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Who Am I?

Knowing oneself is important. Being able to know who we are is an advantage to us. Because we
can handle ourselves. We have knowledge on what are our weaknesses and strengths. And by that, we
can control ourselves and improve it to our advantage and as for the improvement of ourselves. But for
me, the reality is knowing ourselves at an early stage of our lives is difficult. Difficult for the reason that
at that stage of life, our identity and attitude seem a bit confusing. It keeps on changing. But I believe
that as we go along with life, we can know who we really are. Since we’ve been to different challenges in
life and that changes us into what we are right now.

So, who really, I am? I have heard or encountered this question a lot. At first, I thought I was just
this simple, shy, dull, and introverted girl. Someone who does not want attention and the crowd. A girl
who just wanted to be alone and be along with someone who understands and can get along with her.
Someone who does not want extravagant things, expensive foods, and everything expensive. I just
wanted something basic and cheap but with a sort of high quality and taste. That is who I am as to my
perspective on who I am and what I see. The outside personality of myself is what I believe as to who I
am before. These are the things that come to my mind when someone asks me who I am.

But everything changed now. If you ask me who am. Well, I am raised by a single mother and
that made me who I am right now. My mother has molded me unto what I become right now. I am
strong and has become independent at a young age. Because it is just us, trying to survive and live well. I
have lived simply and admire simplicity since then because that’s my lifestyle and staying simply makes
me presentable in my own eyes. Not in the eyes of others. I am still introverted because living by myself
makes me believe that it is instilled in who I am. And being Introverted is what makes me comfortable.
By being introverted I am being myself. Also, one thing I admire the most about who I am is that I am a
safe place for someone. Safe space because a lot of people has shared their struggles and challenges in
life with me. I am also willing to be there for them and listen and I think that makes me a good listener.
I’m still someone who is afraid of the crowd but not singing in the crowd. Singing has boosted my self-
confidence and it has also improved my talent in singing. I can express myself more in singing than
expressing through speech. In singing I am at peace and that makes me calm in days that I am struggling.
I am also a soft-hearted person but right now I am still the same but I just hide everything that pains me.
That also makes me courageous and strong. Since it is my personality also to not annoy someone or
share to someone on what I am feeling. Because it is always in my mind that I know they have more
problems than me and I don’t want to bother them.

Lastly, I am who I am because God created me and has shaped me and directed me to the right
path. I may say that I am not a hundred percent a God-Centered person. But I have faith and I believe in
him. And that made me think that I am who I am, because of his guidance and teachings. Without Jesus
in me I don’t know who I am and what will I become. I am alive because of God. I am who I am because I
exist because of him. That despite my bad personalities God recognizes that goodness in me. That is why
on top of becoming who I am is God.

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