Self Concept

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Mc Jaryl Hernandez


What are the three different components of self-concept according to carl Rogers? Elaborate

According to Carl Rogers, self-concept has three components: self-image, self-esteem,

and the ideal self. Ideal self is how someone view him or herself in terms of her strengths and
weaknesses, it is what she or he thinks of him or herself as. The Ideal Self is an idealized version
of yourself created out of what you have learned from your life experiences, the demands of
society, and what you admire in your role. Self-esteem is how much he or she value their selves,
in other words if he or she had a high self-esteem she would be more likely to believe him or
herself as an extremely likeable person. And lastly, self-image is basically the overall image of
that person, on what he or she believes their own image portrays.
And there’s 9 factors that effect this component. First is Age, especially at the stage of
adolescence, girls tend to be extremely self-aware of their own image and how they portray
themselves towards public this is because as they get older, they are more likely to care about
how other people think of them age influences someone’s self-concept because as they get older
they tend to behave in a certain way when they think they’re doesn’t belong anywhere, to be able
to fit into everybody’s standards. Appearance, is a big influence in someone's self-esteem.
During the stage of adolescence, teenagers likely tend to be more critical to themselves more
therefore their way of judging tends to be harsher because at this stage teenagers tend to seek out
their strength since they are more focused on trying to fit in. Gender, gender influences self-
concept because depending on how it's been brought up may act upon society's expectations
towards male and female. When it comes to females, they are expected to be more than
physically strenuous jobs. Unlike males who are suspected to be more dominant, strong and
more into jobs which doesn’t require emotional involvement but more of physical and
intellectual involvement. Culture, it affects our self-concept because it could change values and
views of someone depending on what kind of culture you grew up into. culture teach a lot about
how to do things such as what kind of clothes to wear, how to react in different situations, and
what food we should be eating; in other words, it encourages us to have different views and
improves our self-concept depending on what kind of culture we grew up into. Income, income
influences our self-concept because depending on how much income we got might change our
views towards money and expenditure as values towards other factors such as education because
education usually is the key to a better occupation which could lead to a higher income. Media,
it plays an important role in influencing someone's self-concept, media tends to encourage
adolescents to come up with unrealistic ideals. this could cause to go through extreme measures
such as dieting to get the perfect body, as well as completely change how she behaves because he
or she might not be portraying an image they should have. the media tends to exaggerate flaws
out of people that adolescents feel the need to change due to the growing feeling of insecurity
about their own qualities which causes low self-esteem and self-image. Education, it also affects
our self-concept because education is a gateway to our overall financial outcome as well as
lifestyle in the future, it also gives us the ability to choose. Environment, financial status may
prevent our family to live in a peaceful environment where pollution and violence is rarely an
occurrence. this will affect our self-concept as we will start to compare our situation with others
that may have a better lifestyle bringing our self-esteem and self-image down. And lastly,
socialization, when it comes socialization our lifestyle will affect us greatly, as we priorities
ourselves first before our other indulgences. this will affect our self-concept and self-image
because we will have less time to hang out with our friends and socialize.

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