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The recent hustle culture is making youth strive towards financial independence at very early

stages in their careers. Most people, even before starting their professional lives, start
earning. This has led many to explore opportunities for investing their money. However, most
of these don’t know where to begin.

This problem isn’t limited to youth only but also to those who are well into their professional
careers. They work very hard to earn money for many years, ending up saving some of it. But
when the thought of investing their money crosses their minds, most of them have no clue
where to begin.

Moreover, investing in itself is considered to be a way of losing hard-earned money in

Pakistani culture, but this belief stems from the lack of financial investing literacy and
understanding. Therefore, investing is not trusted by many.

But that’s just one side of the story. Some people are passionate about investments. And their
passion drives their motivation to become better at the art. But what’s the problem these
people face? They don’t have enough funds to get a return that can make a significant
difference in their lives. That leads to diminished benefits for the traders.

We at startupx aim to solve these issues. startupx is aimed at people who want to invest in the
stock market but don’t know where and how to begin. It is aimed at people who would like
their money to grow through investments in the stock market but have no time to make
trades. It is also aimed at people who know the art and science of investing in the stock
market but lack enough funds to make significant gains. Startupx’s goal is to bring these two
groups of people together for mutual benefit.

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