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Learning Area English

Learning Delivery Modality Online Distance Learning-Synchronous

School Alapan I Elementary School Grade Level Grade Four

LESSON Teacher Helen Grace T. Bunagan Learning Area English
EXEMPL Teaching Date October 4-8, 2021 Quarter First Quarter
AR Teaching Time No. of Days
1:30-2:10 PM 5 days

I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:
A. Identify the purpose and features of text types;
B. Define the different text types;
C. Understand the structure, purpose, and language features of text types.
A. Content The learner demonstrates an understanding of various linguistics nodes to
Standard comprehend various texts.
B. Performance The learner uses linguistic cues to appropriately construct meaning from a variety
Standard of texts for a variety of purpose.
C. Most Essential
Learning Identify the structure, purpose and language features of different text types, e.g.
Competencies narrative, information report, procedure, argument (MELC # 4)
(If applicable write the
indicated MELC)
D. Enabling
(if available write the
attached enabling
II. CONTENT Different Text Types
A. References
a. Teacher’s Guide pp.105-106
b. Learner’s Guide pp.120-121
c. Textbooks Pages pp. 111-112; 280-290
d. Additional
Materials from
B. List of Learning
Resources for
Development and %20different%20types%20of%20writing,
Engaging Activities
A. Introduction What I need to know?
At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:
 Identify the purpose and features of text types;
 Define the different text types;
 Understand the structure, purpose, and language features of text types.

What’s new?

Can you distinguish the different text types? How do these text types differ from
one another?

Identify the text types in the following passages:

______1) Papers should not exceed 7000 words (including footnotes and Works
Cited) and should follow the latest MLA Handbook. Papers should be submitted in
double-spaced format (two hard copies and a disk) to the editors of the issue at the
following addresses: Tina Krontiris, School of English, Aristotle University, 541 24
Thessaloniki, Greece, and Jyotsna G. Singh, Department of English, Michigan
State University, East Lansing, MI 48824-1036.

_______2) Most artists are very nervous of scientific analysis. They feel it destroys
something about the human aspect of creativity. […] Some fear that too much
analysis will only break the spell. Likewise, most scientists see the creative arts as
an entirely subjective development that long ago left science to tread the long road
to objective truth alone. Whole books have been written about this bifurcation, but
here I want to talk about some interesting points of contact between art and science
that are facilitated by the growth in our understanding of complex organization and
pattern. I believe that the sciences of complexity have a lot to learn from the
creative arts. The arts display some of the most intricate known examples of
organized complexity. Likewise, the creative arts may have something to learn
from an appreciation of what complexity is and how it comes about.
______3) Yes, I have returned to this arcaded city, unwisely, it may be. I rented a
place in one of the little alleyways hard by the Duomo, I shall not say which one,
for reasons that are not entirely clear to me, although I confess, I worry
intermittently about the possibility of a visit from the police. It is not much, my
bolt-hole, a couple of rooms, low-ceilinged, dank; the windows are so narrow and
dirty I have to keep a table lamp burning all day for fear of falling over something
in the half dark.

_______4) The geography of the Aran Islands is very simple, yet it may need a
word to itself. There are three islands: Aranmor, the north island, about nine miles
long; Inishmaan, the middle island, […] nearly round in form; and the South Island,
Inishere − in Irish, east island, − like the middle island but slightly smaller. They lie
about thirty miles from Galway, up the center of the bay, but they are not far from
the cliffs of County Clare, on the south, or the corner of Connemara on the north.
________5) Acanthus A thistle-like plant (common to the warm Mediterranean
region) who’s narrow and pointed-lobed leaves, when stylized, form the
characteristic decoration of the Corinthian and Composite Orders of columns.

________6) President George W. Bush has told us that the question of whether to
withdraw from Iraq is one that his successors will have to deal with − not him. I
don’t think so. Bush is not going to have that luxury of passing Iraq along. You see,
the insurgency in Iraq is in its “last throes” − just like Dick Cheney said.
Unfortunately, it’s being replaced by anarchy in many neighborhoods − not
democracy. And I don’t believe the American people will put up with two and half
more years of babysitting anarchy instead of midwifing democracy.

_______7) The dancers were trickling away on to the touchlines of the long-floor.
The walls were decorated with scenes from the remoter past, portrayed in what no
doubt an advanced style, so that in the one nearest Dixon, for example, some lack
of perspective or similar commodity made a phalanx of dwarf infantrymen seem to
be falling from the skies upon their much larger barbarian adversaries who,
unaware of this danger overhead, gazed threateningly into the empty middle
distance. Lowering his eyes from these memorials, he caught sight of Michie
talking and laughing with his girl. She had the kind of water-gipsy face that
affected him uncomfortably.

B. Development What I know?

- The learners will check their knowledge about the different text-types based
from the paragraph given above.

What is in?

Activity 1

Direction: Read the selection carefully. Underline the ten descriptive words in the

The famous Boracay Beach Terraces has a serene atmosphere, gentle breeze
that rustle the leaves of calm trees create a soothing sound. The sound of small
waves kissing the white sand and colorful shells on the seashore create a pleasant
sound. The clear and cool water passers-by to take a dip.

Activity 2
Five Finger Retelling/Narrating

Five finger retelling/narrating is a strategy to get students to recall important details

about the text when summarizing or retelling a story.  Each finger represents
something different students are to mention when retelling.  This
strategy enforces the skills of summarizing and remembering key details from the

1. Explain to students that they will be using five finger retelling.
2. Have students retell, being sure to mention the characters, setting, beginning,
middle, and end of the story.
3. Repeat as necessary until all students have retold the story in their own words.

Activity 3

Make a five-direction on how to wash your hands properly.

(the answers may vary)

Activity 4

Make a short argumentative essay about this pandemic Covid-19. Answer this
question: Are you in favor of the long process of home quarantine or not? Explain
your answer.

What is it?

There are 4 major texts types:

1. Narrative
2. Descriptive
3. Directive
4. Argumentative

Text types are general semantic-functional concepts and are not to be confused with
text forms (advertisements, editorials, sermons, shopping lists, poems, telephone
books, novels, etc.)

Narrative texts

Narrative texts have to do with real-world events and time. They may be fictional
(fairy tales, novels) or nonfictional (newspaper report). They are characterized by a
sequencing of events expressed by dynamic verbs and by adverbials such as “and
then”, “first”, “second”, “third”

Example: First we packed our bags and then we called a taxi. After that we… etc.
Descriptive texts

Descriptive texts are concerned with the location of persons and things in space.
They will tell us what lies to the right or left, in the background or foreground, or
they will provide background information which, perhaps, sets the stage for
narration. It is immaterial whether a description is more technical-objective or more
impressionistic subjective.
State or positional verbs plus adverbial expressions are employed in descriptions.

Examples: 1) The operation panel is located on the right-hand side at the rear;
2) New Orleans lies on the Mississippi.

Directive texts

Directive texts are concerned with concrete future activity. Central to these texts
are imperatives (Hand me the paper) or forms which substitute for them, such as
polite questions (Would you hand me the paper?) or suggestive remarks (I wonder
what the paper says about the weather).
Narrative, descriptive and directive texts have grammatical forms associated with
them which may be expanded to form sequences of a textual nature They are all
centered around real-world events and things. In contrast, expository and
argumentative texts are cognitively oriented, as they are concerned with
explanation and persuasion, which are both mental processes.

Argumentative texts

Argumentative texts depart from the assumption that the receiver’s beliefs must be
changed. They often start with the negation of a statement which attributes a quality
or characteristic activity to something or someone (esp. scholarly texts). They also
include advertising texts, which try to persuade their readers that a product is
somehow better, at least implicitly, than others.
Few texts are pure realizations of a single type: Advertisements may be both
argumentative persuasive (this is good because…) and directive

C. Engagement What’s more?

Make a descriptive paragraph about what happened to you and your family during
the covid19 pandemic.

Rubric for Evaluation of the Paragraph

2 points 1 points .5 points 0 points

Point Value
Topic Sentence Interesting, original Clearly stated topic Acceptable topic Missing, invalid, or
topic sentence, sentence sentence presents inappropriate topic
reflecting thought presents one main one idea. sentence;  main idea
and insight; focused idea.   is missing.
on one interesting    
main idea.
Supporting Interesting, concrete Examples and Sufficient number Insufficient, vague,
Details  and descriptive details relate to the of examples and or undeveloped
examples and topic and some details that relate examples. 
details with explanation is to the topic.
explanations that included. 
relate to the topic.  

What I can do?

Make a directive essay by answering the following questions:

a. What did you do to help yourself and your family members to avoid or
prevent the virus?
b. What are the things you prepared during the lockdown/quarantine?

Additional Activities

Draw a picture that shows what’s happening or going on to our world now. Make a
short narrative essay about the drawing you have made.

D. Assimilation What I have learned?

What are the different text types you’ve learned? Describe each.
Make a narrative essay about your favorite story that you have read.

What can I do? (Assessment)

Identify the following. Tell whether the statement is a narrative, directive,

argumentative or descriptive.

_____1. I saw the colorful light at Imus Plaza during the DepEd night.
_____2. She insisted her opinion to the judge that she is innocent.
_____3. My mother likes the fine cool whether today.
_____4. First, I put some toothpaste on my brush, wet it and then start brushing my
_____5. I told my classmate that my opinion is correct.
_____6. She is a 5-year old girl and she likes to eat chocolates.
_____7. The calm and fine weather is good for flying a kite.
_____8. The story is about the rabbit and the turtle.
_____9. Mario had a short fight with his friend that he likes to drink coffee than
_____10. I wet my hands first, second, I put some soap, and then wash my hands
V. REFLECTION The learners will write their personal insights and reflection based on what they
have learned from the lesson using the following prompts.
I understand that ___________.
I realize that ________________.

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