How To Showcase Your Data Science Analysis Projects Online

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How to

Showcase your
Data Science/
Analysis Projects
1. Build a General Portfolio Website
Building a general portfolio website is the easiest way to
showcase several projects from different websites in a single

Worried on how to build one for free?

Well, Alex the Analyst has a YouTube Video on how to build a
portfolio website using Visual Studio, HTML5Up and GitHub for
free (No coding). It is very easy and I am sure you will love it.
Watch the video here:
2. Build a Narrative Portfolio
You can also build narrative portfolios illustrating each of the
steps taken in building the data analytics/ science projects
using narratives. An example of a website on which you can
sign up and build your own narrative portfolios is the

Read a sample portfolio of the bike sales capstone project here:
3. Share Tableau Projects on Tableau
The Tableau Public allows Tableau Users to publicly
share their dashboard projects online with other
Tableau Users. The dashboards remains interactive in
the public portal. It is absolutely free!

Discover Tableau Public here:
4. Share PowerBI Projects on novyPro is the official website for sharing Power BI
Dashboards and data stories. You can quickly upload
your PowerBI Projects online on novyPro in few
minutes! It is absolutely free.

Discover novyPro here:

5. Share Google Dashboard projects on
Google Data Studio
Data Studio is a free tool that converts your data into
informative simple and customizable dashboards and

Discover Google Data Studio here:
6. Share your coding Projects on Github
GitHub is a code hosting platform for version control
and collaboration. It enables people to work together on
projects from anywhere. R and Python codes can be
stored on Github and shared.

Discover github here:

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