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Global Governance Reaction Paper 1

Ivor Louisetyne Canque – BS CpE 1

Chinese Human Rights: Serious Violations in Xinjiang Province

China under the governance of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has unsurprisingly
made it to the news with the same old news of human rights violations, and it’s a story we have
heard before – from them. Earlier this decade, reports coming from the Uyghur minorities in the
Xinjiang province have shown the violations of prosecution, torture, forced labors, human
trafficking, and many other violations hidden by the Chinese Government. The issue is so
remarkable that it has reached international headlines and a UN investigation to be conducted,
and the article is all about the findings in the said investigation. This the true substance of the
Uyghur minority human rights violations that occurred under the world’s second largest
economy – one that is hidden from its constituents.

The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) conducted rigorous review to
the methodologies of the Chinese Government in regards to the actions done to the Uyghur
Minorities. The credibility of the review is said to be assured because it is based on an
international standard of “standard human rights methodology”. It was found that the Chinese
Government actually reported their doings to their people but labeled it as “Vocational
Educational and Training Centres (VETCs), or re-education camps.” A politically correct way to
say labor camps.

Through further investigations by the OHCHR, they have found that the policies in the
Xinjiang province have led to interlocking patterns of restrictions on human rights with the
VETC’s system. With the limited access to resource in government material in China, it is very
unlikely that any of its billion numbered citizens are to figure out the unethical and unjustly
scheme that CCP has done with its minorities – all for the interest of their party.

If we are to continue with the report, the scene is eerily familiar with a bygone artifact of
a major human rights disaster. With descriptions like “transcended borders, separating families,
“severing” contacts, producing “patterns of intimidations and threats” it sounds like it came
from the Nazi Germany back in 1938, but the reality of it all is that it’s something that currently
happening inside the nations of the predicted largest economy by 2030.

The last part of the reports states that the Chinese Government will continue to work
with the UN in improving its human rights, but we’ve all heard that before and we all know that it
is all talk – especially since its coming from the same government that claims our seas and
continue to illegally violate all angles until now.

United Nations. (n.d.). China responsible for 'serious human rights violations' in Xinjiang
Province: Un human rights report | | UN news. United Nations. Retrieved September 2,
2022, from

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