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Victory is a feeling of great achievement and success. It is a satisfying feeling of

accomplishment that makes you happy and excited. It gives you an advantage compared to
others. However, A victory of a certain person may be questioned by another. This is because
victory can mean many things depending on a person’s personal perspective. Some feel
victorious after winning a sports event or after graduating school with flying colors but for some,
this is not enough. This is still not victory. It may not be the same for everyone but as long as it
gives a person joy and contentment, then it is already victory for them. This also means, that
being victorious in one aspect makes you successful in everything. As what they say, “you may
have won the battle but lost the war.”

Victorious is not as easy as it sounds. It requires great sacrifice and hard work. We need
to reduce our comforts and work with greater determination to attain victory in our life. It is
always said, that in order to gain something, sometimes we lose something. The desire for
victory becomes more interesting when it starts giving challenges to us. Before we experience
being no.1 in the company, standing on a platform as a champion, having a blooming business,
or winning and achieving certain goals, we go through a long process first. Later, when we
achieve all of these things we struggled with, now starts to be fruitful because being victorious is
a very beautiful experience in life.

Being truly victorious mean making not only yourself but also the people around you
proud and happy. It is not victory if you achieved something through unacceptable ways or
practices. If you, do it in order to belittle other people, then it is not real victory. Victory should
be achieved because of clean motivations and not to hurt other people. It is also not victory if
you are not contented and is jealous of the success and victory of other people. If you believe
you are victorious, then you should not compare yourself with other people. You should be able
to believe in your own skills and capabilities as a person.

In relation to the past paragraphs, being victorious can also be the cause to many things,
both positive and negative. It may teach you to improve yourself more in order to have good
results also in the future or it humbles you as it makes you realize how hard is it to be in your
position now but in the contrary, it can also cause the pried of a person to go stronger and would
not care about other people’s feelings and worries and would do anything as long as he/she stays
on top. You would also start looking down on people who are just starting as you look at
yourself as someone that is perfect in which no one can win over.

In conclusion, victory may be associated with many things but this should only change
you for the better. Use your victory to inspire others to be like you and not to influence other
people especially the youth to use their victory to be a burden to other people. Let us use our
victories to help people be the best versions of their self as well.

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