or as in example 2 that the time is too long and people could get

Extension (Changing the Starting Position)

Returning to The London Eye, it turns out that the riders actually get on at a
point that is 25 metres above the ground. The cabins then drop down to their
lowest point of 15 metres before rising up to 135 metres. As before, it takes 30
minutes to complete a full revolution.

h = 75 − 60 cos ( 2π
30 t + d)

The additional parameter entered, ‘d’ is used so the wheel can move either right
or left. As ‘d’ increases the wheel would move to the left nd as it decreases it’s
going to move to the right.
To obtain the highest level for each of the following criteria you will need to do the following:

Descriptors Indicators


Criterion D 1–2 The student is able to: - Relate​ at least one real-life property to
- identify some of the elements of the the model of the London Eye.
Apply Maths real-life situation - Attempt to ​solve​ the two numerical
in Everyday - apply mathematical strategies to find a problems for the London Eye
Life solution with limited success.

3–4 The student is able to: - Relate ​both real-world spatial and
- identfy the relevant elements of the temporal properties to a model.
real-life situation - Create​ a model for the Star of Nanchang
- select, with some success, adequate Ferris Wheel.
mathematical strategies to create a model - Solve​ the two numerical problems in the
of the situation. London Eye.
- apply mathematical strategies to reach a - Discuss ​whether they make sense.
- discuss whether the solution makes sense.

5–6 The student is able to: - Create​ a model for the New Ferris
- select adequate mathematical strategies to Wheel, involving the parameters.
model the situation. - Find​ values of the parameters that meet
- apply the selected mathematical strategies the viewing requirement.
to reach a valid solution.. - Discuss ​the modelling assumptions for
- explain the degree of accuracy. the London Eye.
- explain whether the solution makes sense.

7-8 The student is able to: - Show ​a firm understanding of the

- all the above real-world considerations in selecting
- justify the degree of accuracy. appropriate values of the parameters for
- justify whether the solution makes sense. the New Ferris Wheel.
- Have some success​ with the Extension

To what level do you What did you think you did well? In what ways do you think you could have done better?
think you achieved?

Level awarded by teacher. Comments:

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