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CHEM 205



Activity #10. Using your knowledge about matter, answer the following:
Classify the following as chemical change (CC), chemical property.

(CP), physical change (PC), or physical property (PP).

1. Heat conductivity- physical- change

2. Silver tarnishing – Chemical- change
3. Sublimation- physical change
4. Magnetizing steel- physical property
5. Length of metal object- physical property
6. Melting of ice- physical change
7. Exploding dynamite- chemical change
8. Combustible- chemical change
9. Water freezing- physical change
10. Wood burning- chemical change
11. Acid resistance- chemical property
12. Brittleness- physical change
13. Milk souring- chemical change
14. Backing bread- chemical change

B. identify the following as being True or false to the left of the sentence.

15. A change in size or shape is a physical change- true

16. A chemical change means a new substance with new properties was formed – true

17. An example of chemical change is when water freezes- false

18. When platinum is heated then cooled to its original state we say this is a physical change- true

10. Oxygen- element

11. Salad dressing- heterogeneous mixture

12. Salt water- homogeneous mixture

13. Corn flakes- heterogeneous mixture

14. Silver- element

15. Lithium iodide- compound

16. Apple pie- homogeneous mixture

17. Orange juice- homogeneous mixture

18. Sugar water- homogeneous mixture

19. Oatmeal- heterogeneous mixture

20. Energy drink- homogeneous mixture

21. Gold- element

22. Tacos- heterogeneous mixture

23. Lead- element

24. Caesar salad- heterogeneous mixture

25. Calcium- element

26. Whole milk- heterogeneous mixture

27. Skin milk- homogeneous mixture

28. Agua oxindanac- homogeneous mixture

29. potassium- element

30. Sugar- compound

Activity 11# identify each of the following as an example of a physical property or a chemical

1. Silver tarnish when it comes in contract with hydrogen sulfide in the air- banana is yellow-
physical property
2. A sheet of copper can be pounded into a bowl physical property
3. Barium melts at 725 C- physical property
4. Gasoline is flammable- chemical property
5. A diamond is the hardest natural substance- physical property
6. Helium does not react with any other element- chemical property
7. A bar of lead is more easily bent than is a bar aluminum of the same size – physical

C. identify each of the following as a physical or chemical change.

21. you leave your bicycle out in the rain and it rusts- chemical change

22. A sugar cube dissolves- physical change

23. Scientist break- up water into oxygen and hydrogen gas- chemical change

24. Burning coal for a barbecue- chemical change

25. Trimming a bush because it has grown too tall- physical change

Activity 12# Classify each of the following substances as an element a compound a
homogeneous mixture, or a heterogeneous mixture.

1. Sand- heterogeneous mixture

2. Salt – Compound
3. Pure Water- Compound
4. Soil- heterogeneous- mixture
5. Soda- homogeneous mixture
6. Pure air- homogeneous mixture
7. Carbon Dioxide- compound
8. Gold- element
9. Brass- homogeneous

8. Potassium metal is kept submerged in oil to prevent contact with oxygen or

Water- chemical property
9. An apple will turn brown is left in oxygen- chemical property
10. Diamond dust can be used to cut grind must other materials-
Physical property.
11. Acid in tomato sauce can corrode aluminum foil- chemical property
12. Rocks containing carbonates can be identified because they fizz when
Hydrochloric acid is applied- chemical property
13. A piece of charcoal, which is mostly the substance carbon gives of heat, and becomes a
gray ash- chemical property
14. A ripe mango taste so sweet- chemical property

Activity # 13 In this activity you are required once again to elaborate your
Answer to each of the question be.

1. Explain why each of the following is a physical change

a) Boiling water until no water remains- it is physical change because all the boiling
water becomes gas
b) Mixing sugar with coffee- sugar and coffee changes its physical appearance into
liquid but its chemical composition remains as it is.

2. Explain why each of the following is a chemical change.

a) A car rusting- the paint reacts to the rain and it changes its color which is rust
b) Food digesting- As we eat our Foods, it goes to our stomach it is being grind by
our digestives system which changes its form and the chemical substance
becomes waste or feces.

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