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Sta. Monica, San Simon, Pampanga

S.Y. 2021 – 2022

Name: Tiongson, Joven Jr. I. Grade & Section: 10-1 Date: 09/18/2021 Score: ____
Scaffold Activity

Supposed that your family is on a vacation in a city near a site of an active volcano.
On weekend, you receive warnings from local authorities that the nearby volcano has
increased activity and is expected to erupt soon. What would you and your family do in this

Consider the following questions:

1. How will you and your family react to the information from local authorities
about the eruption?

-We should keep calm, be alert to our surroundings and to the updates form the local
authorities regarding the eruption.

2. How will you go about the needed evacuation from your place like everybody else in the

- By following the safety protocols and ask for help to the authorities.

3. How will be your communication with the members of the family in case any of you will
be separated or get lost during the panic?

- We shouldn’t be panicking and ask for help once it is already safe.

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