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Group members:
Laiba naimat

Nayab Sultana

Qurat Ul Ain
Table of contents:
1) Ways to attract adverse job applicants.
2) Publicizing the right way.

Discuss opportunities to identify and attract a diverse job applicant pool
for an organization. List of ideas of where a company could publicize job
openings in order to target more diverse applicants.

Many companies want to employ a culturally diverse workforce but don’t know
how to do it. Finding and recruiting talent from underrepresented groups begins
with a well-planned, intentional hiring strategy. Diversity is very important it
results in higher levels of productivity, innovation, and performance, boosting the
bottom line of your business it gives you access to a wider talent pool.
Here are some ways an organization can hire adverse workforce.

Ways to attract adverse job applicants:

1) Understand the broadness of diversity:
Diversity doesn’t start and stop with gender and race, which are usually the most
discussed categories within the recruitment and HR space. There are many types
of diversity and if you want to build a truly diverse candidate pool, you need to
think beyond the obvious categories.Broaden your search terms and think age,
disability, neurodiversity, for starters, ethnicity, gender, religious beliefs,

2) Fair interview process: Make sure you are treating all candidates fairly
by interviewing everyone the same way. Behavioural interviews are a great
way to dig deeper while having a standard process in place. And remember,
if you use assessments, every candidate you interview should take the
same one.
3) Promote diverse leadership and professional development
opportunities: Make sure that everyone knows about the initiatives your
company has to promote diversity with career growth and training. Include
this in your job advertisements and on your company marketing
communications.When they can see leadership from adverse background
they will see their opportunity to work in comfortable environment and
treated fairly.
4) Adjust corporate policies and make that known in the interview
or job description: Look over your policies as a company to see if any
could be changed or made more flexible. For example, some companies
offer floating holidays to help workers take the time they need for their
religious or cultural observances when they need it.
5) Screen candidates for skills and not for other identifying
characteristics: When you start combing through resumes and
applications from candidates, mask certain identifying elements such as
their name, birthdate, where they graduated from, and more in case there
is someone in interviewers who is biased. Focus on candidate skill sets and
job-relevant information.
6) Offer targeted internships and scholarships:
Create and offer internships and scholarships to people from underrepresented
groups. Contact minority organization on colleges and ask for their help in
promoting your internships and scholarships among their members.This initiative
will impress other people and they’ll love to join your diversity friendly

7) Teach your recruiters how to avoid biases:

Train your recruiters to be more sensitive on diversity issues. Organize diversity
training where your recruiters will learn how to avoid bias in recruitment.

8) Training of employees:
Workshops and seminars for training employees to treat each other fairly.People
from different backgrounds may have some problems with each other such as
stereotyping, racism. A friendly environment will make sure employees from
diverse background stay and do their best to achieve organizational goals.

9) Create a diversity and inclusion policy:

Having a diversity and inclusion policy helps companies set up appropriate
recommendations, guidelines, and expectations to attract a broad array of talent,
and build a more effective and collaborative workforce.Policies that support equal
opportunity, like pay equity, are internal systems of accountability that can
improve performance and help attract stronger candidates of all backgrounds.

Publicizing the right way:

Publicizing your amazing qualities of organization is very important you may have
an amazing opportunities for employees from different backgrounds but if it’s not
advertised properly you won’t find talented employees from different

1) Highlight diversity on your career site:

Highlight your company’s commitment to diversity on your career site by listing it
as one of your company’s top values. Make sure you include photos and quotes of
your diverse employees as well. It’s the era of internet there’s a greater chance
for people to see your diversity friendly advertisment on site and apply .
2) Advertise your jobs through diverse channels:
Make an effort to reach diverse candidates by placing your job ads in additional
magazines, websites and forums visited by underrepresented groups or dedicated
to minorities.

3) Rightly written advertisements:

It’s common to see horribly written job postings that imply a certain type of
candidate is preferred over another. Carefully evaluate your job postings for any
unconscious bias and edit if you find any language that might deter applicants.
Using all these strategies an organization can have adverse workforce which is
helpful for organization and employees as well they get to know about different
countries, cultures, difference people and it gives them new experiences.

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