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Company Asco Global Sdn bhd

Client Perodua Conducted by:
Process/Location Piling Works Works (Name, designation )
Approved by: En Azman Date : (from…to…)
(Name, designation) (Manager)
Review by:
Date: 22th August 2013 Review Date:

1.Hazard Identification 2. Risk Analysis 3. Risk Control

No. Work Hazard Which Can Cause Existing Risk Likelihood Severity Risk Recommended Control Action by
Activity /effect Control (if any) Measures (Due
1 Working Check safety Major injury/fatal Nil 4 1 4(Low) • If working for
condition and condition for height / elevated place
WorkPermit wholework place. height workpermit must be
• Equipment and
tools inspection must be
2 Transportation Overturning of Persons Nil 4 1 4 • To make sure
of Machine Trailer due to uneven (Low) the access road is clear /
Transportation surface during and level : slow speed.
of Machine transportation • Signal man to be
Contact with other Persons Nil 4 1 4 provided when trailer
vehicles (Low) entering site from main
Check stability of Persons Nil 3 1 3(Low) road. Warning signs to be
piles(ties) installed on the main road.
• Driver
responsible to continually
check the stability of the
load he is
3 Erection Crane overturning Persons Nil 4 1 4 • Make sure the
during lifting level (Low) lifting ggear is adequate
and base andthorough inspection by a
Pile material falling Persons Nil 4 1 4 competent person iscarried
from machine (Low) out before mobilization.
• Safe protection and
support to be given.
• Crane certified and
inspected by client.
• Suitable PPE
approved and inspected by
client(Helmet, Shoe, Glove
4 Lifting of Pile Dragging of Pile too Persons Nil • Place piles near the
far installation point.
Improper handling of Persons Nil • Suitable wire sling
pile, which could to be provided - wire sling
result in damage certified & inspected by
Swinging of pile Persons Nil Client
• . All person to stand
5 Driving of Pile Possibiility of Pile Persons • Monitoring by
Breaking supervisor in charge to
Equipment not Persons make sure no defects on the
stable. pile before and during
Workers not Persons driving.
protected with • Ground to be level
helmet and hearing and able to stand the
protection weight of machine.
Damaged Lifting wire Persons • Supervisor to
on hammer check the PPE before work
Flush from welding Persons commences and all persons
Electric shock from Persons to be trained in the correct
welding and other use and correct type of PPE
electrical equipment. especially for hearing
protection (possibility that
ear plug and ear defenders
will need to be worn)..
• Supervisor and
crane operator to check
condition on a regular
• Erect welding
screen to protect other
persons in the vicinity from
welding flash.
• Inspection of all
electrical equipment to be
carried out before the work
starts and during work
6 Cutting of piles Defective Tools Persons • Ensure
Heat Radiation Persons the cutting torch, hoses & gas
cylinders are free from defect
Burns Persons
• Wear the
Oxy-acetylene Persons required PPE (Long Sleeve
Cylinders Coverall, apron, safety
Goggle etc)
• Wear long
sleeved coverall & apron.
• Use leather hand
• Keep First Aid Kit
at site
• Keep Oxy-acetylene
Cylinders safely at least 5
meters away from the work
• Never use domestic
LPG cylinder for cooking.
• Close the isolation
valve at cylinders when not
7 Falling piles Eye injury from debris Persons • Wear safety
using hammer becoming airborne glasses or face shield-
projectile- • Watch the area you
Hand/finger Persons are hitting. Keep opposite
contusion due to hand at a safe distance from
improperly striking or area to be struck. Use vise or
missing area to be other holding device as
struck- necessary. Do not raise the
Personal injury due to Persons hammer excessively and
defective and/or strike using massive blows.
damaged hammer Strike a hammer blow
Personal injury from Persons squarely with the striking
misuse of hammer- face parallel to the surface
Personal injury from Persons being struck. Avoid glancing
using incorrect blows and over and under
hammer for intended strikes.-
task • Visually inspect
hammer before each use. Do
not use a hammer with a
loose or damaged handle or
• Hold the hammer
with your wrist straight and
hand tightly wrapped around
the handle. Look behind and
above before swinging a
hammer. Do not strike with
side of the hammer.
• Select and use
a hammer according to
intended use

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