Work Life Balance With Child

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Work Life Balance with Child

Many may be reluctant to start a career with a child. There are many reasons behind that, the first
thought that can come to mind, where should I put my baby? Who will take care of my baby?
How can I organize all these together? According to my experience, you must need to follow
some important steps like bellow:

1.At first, you have to set your own goal. What you want to do, who could help you the most
when you needed. According to your goal, you need a proper plan to make it happened.

2.To make sure for a safe accommodation for your baby during your work or study, find a quality
childcare for your child. Ask your network of friends and family for references to nannies,
babysitters, and daycare centers in your area. Otherwise, you have your google, the best buddy.

3. As a working mom, balancing between work and parenting is also very important, not an easy
task. A daily work routine can help you to reduce your workload. Beside that you need to find
enough time for your family, which is most important.

4.What should happen that share the housework with your partner. The burden of the housework
should not fall solely on the working woman’s shoulders. This is an area that is easy for your
partner to help you out.

5. Discuss with your partner who will left and pick up of your baby to and from the childcare. As
our job has no fixed working time, so its very important to share the responsibility between you
and your partner. In my case, I am working in another city so it’s very difficult for me to take this
responsibility every day, but when I always try to manage some time to reduce workload on my

6. Connect with other working moms,

you are not alone. There are millions of working mothers who are going through the same thing.
Its always better sharing your experiences, Tipps and information which may help others in the
same manner as you probably got.

7. Keep a very good relationship with your co-workers. It’s really very important to have a good
understanding with your colleagues to help them and get some favour back when you needed,
especially when your baby is sick.

At the end, I want to give a simple idea about childcare if you want to start your career in
Germany with your child. If you want to have more information, please check it in internet.

There are various forms of childcare in Germany, which can be grouped into four distinct types
for example:

1.Nurseries (Kinderkrippe) - For children aged under 3

2.Preschools (Kindergarten) - For children aged 3 - 6 or sometimes may extend to 7
3.Nannies (Tagespflege) - For all children
4.After-school care (Schulhort) - For children attending primary school

1.Nurseries (Kinderkrippe)
A nursery (Krippe) looks after children under the age of three. In Krippe children are learnig on
socialisation, playing, singing and excursions, all under the supervision of early years educators.

2.Preschools : (Kindergarten)
Preschools in Germany run by city authorities, religious bodies, specially-founded organisations
or other private entities and focus on play-based learning to improve children’s social, creative
and language skills.

3.Before- and after-school care (Schulhort):

Before- and after-school care is a form of daycare for children aged 6 and above who are
attending primary school. It is provided by the schools themselves, to help bridge the gap
between school finishing and parents being able to collect their children after work. Fees for
after-school care will vary according to how long your child is being cared for, and whether food
is included.

The most important things to know about is how to find a childcare / Kita place in Germany
As demand for Kita places in Germany is too high, so it pays to start your preparations as early as
possible. You should Apply centrally through your local youth welfare centre (Jugendamt). Then
they will give you a list of all the Kitas in your area.

4.Tagespflege/Tagesmutter, Nannie:
A Tagesmutter”takes care of your child at their home. As i know they are allowed to take care of
up to six children at a time.
Nannies generally come to your own home to look after your child or children. They do have to
be registered with the local Youth Welfare Office (Jugendamt). average a Tagesmutter” will
charge around 300 to 600 euros per month.

Cost of childcare ingeneral depend on:

1.The cost of daycare varies from Kita to Kita and region to region. Several factors influence the
school fees:
2.How long your child will be cared for
3.Your family’s income
4.The number of siblings in daycare also.

Thank you very much and wish you all have a good start. I hope it will help all beginners to have
a stress free plan.

Shamina Nasrin

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