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Gender Equality


Does inequality between men and women really exist? Do women have fewer
opportunities for economic participation than men? less access to basic and higher
education? greater health and safety risks? and less political representation? From a
recent study, “Globally, no country has fully attained gender equality.” The World
Economic Forum recently ranked the United States, a rich country, as 19th in the
world on its gender gap index while Philippines landed on the 17th spot.

What does index gap mean? The Gender Gap Index quantifies the gaps between
women and men in four key areas: health, education, economy, and politics. To
resolve gender gap, gender equality should be promoted.


Even in cities, the society needs to evolve and create space for women on an equal
platform. Incidents of violence against women in major cities highlight that the
problem lies in correcting the male mindset than any other variable. This must be
inculcated through sustained moral teaching of a male child in his formative years’
in the family. Also zero tolerance for crime against women should be brought in as
measure of deterrence in the society. The offenders who get away with light or no
punishment in such cases are emboldened and become threats to repeat such
heinous and shameless acts. For gender equality to become a reality, effective
implementation of harsh laws has to be done with zero tolerance for violation for a
sustained period in a fire fighting manner.

In all aspects and lines of society, gender equality is needed. Gender equality
prevents violence against women and girls. It’s essential for economic prosperity.
Societies that value women and men as equal are safer and healthier. Gender
equality is a human right. Everyone benefits from gender equality.

Gender equality is when people of all genders have equal rights, responsibilities
and opportunities. Everyone is affected by gender inequality - women, men, trans
and gender diverse people, children and families. It impacts people of all ages and
Unfortunately, in many countries, gender norms create disadvantages for
women. Women and girls face life-threatening threats because of their
lack of empowerment and opportunities in many countries.
Therefore, equality between the sexes avoids abuse against women and
children. For economic growth, it’s important. Societies that value
women and men as equal are safer and healthier.


Gender equality benefit both women and men in every aspect of life. It
must be promoted, and sustained. Gender gaps must be addressed.
Government and authorities must intervene to bridge the gap and
institute appropriate gender-responsive resolutions. Everyone must
cooperate, everybody has a duty to perform to uphold and advance
gender equality. Gender equality begets equal rights, equal opportunities
for all – the keys to nation’s growth and progress.

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