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You know it's a lot harder than it seems like it should be. Actually feeling alive.
What i mean by that is that we are constantly doing. Release for constantly
scrolling. We're not necessarily living. No we keep ourselves busy to the point of
exhaustion. Also language. I feel little bit dead inside. I think we know that on
someone but i think it's for the reason we keep her so so busy and distracted to
begin with. But we don't know what to do about it. I'm here to tell you. Figured
out what to do about it. We need to have more. Fun.
So you might think that you're already having plenty of fun and that's because
they're everyday speech we often use the word fun to describe anything with alicia
time even if it's not actually enjoyable and inside your waste of time. Example. We
scruffy social media for fun even though doing so often makes us feel bad about.
Kind of everything. I will say it was so fun we should do it again soon.
Response to think they were that's fine and that we don't want to do again. Ever.
But it's early i thought they were a little bit sloppy about how we use the word
fun because even the dictionary doesn't get it quite right you know it says that's
fine is an amusement or enjoyment or light-hearted pleasure. It's only for kids to
have and play areas. It makes the telly. Frivolous. And arsenal. If you think back
on your own memories that stand out you as having truly then fun and i really
encourage you to do. That you were describing. And forgive me for a scientific
terminology. So fine. You're going to notice that there's something much deeper
going on. Thousands of these stories from people all around the world and i can
tell you it's amazing. Because some people account. The mirrors in which they had
the most fun. Tell you about some of the most joyful and treasured memories. Of
their lives. Reality. Fun is not just like her pleasure. It's not just for kids and
it's definitely not frivolous. Instead. When is the secret to feeling alive. Today
i want to propose to a new and more precise definition of what fun is. I want to
reveal some of the ways in which it is astonishing that good for us. I want to give
you all some suggestions for things you can do. Starting right now to experience
power for yourself. The first thing you need to start with the fact. Fun is a
feeling in it's not an activity. And it's important. Because a lot of times when i
asked people what's fun the respond with a list of activities that i enjoy. The
other dancing is fun the skin is fine i don't know pickleball. Is fine. Everyone
seems to think the pickleball is fine.
Insure pick about candy fan who is all had experiences for some things off in an
activity that seems like it would be fun doesn't end up feeling fun. Woodside we've
had experience is there something that doesn't seem like could be fun it all and
sophia and ridiculously. Is an element of serendipity. When people do have fun when
they experienced this feeling. It's actually very easy to recognise because people
who are having fun. Look like they're being illuminated. From within. Me and my
husband having fun together. Play some presidents having fun together. Is
archbishop desmond tutu and the dalai lama having fun together. Actually goes to
seem like they were very often. Having fun together. And as you can see in his
photographs true fun produces visceral sense of lightness and joy. It's radius. I
asked my daughter when she was about 5 years old what colour fun would be. She said
sunshine. So what is this sunshine you know what is the ceiling that we called.
Tell me the stories about fun it's really interesting because the details are all
their friend and often quite monday but the energy running through them is the same
and there is three factors that are consistently present to the point that i
believe they constitute a new definition one that is a lot more accurate than
what's in the dictionary. Factors are playfulness. Connection and flow. Play venice
i do not mean you have to play a game. God forbid make believe. I just me having a
light-hearted added. Doing things for the sake of doing i'm not caring too much
about the outcome letting go of perfection. When we have fun our gardens down and
we're not taking yourself too seriously. Connection of the feeling of having a
special shared experience. And i do think it's possible in some circumstances to
have fun alone and for this feeling of connection to be with yourself or the
surroundings or the activity. The majority of stories that people tell me about
their peak fun memory. Another person is involved and it's true even for
introverts. And the flow is the state where we are so engaging focused and whatever
were doing that we leaving lose track of time you can think about an athlete and
italy game. Musician final piece of music is in the zone. Is possible to be in slow
and not have fun like if you're arguing but you cannot have fun if you're not in
slow. Play for the station inn farfield green on their own but when we experience
all three of 1. Magical happens. We have. Fun. Another just feel good. It is good
for us. Thunder so many amazingly good things for us that i personally believe that
fun is not just the result of human driving it's a cause. Example. What is
energising. People tell me their stories about fun the glow it is like a fire has
been living inside of them and the energy and the warmth of they give off is
contagious. You so much of life trains as fun fills up. Turn off the mrs present. A
lot of hours for a lot of work going to try to be more present you know we do yoga
classes we meditate and that is all great. The fact files of flow state means when
you're having fun with simply or presa. There's no other way for it to happen. Turn
off the united states. 11a really polarised world and as we all know there's a lot
of very serious problems. Do we have fun with people we don't see them as different
political parties or nationalities are religion. We can network them as human
beings. Noting that is the first step and being able to work together. To solve
those problems. What is healthier. Not being lonely and stressed out as many of us
has banned for the past 2 years. Causes for model changes in our bodies that
increase our risk for disease. When we have fun relaxed and were more socially
connected both of which have the opposite effect.
Can i close my mind everytime i think about it this way but having fun is a health
intervention. Inelastic fun is joyful. You know it also desperately want to be
happy with you books about happiness we don't worry about having is when we are at
the moment having fun we are happy. Show me think that perhaps the secret to long-
term happiness is just to have more everyday moments of fun. So how we do. How do
we have more.
To start with do not take the suggestions you'll find a magazine articles about her
more. So i watched myself and i found suggestions that including not making it up.
Roast a turkey.
Put together an altar to loved ones who have passed. What's the documentary about.
My bristol. I join your table with gods. So those are not good suggestions. Instead
the most effective thing you can do to have more fun it's to focus on its
ingredients. I would do everything you can do fill your life with more moments of
playfulness connection in slough. Sing us some ideas for how to do. Daystar with
reduce distractions in order to increase flow. Anything i distract you is going to
kick you out of floor. Prevent you from having fun. What's the number one source of
distraction for most of us these days. Thank you yes your phone. No i robot. How to
break up with your phone so i have strong feelings about this but i can guarantee
you that you're not going to have fun if you're constantly on your phone. Saturday
i want to charge you to keep your phone out of your head as much as possible so
they can take care for my second suggestion which is the increase connection. By
interacting with other human beings in real life. Now i know. One of the main
reasons records me on her phone's is specifically to avoid having to spend time and
interact with other human beings in real life. So i want to assure you that it is
worth it. And it is not as hard as it may seem. How you doing. Start by making eye
contact with someone like you would be on a zoom call.
And you say hello. That goes well. You can introduce yourself. If you can answer my
question if you sending it like thought provoking but not overly personal trainer
something like. What's something that fascinates you or. What's one thing that
delighted you today. Maybe i'm amazed by how good just one little moment of
connection to make you feel. And if you do find someone to connect with maybe i'll
join you and try and my third suggest. What is 2 increased by 4.
To rebel. No i am not talking about james dean level rebellion i'm talking about
playful dvds. Time i finally ways to break the rules of responsible adult. Give
yourself permission. To get a kick out of your life. One person told me that some
of the most fancied had and recent memory happened on a friday morning but she is
some of her friends digital work and their childcare responsibilities to their
purses. And sneak out to a 10:30 am showing of the movie bad mums.

What she has one more thing that you can do the day start having more fun. I'm just
kidding. Prioritise. Some totally obvious but one of the main reasons for not
having enough fun. Is there a making a priority. You're our phone is always at the
bottom of the list and i can't stick up for itself. So i'm not suggesting you like
take out your calendar and make an entry that says from 4 to 6 p.m. on saturday i
shall have.
That is a guaranteed way to not have fun. But if you know you can certainly have
fun when you spend time with the particular person. Make a point of same time with
that person. If you are really does often generate playful connected slow for you.
Correct time for it in your schedule. Treat phone is important. Because it is. I've
been doing this myself for a couple of years now and it's amazing to see how many
areas of my life fun is a touch. You are more creative and more productive.
Brasilia. I laugh more. Make sure that i am having enough fun apart. Enter pairing.
And a bit of friends. And is convinced me of something i've very much. I can
convince you as well. Is that my daughter. I was right. Fun is sunshine. Is a
distillation of life energy. Any more after me experienced it. The more we will
feel like we are actually alive. Thank you.

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