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Office of the Dean
Time: 3 hrs
March – April 2017

BIM / Second Semester / MTH 201: Basic Mathematics

Candidates are required to answer all the questions in their own words as far as practicable.

Group “A”
1. Give brief answer of the following questions . [ 10*1=10 ]

a. If A= {a, b, c, d, e, f}, B= {d, e, f, g}. Find AΔ B

b. Find the conjugate of complex number 귿␀
h 
c. If  find the value of h

d. Evaluate: lim

th , t ␀
e. Find the stationary point of the function 귿 
f. Evaluate h
g. Form a differential equation of the curve represented by t
h. Given the vector AB 귿i j and A is the point of (2,9) ,find the point B
h  h
i. If A= and B= , find AB
귿 h h 귿
j. Find the image of the point A (3 ,5) after reflection in the y = 2 .

Group “B”

Short Answer Questions: [10*4=40]

2. (a) Show that is rational number lying between 2 and 3 where a and b are positive
rational numbers .
(b) If  t 귿  t  prove that |x| t
3. (a) Find the square root of ␀
(b) If w be a complex curve root of unity, show that  + 
4. A function is denined as follows:
 th 耠
 th
 t th
Does lim exist? Examine the continuity or discontinuity of the function t

5. If the marginal revenue function is 腠  tt show that the demand law is 

6. Solve the differential equation t
7. Show that the following vectors are co-planner :
 귿tt 귿  tt t t.
8. Solve the following system of equation by using matrix or determinant method .

9. Integrate any two of the following:

t 귿
(a) (b) t (c) 
10. The co- ordinates of A, B, C and D in a plane figure are ( 2, 4) ,( 1,1), ( 2, 2), and ( 4, 1)
respectively. Translate the figure in the graph paper by shifting the vector 귿
11. Find of the following any two

(a) (b) (c) t

Group “C”
Comprehensive Answer Questions: [1*10=10]
12. The market research department of a company recommends that the company should manufacture
demand market a new FM transistor radio. After suitable test of marketing, the research
department presents the following price demand equation : ttw  . Where p is the
wholesale price per radio at which x thousand radios can be sold . The financial department
provides the following cost function : t tw t where c(x) is the cost ( in
thousands rupees) for manufacturing And selling x thousand radios. Answer the following
a. Find the marginal cost and interpret.
b. Find the revenue function and the profit function as a function of x.
c. Find the break even points algebraically.
d. Find the best production level of radios to produce maximum profit. What is the
company’s maximum profit?
e. What is the wholesale price per radio ( to the nearest rupees ) that yields the maximum
profit ? [1+2+2+3+2]
13. Explain BFS algorithm of graph traversal.
14. A tree has 2 vertices of degree 2 1 vertex degree 3 and 3 vertices of degree 4. How many pendant
vertices does it have?

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