Resume Template For Augmented Reality (AR) Development Job

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Chukwuemeka John Okparaeke

Augmented Reality Software Engineer | | +234 8147616916 |

Languages C# , Java , XML
Technologies Unity AR Foundation, Niantic Lightship ARDK, Google ARCore, Google Map gaming Service API, Vuforia Engine
Platforms Unity 3D engine, Android Studio, Firebase, Android

Freelancer, Lagos, Nigeria — Augmented Reality software developer

● Built a Niantic Lightship app that uses the Shared AR multiplayer feature and Chainsafe SDK to connect Unity to the
Blockchain and load NFTs from Opensea.
● Built an Augmented Reality Furniture Decoration app that also used Niantic Lightship ARDK to place 3D models of furniture in
the environment.

Insighful3D, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria — AR/VR Developer Intern


● Built a Virtual Reality Penalty Football Game on the Meta Oculus VR Headset.
● Got training on how to build Virtual Tour experiences using software like 3DVista to stitch Panorama images using hotspots.
● Got training on how to model Houses and Architectural buildings using software called SketchUp.

SkyScout Group - AI-based video solution, Slovenia — AR/VR Developer and Researcher Intern

● Helped build an Augmented Reality Football Video Analytic software, which helps teams analyze their game better.

Pinhead Interactive, Queenstown, Singapore — AR/VR Developer and Researcher Intern

APRIL 2021 - JUNE 2021

● Improved AR Effect testing without using Live video by developing an AR app that made use of Google ARCore Recording
and Playback API.
● Helped build an AR app that attached audio annotation to Augmented Image markers by building an AR app that made use of
ARFoundation Mutable Image Library.
● Built a Desktop app in Unity that used GameObjectRecorder, Tweening, and other Animation manipulation which helped the
company in building an animation system.

Imisi 3D AR/VR Creation Lab, Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria — Extended Reality Developer Intern
MARCH 2020 - FEBRUARY 2021

● Helped the company tell the history on the street of Lagos, Nigeria by developing a Location-based AR app that made use of
Google ARCore, Google Map gaming services, and Firebase Database and Authentication.
● Developed an AR app for Real Estate using Google ARCore and the AR Portal.
● Supported in organizing the AR/VR Africa Hackathon 2020 hosted by Imisi 3D that was held simultaneously in 11 African
Countries and saw about 1000 candidates participate.

University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Oyo state, Nigeria — BSc Computer Science
● Current CGPA: 3.77/4.00
● Current Level: 400 level
● Honors: First Class Honor

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