Course Outline

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Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Universtitat Pompeu Fabra

Financial Statement Analysis (IBE)

[Course Outline 2020]

Prof Amedeo Pugliese


Scheduling, Timetable and Venues: .......................................................................................................................................... 2

Objectives............................................................................................................................................................................................. 2
Methodology ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Teaching Material and Resources ............................................................................................................................................. 2
Evaluation Criteria ........................................................................................................................................................................... 4
1. Item 1: Final Exam .................................................................................................................................................................... 4
2. Item 2: Final Project (Report) ................................................................................................................................................ 4
3. Item 3: Continuous in-class Assessment ............................................................................................................................ 5
Office Hours & Student Consultation ....................................................................................................................................... 6
Course Content & Structure ......................................................................................................................................................... 3

[IBE Financial Statement Analysis] [Course Outline_v0] [2020]

Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Scheduling, Timetable and Venues:

The course is structured along 10 weeks with theory sessions held twice a week (online). In addition, there
will be 6 seminars – held in presence.
The Timetable will be posted on the Course Module on BB and updated – if necessary.

The main objective of the course is to provide students with a working understanding of the main concepts
and techniques needed to prepare a complete analysis of a company, based mainly in the analysis of the
financial statements.

The course will combine lectures with case discussions, and presentation of reports about cases made by
groups of students. During the discussion of some cases, the students will be divided in groups using the
role playing approach.

Teaching Material and Resources

The student has a bibliography (basic and complementary), from a website where he or she can access the
resources online in the global campus and support material in paper which can be found in the university’s
stationery department.

Text-book: Analysis of financial Statements included in the Campus global (suitable for following the
theoretical part of the subject).
You can gain access through the university website:, section: campus global


- Practical cases
- Self-assessment exercises

[IBE Financial Statement Analysis] [Course Outline_v0] [2020]

Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Course Content & Structure

Week Date Day Type Venue Topics

28.09 Mon Theory Online Intro to Course

29.09 Tue Theory Online Financial Statements: a Recap
30.09 Wed Seminar In Class Activity 1 + CASE: UNILEVER

05.10 Mon Theory Online Balance Sheet (1)

2 06.10 Tue Theory Online Balance Sheet (2) & Profit & Losses (1)
07.10 Wed No Seminar
12.10 Mon No Class
13.10 Tue Theory Online Profit & Losses (2)
14.10 Wed Seminar In Class Activity 2 + CASE: Zalando
19.10 Mon Theory Online Returns & Growth
4 20.10 Tue Theory Online Returns & Growth
21.10 Wed No Seminar
26.10 Mon Theory Online Working Capital & Cash Flow Statement
27.10 Tue Theory Online Working Capital & Cash Flow Statement
28.10 Wed Seminar In Class CASE: Marks & Spencer / Toys' r US

02.11 Mon Theory Online Consolidated Accounts

6 03.11 Tue Theory Online Consolidated Accounts
04.11 Wed No Seminar
09.11 Mon Theory Online Industry Analysis
10.11 Tue Theory Online Industry Analysis
11.11 Wed Seminar In Class CASE: Bon Preu / Tesco

16.11 Mon Theory Online International Analysis

8 17.11 Tue Theory Online International Analysis
18.11 Wed Seminar In Class CASE: BMW / Amazon
23.11 Mon Theory Online Residual Earnings Model
9 24.11 Tue Theory Online Residual Earnings Model
25.11 Wed Seminar In Class Practice: 'What are you paying for?' / TESLA
30.11 Mon Theory Online Integration & Recap
10 1.12 Tue Theory Online Integration & Recap
2.12 Wed No Seminar

[IBE Financial Statement Analysis] [Course Outline_v0] [2020]

Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Evaluation Criteria
Grading will be done in the following way:

1. Item 1: Final Exam

Weighting: 40% of final grade.

Final evaluation based on end of term exam which counts for 40% of the mark. The final exam will be
preferably WRITTEN – however – due to unforeseeable circumstances – it may be switched into an ORAL
Both the WRITTEN or ORAL EXAM will be made of questions encompassing theoretical and practical issues.
Among other things, problem solving is evaluated, the application of theoretical knowledge and analytical
tools for real situations and learning through experience.
The oral exam is taken with other students.

To pass this subject it is essential to pass the exam.

2. Item 2: Final Project (Report)

Weighting: 40% of final grade.
Group-work (5 students)

At the end of the course each group will write a report based on a company applying the concepts / tools
and instruments reviewed in this unit. This report can have the format of a case study with the proposal of
solution or the format of a report. Some of these cases can be published by UPF including the names of the
students who have authored them (conditional on students’ agreement and authorization).

The students have the option to participate in the UPF – ACCID Case Writing Prize and the ACCID Prize:

The proposed index for the Project is set out in a separate document available on BB.
Instructions for preparing the Final Project
The Final Project aims to consolidate what students have learned during this programme at the same time
as promoting teamwork, the drawing up of written reports, the presentation of oral reports and contact
with the reality of the business environment. Therefore, level of involvement, efficiency, efficacy, rigor,
researching skills, problem solving, and basic IT skills in the written presentation are all assessed.
To carry out this project, students must select a real company (from the list which is provided in class)
during the first two weeks of the subject and progressively apply the different areas which have been
covered during the programme.

On the front cover of your work you must indicate, next to the names and surnames of the group members,
the percentage of participation of each member in the group so that students who have participated more
actively can be assessed accordingly.

Due Date: Friday 11th December @ 11 pm. Submission through the Blackboard Platform.
Word limit: 5,000 words (+/- 5% allowance). Please submit a word or pdf document (TNR or Calibri, 12 pt).
[IBE Financial Statement Analysis] [Course Outline_v0] [2020]
Universitat Pompeu Fabra

3. Item 3: Continuous in-class Assessment

Weighting: 20% of final grade.

Continuous assessment through class participation and practical weekly exercises which count for 20% of
the mark. This item is compulsory, and it is assessed through the seminar sessions.

The 20% includes:

- 10% oral presentation to class through groups throughout the course. Each student will be assigned to a
group of 5 students and will deliver a presentation of the case in the allocated session.
- 10% participation and attendance in the practical sessions. The contribution will be assessed on quality,
not on the number of interjections

Evaluation will cover, among other things, teamwork, defending the arguments before the teacher and the
group, ability to use a critical mind and problem-solving skills.

ITEM Name Weight Mode Medium Retake Description

One part of the exam will
assess theoretical concepts
(which counts for 50% of the
Oral or Written mark) and the other part is
Final Exam
1 40% Individual (depending on Yes practical aspects (which
circumstances) counts for 50% of the mark). It
is compulsory passing the
Final Exam in order to pass the
Report or Final project (case
2 40% Teamwork Written & Oral Yes study preferred over a report
Group Work
so to present it at BSM)

Presentation and Participation

3 Continuous_2 20% Individual Written & Oral No
to Seminars (Presential)

[IBE Financial Statement Analysis] [Course Outline_v0] [2020]

Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Office Hours & Student Consultation

It is strongly recommended that students use the Blackboard forum to post general questions (e.g. about
time, readings, activities or assessment) that might be of interest to the whole class.
Revised and updated information about student consultation will be available on from Week 1.

Prof Amedeo Pugliese: Students are required to book a consultation time through an online platform
(Setmore). Booking is easy:

1. Click and Open the following link:

2. Select the relevant activity (Consultation Hours – Teaching) and the name of the instructor
(Amedeo Pugliese)
3. Select the date and time that are available. [Be careful that you can only book an appointment
starting 8 days in advance of the chosen date and up to 12 hours in advance. For instance, if you
wish to book an appointment on Feb 16th you can only book from Feb 9th until Feb 15th at 12am).
4. Once you have booked an appointment, you will receive an email with all relevant details and
instructions to amend or cancel your appointment.

Should you experience any issues, please contact me via email at or at the
Office 20.1E32.

[IBE Financial Statement Analysis] [Course Outline_v0] [2020]

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