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File name: JEYBI File ID: 80734623

The negative Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic in the education. The Corona Virus or Covid-19

made a huge disruption in the delivery of education services in our country. For more than a

year school have been closed, forcing students to enroll in distance learning modalities.

1.B Rationale

The Covid-19 Pandemic affected many of the students in low and lower-middle income

countries (OECD, 2020c; United Nations, 2020, p. 2) In the Philippines, there are direct and

indirect impacts of the pandemic. The opportunity to learn was also diminished by the

shocks and trauma experienced by those with a close relative infected by the virus, and by

the constraints on learning resulting from students having to learn at home, and from

teachers having to teach from home, where the demands of schoolwork had to be

negotiated with other family necessities, often sharing limited space and, for those fortunate

to have it, access to connectivity and digital devices. (Fernando M. Reimers, 2021)

1.C Additional Information

When schooling finally resumed in October 2020, the education department’s solution was

a blend of remote-learning options: online platforms, educational TV and radio, and printed

modules. But social inequalities and the lack of resources at home to support these

approaches have dealt a huge blow to many students and teachers.

Table of Contents

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Purpose or Statement

What are the negative impact of Pandemic in our education? The interruption of in-person

instruction in schools and universities limited opportunities for students to learn, causing

disengagement from schools and, in some cases, school dropouts. While most schools put

in place alternative ways to continue schooling during the period when in-person instruction

was not feasible, those arrangements varied in their effectiveness, and reached students in

different social circumstances with varied degrees of success.

Some of the questions to be answered by this research are the following:

When did the COVID-19 pandemic reach national attention in the country?

Did you or one of the family member had Covid-19?

Did you enroll in school year 2020-2021?2021-2022?

what are your available gadgets at home?

How can you acces the internet?

How is the stability of intenet in your home?

What difficulties did you encounter while being enrolled in an online/distance learning


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Most children of the world experienced some form of educational interruption, the extent

and depth varied among countries and among groups of children.

1. In this research it will state some of the negative effect of Covid-19 pandemic to


a. the pandemic limited student opportunity for interactions with peers and teachers

and for individualized attention

b. increased stress and anxiety

c. aggravated mental health challenges

d. communication challenges

e. self-learning difficulty


Teaching and learning continuity amid the pandemic requires an analysis of the parameters

by which the university operates from the perspective of the stakeholders to include the

students, faculty, curriculum, and external stakeholders. To ensure teaching and learning

continuity amid and beyond the pandemic, higher education institutions need to migrate to

flexible teaching and learning modality by recalibrating the curriculum, capacitating the

faculty, and upgrading the infrastructure. These strategic actions have to be continuously

assessed, modified, and enhanced to respond to the volatile, uncertain, and changing

scenarios in times of crisis. (

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