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“All things are ready if our mind be so.” - William Shakespeare, ‘Henry V’.

Especially when we are newcomers to a pristine environment, we need to gather

important knowledge and create a strategy to study and work efficiently. As a new
student at University of Social Science and Humanities (USSH) - Vietnam National
University (VNU) and the Faculty of English Linguistic and Literature (EF), I enrolled in
a course called Major Orientation taught by Mr. Bao to learn more about my university -
USSH and the faculty. Moreover, I was also introduced to some necessary study skills
and how to make plans for my study for the upcoming four years in higher education.
This course is practical, beneficial and went beyond my expectations.

The course was held in three days. On the first day, Mr. Bao gave us a brief introduction
of the faculty. I learned about EF’s five core values, which are Excellence – Flexibility –
Aspiration – Integrity – Responsibility (EFAIR). An interesting fact that I learned about
was that EFAIR is also the name of an EF’s festival day. The visions, the philosophy and
the missions are further EF-related topics. All of those have the same goal is to help
students become the better versions of themselves via education. In addition, I got to
know about the EF program, EF staff and EF organization structure, which helped me to
understand how it is organized and operates. The faculty also has such fascinating and
beneficial events, some of them are ICELT, EFAIR, student affairs, teacher research, and
student research. I can take part in these activities to gain knowledge and experience. Mr.
Bao also mentioned that the study programs comprise compulsory and elective courses.
There are three specializations that I have to choose in the third year, which are English
Linguistics and Language Teaching, American-British Culture and Literature, and
English Translation and Interpreting.

In the second session of the course, I learned how to make a study plan for the next four
years at university efficiently and productively. I was also introduced to one of the most
significant factors for my academics and daily life: soft skills. No one can deny the
importance of soft skills in all aspects of our lives. Because of this, I paid close attention
and focused on everything the instructor presented. There are several vital skills that I
may use in my study and everyday life, such as critical thinking skill, time management
skill, presentation and communication skill. The one that held my interest the most was
critical thinking skill since I didn’t know much of it.

On the last day, I attended an Opening Ceremony at Van Khoa Hall, Dinh Tien Hoang
Campus. The EF's Youth Union and staff planned this year's Opening Ceremony, which
had the theme BEYO[U]ND, a combination of Beyond and Be You. Members of the
faculty's singing and dancing clubs were also present, and they gave the audience such
superb performances. After the ceremony, we took a University Tour as a part of the
course. I got to know the offices and their function to get help at the right place.

The three-day course exceeded my expectations. The instructor did an excellent job of
conveying knowledge. He presented it clearly and appealingly. In addition, games and
group activities were also input into the lecture so that I could learn not only from the
instructor but also peers. The course helped me realize the importance of preparation for
a new learning environment. First, I need to improve my soft skills by trying to talk more,
learning to express myself effectively, and developing self-assurance in public. I need to
be responsible, try to share my thoughts, and show respect for other people's viewpoints.
Second, maintaining good physical and mental health is important to accomplishing our

To sum up, I learned many new things after the course. A course like this is ideal and
crucial for new students. Additionally, after the course, I feel more confident to explore
my strengths and develop them. I also recognized my weaknesses, and willingly improve
them in the future. I have had all the priceless experiences.

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