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Assessment in Music Grade 8-Q1

Fill up/answer and turn in

Name:___________________________ Section:_________ Date:_________________

Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write it on the space provided before
each number.
______ 1. Any musical instrument that produces sound primarily by causing a body of air
To vibrate.
a. aerophone c. chordophone
c. idiophone d. membranophone
______ 2. Any musical instrument that makes sound by way of a vibrating string or strings
Stretched between two points.
a. aerophone c. chordophone
c. idiophone d. membranophone
______ 3. Any musical instrument which produces sound primarily by way of a vibrating
stretched membrane.
a. aerophone c. chordophone
c. idiophone d. membranophone
______ 4. Any musical instrument which creates sound primarily by way of the instrument
vibrating by itself.
a. kulintang c. idiophone
c. idiophone d. membranophone
______ ancient instrumental form of music composed on a row of small, horizontally-
laid gongs that function melodically, accompanied by larger, suspended
gongs and drum.
a. aerophone c. chordophone
c. kulintang d. idiophone
______ 6. It consists of up to 40 instruments
a. mahori c. kertok
b.gamelan d. Loi Loi Krathong
______ 7. A form of martial art that is similar to t’ai chi
a.silat melayu c. kertok
b.dikir barat d.kulintang

______ 8. This type of musical ensemble is similar to the kulintang of the Philippines
a.silat melayu c. agung and kulintang
b.dikir barat d.kulintang
______ 9. Gongs can be classified as to what classification of instrument?
a. chordophone c.aerophone
b. membranophone d. idiophone
______ 10. Oneat is a xylophone type of instrument from Cambodia. What classification of
Instrument is “Oneat”?
a.idiophone c. aerophone
b.memranophone d. chordophone
______ 11. A folk song from Thailand
a. Rasa Sayang c. Chan Mali Cahan
b.Burung Kakatua d. Loi Loi Krathong
______ 12. A Singaporean Folk Song
a. Loi Loi Krathong c. Chan Mali Cahan
b.Burung Kakatua d. Rasa Sayang
______ 13. The degree of highness and lowness of a tone
a. pitch c. dynamics
b. timbre d. tempo
______ 14. The pattern of durations of notes and silences in music and the element of TIME
In music.
a. tempo c. duration
b. rhythm d.meter
_____15. The loudness and softness of a sound
a. tempo c. rhythm
b. dynamics d. texture
______ 16. It consists of up to 40 instruments
a. mahori c. kertok
b.gamelan d. Loi Loi Krathong
______ 17. The speed or pace of a given piece of music
a.tempo c. texture
b.meter d.timbre
______ 18. This type of musical ensemble is similar to the kulintang of the Philippines
a.silat melayu c. agung and kulintang
b.dikir barat d.kulintang
______ 19. Gongs can be classified as to what classification of instrument?
a. chordophone c.aerophone
b. membranophone d. idiophone
______ 20. The structure of a musical composition
a.tempo c. structure
b.form d. texture

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