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Running head: MOTIVATION 1





Table of Contents

What does Motivation Mean?..........................................................................................................2

The various factors which motivate employees to work.................................................................3



Work environment.......................................................................................................................4

Positive factors.................................................................................................................................4

Negative factors...............................................................................................................................5

Coping with negative factors...........................................................................................................5



Over the course of their lifetimes, people spend an average of 90,000 hours at work. The
"why" question—the reason because of which someone is functioning on a job, why an
assignment counts to a job, why a job contributes to an organization—is the most fundamental
explanation of goal (Rheinberg & Engeser, 2018). The result is a sense that the task, the job, and
the organisation are important. Having a feeling of purpose at work might help us feel as if our
work is important, but that's only the beginning. Meaningful employment provides workers with
a feeling of purpose, which leads to higher levels of involvement.

What does Motivation Mean?

The practice of initiations, guidance, and maintenance of target actions is defined as
motivation. This is the reason behind an individual taking an action ranging from as little to drinking
coffee from a glass and being able quenching appetite or even so reading a new book to educate
yourself about something new (Akhmetshin et al., 2018). The natural, behavioral, interpersonal, and
intellectual variables that push behavior are all included within the term of motivation. The term
"motivation" is widely incorporated in ordinary terms to express the reason behind an individual
performing a task. It is the engine that helps in operations of human behavior.

Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs concept is within the popular model of needs.
Motivation, for Maslow, is driven from an individual's endeavor to meet 5 desires: physiological,
safety, social, esteem, and self-actualization. These characteristics, as per Maslow, can lead to
compressive pressures that influences a person’s act (Alsawaier, 2018).

Physiological demands are inclusive of terms like air, dietary needs, hydration, shelter,
items to wear, and relaxation, all of which are critical to life. Lussier (2019) mentions that as a
supervisor, one may accommodate the workers' physiological needs by offering healthy work
environment, good work times, and appropriate pauses to use bathroom, dine, and/or hydrate.

Safety needs inclusive of those that give an individual a hint of protection and good life.
Private protection, protection of finance, maintained health and safeguard from harm along with
their harmful effects, all are a part of safety needs. As a supervisor, one must account for them
through safe environment at work, permanent salary and security of their jobs precisely in a
disruptive market.

Social needs include affection and a sense of belonging that regards to being accepted.
Humans have a constant characteristic of social needs for them to eliminate the feeling of
loneliness, depress, and upset. Relationships, relatives, and connection all influence the
requirement of social needs (Maslow, 2019). Like a management, one may counter their
employees needs of socializing by enabling the authority of every employee knowing one
another, allowing collaborative cooperation, resonating as being there most of the times and
being a helpful supervisory, and supporting a positive workplace harmony.

The five basic human needs

Once it comes to personal esteem and trust criteria, self-respect is far more important
than earning love and gratitude from everyone else (Toshniwal & Narendran, 2020). Like a
management, one could address your employees' esteem needs via rewarding them with
achievement and rewards when their performance is at an optimum level, along with
promotions and more duties to indicate their belief that they are a worthwhile member.

Self-actualization wants relate to the attempt to attain person's maximum potential. Effort
to reach ones personal complete capacity is a highly private affair. (Alsawaier, 2018). Although
Somebody might have a sense of obligation to be a responsible father, someone else might have
a sense of obligation to keep a high position within ones organisation. Because this is a one-of-a-
kind criteria, someone might satisfy it as a supervisor by specifying difficult tasks, including
workers in the recruitment process, and providing them with employment flexibility and

There are also two additional sorts of encouragement that assist people in their daily
activities. Intrinsic motivation occurs when you accept a job since it is actually rewarding to
oneself. Extrinsic motivation refers to doing something or acting in a specific manner for
motives other than self-interest, such as avoiding punishment or gaining something (Lussier,
2019). The major distinction among intrinsic and extrinsic motivation is that the first motivation
builds from within, but extrinsic drive begins from without. Though both sorts of incentive are
essential, there results are different on how individuals function.

The various factors which motivate employees to work

Every worker feels motivated to perform their best in distinct ways and these factors
need to be understood in depth by each business owner for effective management and growth
of a business completely supported by their employees.


When a professional is satisfied with his or her pay, they are more appropriate to reach
to one’s complete capability. A high-paid staff is driven to perform a fantastic job since they
wish to please their high authority to retain the respective position. The pay provides
individuals with a sense of stability, allowing them to believe they are successful, while giving
them a high status that is valuable in society. If a guy believes his monetary benefits are a
worthwhile trade, he is far more inclined to be efficient and put in more hours  at work
(Toshniwal & Narendran, 2020).


Furthermore it is seen as a reward for the effort previously put in motivating them to
additionally work efficiently being appreciated for their good work. Promotions may
encourage individuals by presenting them with the possibility to earn more money. This is a
characteristic that resonates to the foundation of a lifestyle profession. Rheinberg and Engeser
(2018) noted that it comprises not just the higher pay that employees receive as a result of
advancements, but in addition to perks like paid vacation, increased finance allowance,

business equipment, and medical coverage. All of these types of pay lead to a leisure lifestyle,
making promotions desirable incentive objectives for a diverse group of employees.

Work environment

Positive work environments make workers thrive as their surrounding areas motivate
them to be more efficient, this is inclusive of physical and non-physical factors. A comfort
zone in the work environment demonstrates encouragement for creativity and employee
collaborations that drives production and increases motivation levels (Akhmetshin et al., 2018).
A healthy business place promotes communication and this has a positive impact on the
mindfulness of an employee giving them an environment to succeed in.

Positive factors

Working is an essential component to gain finance that in the modern world is one of
the most important components defining the standard of living and status of a person. In order
to meet the materialistic desires and a conscionable status in the society, one must work
placing them in a psychologically stable place where the society respects and admires them.
Employment also helps refine the contextual knowledge one receives in the duration of their
education by implementing it in the realistic world. Such an idea offers a chance for personal
growth while also employing their education (Maslow, 2019). Further, by having this
knowledge of the realistic implementation of theories and knowing how to conduct this, would
out an individual in a professionally advanced place. Being well-educated and resourceful
makes one admirable that in turn increases self-confidence. In addition, an employment can
help a person gain a structure of identity, society and a purpose of existence by being

Negative factors

Employment adds a vital amount of pressure that negatively impacts a person’s mental
health. Such increased pressures require a person to work on their optimal level that further
adds to the stress not only consequently being harmful to oneself but also the company.
Moreover, individuals often find it difficult to cope up with work life balance making them

lose their resourcefulness. People often under the pressure of gaining a respectful and high-
paying job, ignore their passions that in the long-run takes away pleasure from their work
(Lussier, 2019). Additionally, such fast pace lives and jobs leave out little to no time for
exploration of other interests missing out on a life of education on knowledge that could have
been gained but was lost in competition with the society’s expectations and financial burdens.
This constant stress can however, be mitigated through small vacations but nevertheless,
cannot be eradicated. Further, monotonous work life that is performing similar tasks from day
to day can be boring and exhausting.

Coping with negative factors

Initially the employers could recognize the employees who are unhappy or under extreme
stress through their comparative decrease in productivity along with noticeable difference in
behaviors (Rheinberg & Engeser, 2018). The employers can create workplace environments that
motivate employees to thrive by democratic leadership styles while helping them keep a work
life balance enabling them to have enough spare time for relaxation and exploration. Moreover,
job rotations can help in keeping their jobs interesting while allowing them to educate
themselves in different areas. Further, adding an exercise routine or gym in the work place can
help reduce employees stress levels negating the negative impacts on their mental health hence
making them productive. Lastly, routine HR consulting session could help employees talk about
the problems and workplace challenges that they are facing that can be then countered

In conclusion, employees that are considered to be motivated would contribute to a
boost in company’s production, would be inclined towards participation and would help
generate increased revenues, among other things (Alsawaier, 2018). It's critical not to take
enthusiastic personnel for granted and to maintain to develop them so that they feel
valued and inspired to produce their excellent work for the company.

Akhmetshin, E. M., Morozov, I., Pavlyuk, A. V., Yumashev, A., Yumasheva, N., & Gubarkov,
S. (2018). Motivation of personnel in an innovative business climate.

Alsawaier, R. S. (2018). The effect of gamification on motivation and engagement. The

International Journal of Information and Learning Technology.

Lussier, K. (2019). Of Maslow, motives, and managers: The hierarchy of needs in American
business, 1960–1985. Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences, 55(4), 319-341.

Maslow, A. H. (2019). A theory of human motivation. General Press.

Rheinberg, F., & Engeser, S. (2018). Intrinsic motivation and flow. In Motivation and action (pp.
579-622). Springer, Cham.

Toshniwal, A., & Narendran, R. (2020). An intertwined approach to workplace happiness,

workplace motivation and workplace stress: A study on COVID-19 lockdown. Asian
Journal of Management, 11(4), 407-412.

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