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American International University- Bangladesh (AIUB)

Faculty of Engineering

Course Name: Engineering Ethics Course Code: EEE 3107

Semester: Fall 2022-23 Section:
CO3: Demonstrates flexibly and effectively the knowledge of Engineering Code of Ethics.
Presentation Title:

Student Name: Student ID:

Student Name: Student ID:
Student Name: Student ID:
Student Name: Student ID:
Student Name: Student ID:

Assessment Question
Midterm Students in groups are to study the case “Codes of Ethics of Engineers” and prepare the oral
Presentation presentation on the topic.
Proficient Good Average Poor Secured
[6] [5] [3-4] [2-1] Marks
Very well-structured of code Well-structured of code of Acceptable format of code Code of conduct without any
Format of the code of of conduct with proper conduct with proper of conduct with some reference to the IEEE,
conduct reference to the IEEE, reference to the IEEE, reference to the IEEE, ACM, NSPE, IEB etc.
(A1) ACM, NSPE, IEB etc. ACM, NSPE, IEB etc. ACM, NSPE, IEB etc.
Thoroughly (systematically Identifies own and others’ Questions some Shows an emerging
and methodically) analyzes assumptions and several assumptions. Identifies awareness of present
own and others’ relevant contexts when several relevant contexts assumptions (sometimes
Influence of context and assumptions and carefully presenting a position. when presenting a position. labels assertions as
assumptions evaluates the relevance of May be more aware of assumptions). Begins to
(A1) contexts when presenting a others’ assumptions than identify some contexts when
position. one’s own (or vice versa). presenting a position.

Issues in engineering Issues in engineering Issues in engineering Issues in engineering

practice is stated practice is stated, described, practice is stated, but practice is stated without
Issues in engineering
clearly and described and clarified so that description leaves some clarification or description.
comprehensively, delivering understanding is not terms undefined,
relevant information seriously impeded by ambiguities unexplored,
necessary for full omissions. boundaries undetermined,
Extends a novel or unique Creates a novel or unique Experiments with creating a Reformulates a collection of
Innovative Thinking
idea, question, format, or idea, question, format, or novel or unique idea, available ideas.
or uniqueness (of idea,
product to create new product. question, format, or product.
claim, question etc.)
knowledge or knowledge
that crosses boundaries.
Conclusions and related Conclusion is logically tied Conclusion is logically tied Conclusion is inconsistently
Conclusions and related outcomes (consequences and to a range of information, to information (because tied to some of the
outcomes (implications implications) are logical and including opposing information is chosen to fit information discussed;
and reflect student’s informed viewpoints; related the desired conclusion); related outcomes
consequences) evaluation and ability to outcomes (consequences and some related outcomes (consequences and
(A4) place evidence. implications) are identified (consequences and implications) are
clearly. implications) are not clear. oversimplified.
For complete Similarity with other (Negative Marking will be imposed)

Comments: Total Marks (Out of 30):

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