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Commitment letter of CTGU International Freshman on Registration

本人姓名(Name) KOMBI MATUBA JULIO , 护照号码 (Passport No.) OP0941888

,目前所在地为(Current address) KINSHASA, CONGO 。

严 格 遵 守 以 下 学 校 的 规 章 制 度 和 疫 情 防 控 要 求 : I hereby solemnly promise that the information in
Application Form for International Freshman Coming to CTGU is true. After coming to school, I will strictly
abide by the following rules and regulations of the school and the requirement for epidemic prevention and

一、完成疫苗接种。 Actively take the vaccination. 接种新冠病毒疫苗是预防新冠肺炎最经济、最有

效的手段,到校前,我已完成新馆疫苗接种。Novel Corona virus vaccination is the most economical and
effective means to prevent COVID-19. I already finished the vaccination against covid-19.

二、非紧急不外出。Don’t leave Yichang if not for emergency.未经学校同意,不离开宜昌市。如私自

离宜,隐瞒行程,自愿按照法律法规和校纪校规接受处罚。Do not leave Yichang without the permission
of the school. If leaving without permission or conceal your itinerary, I will be punished in accordance with
laws and regulations of the university.

三、做好个人防护。Do good personal protection.密切关注国内疫情信息动态,继续做好个人日常

持 1 米以上社交距离等良好卫生习惯。不扎堆,尽量单独用餐,不使用他人餐具,注意咳嗽礼仪。 I
shall pay close attention to the situation of the epidemic in China, should continue to exercise good personal
protection in daily life, and maintain good hygiene habits such as wearing masks in a scientific way (especially
in public transportation or crowded places), washing hands frequently, ventilation frequently, and
maintaining a social distance of more than 1 meter. Do not gather, dinning separately and not to use others’
tableware, pay attention to cough etiquette.

四、汇报个人健康。Report personal healthy condition.时刻关注个人的身体健康状况,每日主动向

途中尽量避免乘坐公共交通工具,并告知学院辅导员。 I shall pay attention to personal health status,
report to college coordinator of my whereabouts and health status. In case of fever, cough, sore throat,
fatigue, decreased sense of smell, diarrhea and other symptoms, I shall wear a mask, go to the nearest fever
clinic, and inform my travel and residence history, activity history and contact history faithfully to my college

本人签名(Signature for receiving): 日期(Date):

学号(Student No.): 电话(Phone No.):

五、配合住宿管理。Cooperate with the dormitory management. 校内外学生不接待外来人员,严禁
将严肃处理,并有权禁止进入公寓。 Students live inside and outside the campus do not receive visitors
from outside, and it is strictly prohibited to accommodate others. Return to dorm on time, and actively
cooperate with scanning registration and community management. Students who refuse to cooperate with
the apartment scanning management will be dealt with seriously and the dorm office have the right to ban
them from entering the apartment.

本人签名(Signature for receiving): 日期(Date):

学号(Student No.): 电话(Phone No.):

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