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It’s well beyond the range I can accept.
10. 用现金付款,我们8折优惠。
We give 20% discount for cash.
11. 真便宜!
What a fire sale!
It’s a bargain!
12. 这是底价/最低价/成本价/最高价/批发价。
That’s our rock bottom /lowest/cost/top/wholesale price.
13. 他用分期付款的方式买了一辆汽车。
He’s bought a car by installment.
14. 首期付款是多少?
What’s the down payment?
15. 试衣间在哪里?
Where id the fitting/changing room?
16. 可以打折么?
Is there any discount?
17. 不能,这已经是折后价了。/抱歉,我们的价格是固定的。
no, it’s a sale price.
Sorry, our price are fixed.
Watching and Discussing
Now watch a short video clip. After that work in
groups and have a discussion. Then finish the
following tasks.

Video Clip 1

Your Tasks: 1 2

Book 1 – Unit 7
Watching and Discussing
Task 1. Group Discussion
This movie clip takes on the form of a pantomime (哑
剧), without any lines spoken out in the movie. Now
you are supposed to be a narrator to tell the audience
what exactly Mr. Bean was doing.

Six group members are needed to work

together to tell the story of Mr. Bean
going shopping one after another.

Reference >>

Book 1 – Unit 7
Watching and Discussing
Mr. Bean wanted to buy some daily
Reference 1
necessities at a supermarket when the store
Alders offered a big sale. He was eager to use
his plastic card. First he came to the counter
selling perfumes. Unfortunately, the odor of
the perfumes suffocated (使窒息) him and
almost killed him. And then he came to the
toothbrush shelf. What surprised me was that
Mr. bean tore a new toothbrush open and tried
it out in his mouth and even worse, he put the
used one back on the shelf and took a brand-
new one. Let’s see what else Mr. Bean would
To be continued buy.

Book 1 – Unit 7

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