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David Vargas is fourteen and he’s the star of the Broadway show, Billy Elliot - The Musical. EN RRL cS ene tal i oe (ten Bart brothers and a sister, but I'm eae ecm aN Dm an om Cor with a host family. He says, Banc acs TeV eRe (OU ec ee ere eee Coa ETc Tar RRC ae Cece Pen ames eee uch have fun.” Ng ee eR OR Netra Om u nnn este ea oY ETC RCNA CR coe M os Comeau RAI a eae eT ee oe CoS in secret. In the end, he becomes a famous ballet dancer and his family is proud of him. Read the text about David. Then complete the summary. aren't dancers. Matt of but his dad isn’t anda t they ith the Grant family and his friends Billy goes to his family is happy in Listening 2 @3 actors David, Matt, and Sarah live with the Grant family. Listen to David talking about their daily routine. Choose the correct answers. They get up at ... a 70! clock (BB o'clock 1 The teachers come to a the theater b their apartment 2 They have lessons for a three hours b six hours 3 After lunch they go a to the theater b to the movies 4 The show starts at a Bo'clock b 10 o'clock 5 After the show they go a to the apartment b toa party Speaking 3 Pairwork Write ae your daily rout fe. Then describe your daily routine to your partner. \always have breakfast in the morning. get up aways cdo my homework in the morning ‘ually go to bed in the afternoon have breakfast in the evening often Sometimes have dinner at night ‘ail have lunch cn the weekend / on weekends heey take a shower at one o'clock, at three o'clock play computer games on Mondays), on Tuesday(s) watch TV Writing 4 Read the notes. Then complete Camilla’s e-mail. RIE ET Sees S Ss Dear Penny, Setar — My forte day How are you? Thanks for the e-mail and the photos. They're fantastic! it's Saturday today and tm very happy! Saturday is my favorte day of Meesig the week, From Monday to Friday, | usually get up at seven o'slook, but ave breakfast —_ on Saturday, | never get up before nine thy! |___and than mee |]: ‘Shows on Saturay mornings ae fun. Lahvays watch _ Aeron . Weards of Waverly Pace. its my favoite TV show. After rch, lusualy _weet ny fice —__ Julia and Lucia. We're in a local drama clu. We have rar leant : on Sauresy atcinoons fe a ae pot th oe /ltn ta ee a dance. After cur lesson, we sometimes a ‘or we go to my oecig : house and *__ music, After dinner, |___ an ee "| awaye waite to you frst because you're my favorite e-pall sete tong pal im, 5 Write about your favorite day of the week. My favorite day of the weeks... D> Cera 8) siyae

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