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Bouaziz Rabiaa Secondary School Duration : 55 Minutes

Level: 1AS Sequence 3: Developing Skills (2)

Unit 1: Intercultural Exchange (Getting Through) Teacher:

Book: At The Crossroads Tools: Coursebook.

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

 Interpret and differentiate between texts.

 Deduce meanings of words from context.
 Produce letters of invitation and apology according to a given model.

Timing Procedure Interaction Intermediate Objective

Warm up:
1/-Teacher greets his learners.
5" T / LS To prepare the learners
2/- Teacher asks the students about last session's lesson for the lesson
and corrects the previous homework.

Developing Skills P.26

1.Read texts 1, 2, 3 and 4 on page 15. Then write the

to interpret and to
number of the text in the table below to identify what LS / T differentiate between
type of message each of them is: texts (goodwill
letters/notes) according
10" to register and type of

2.Read again text 1 on page 15 and answer these


“House Warming” means the celebration of having a new To enable learners to

house deduce meanings of
10" It is on Saturday 12th November 2004. LS / T
words from context and
It is from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. to read for specific
“R.S.V.P.” means Répondez (se) S’il Vous plait. information
3. Read texts 5, 6 and 7 on page 15 and identify the type
of message each of them is. Write the appropriate text
number in the table below:

LS / T
To enable learners to
deduce meanings of words
from context and to read for
specific information

10" LS / LS
4. Pair Work : Take turns to write invitations. To write letters of
invitation and thank you
Exchange your invitations and write thank you notes.
notes according to a given
Use texts 1,2,3 and 4 (Page 27) as examples. model

LS / T
5. Imagine you made a mistake. Write a letter of To write letters of apology
apology to whom it may concern. Use letters 5 and 6 according to a given model
(Page 27) as models.

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