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SYLLABUS ‘B.Com. (Hons): Semester IIT PAPER — BCH 33(a): E-COMMERCE _ Baier Nr Gog Coun Obeive To une i fr efoave nd conampori appa rue Lzaning Once: Afr cpt th ou, the student hl fe aie "con understand the basics of E-commerce, current and. ng business mois, j Se Sate lam ge satan oats hese Po * : on ae ov sl fords and dvlepng wets (COs identify the emerging modes of e-payment. * dean Se aps ec ty hl ant og ano Ua natn Come Suc sence Pest, ving fs af Econ, score ace mec Gea a Met Ecommerce. Srp Mahinon Syunae ond actus Sets wee, at atonal ‘of amachng one 2nd Senterainnent online sopping F eee in 2 HTM as and atte: Tet formating fons, hyperent mie Bi ages it toms acadng oe shen eM: NYP al Epayment Stent Bg oa St ts Ey, Eley furs and gal poston, Pap ele roa comet ratance Bee ana tagcat Introduction 1, What do you understand by the term E-commerce? How does it dif, ‘fan Ecommerce i We ase of cectonc communkaton and digi infrmaton processing tecnoogn Kasia atone fo ces Wansorm 4nd redefine relationships for valu ceston tetween or ameng erganiatons and teween organizations and individuals Escrnmerce fs useall aoc ‘with buving and selling over the Inemet, or conducing. anv ansacton Involving the darter of enerehipon ight to use good or Series tough omputer-medsted network Italo pertains to ane form of business ansation fn eich the pte ntact electronically rather than Uy Pisa exchanges Aloet psa conic, {eae e-ammere i characterize ky several feature (0 Wis abou the exchange of Digtacdintumation between partis. Tis intomation exchange an represent communion beeen te partion, Coordination o the ows of gos snd sevice or tanemusio of the ‘scuonie orders. Thee exchanges ca be tetcen organisations or individu is Technology-enabled, E) incaesIntaanIntevorgaizaonat atic thot Support the Eschange. The scope of ecommere including all eteonedhy toeed nro and introrganzationa activites that dicey ot ley a marbaploe exchanges, E-commerce. E-business. Though the terms E-commerce and e-business are used imerchangsable they are dain concepts n Ecommerce lone oO 2 SiIVA DELAY UNIVERSITY SERIES and nfs) In ebusiness on the other hand, information ommnicaton technology fs ase 0 enkane one’s busines. I neues fr Hata Paine nanan (thers fort, goveramental gy Frei cily) sonfacte over 9 sonputeemeted network tn ge Ernpetomsve toms ebusiwss th tnscrmtion of an ears pnts to selver ail cst vale teogh the appa {moe pipes nt computing palin economy 1.2 Brey expan te mye of Ecommerce A Conon mga hat esoomee:e as Eeonaree mt The nla th fll (0 Sting up a Website any. Tog sting up a website fs ensuring availability and performance of Website is difficult. 7s (a) commen fs cheap epee on se aint vlume xine, (0) Ecommerce means end of avs marketing. Eve an cles ‘market itself using traditional marketing tos qi (e) Begone s doing it Eommene iy nat sit many types of basins (©) Ecommerce is ucatv. Slant meum se onpsans may na he tnaces and wings tet in Ecommnee * (©) Ecommerce i revottonay Tough nec ely hs rae new way to shop, most rules of retailing still apply. . (9 Ontne ean ialway the low-con chanel nt eter spend up ive tines what stone a! catalogue dees spend ok ea ww i) AI! products can be sold online sing ident business models Dien price regi der sling tecgunsael renge (6) Chto G2) Customers canbe bought Custer bought with price promotions Segmeays are rarely loyal customers. a pose ot (0) Online firs fee less presere to grow and achieve economies of see, Eonomies of scale remain nical for een he ce true oss Sal inprantin busines that eany pce ven (09 Sizes nt that important fo online irs. Toa ise tanec al aR sm len than toa ar sclera se ew elie is sit pay in rand aware oles fi p aakantage of lower cost, ee si Middle man faut ltrmediric ae th ‘Mi mans uteri arth tal egaiaions that itr mou oh tae fom te manure of i eer ‘ete consumes ad merchants who dle consumer, new items have surface ot and cannot do are discussgt Proctingenea en fatsconoverthecoumer Ea thon he transaction over the Internet is about tH oly UNIT E INTRODUCTION : (i) Economy. E-commerce is economical Unlike the traionl brick-and- ‘mortar envjronment, in E-commerce there is 0 rental of stre space, fnsuance ete. All you need isan ale, a unique product, and a ell designed Net storefront to reach your eyber customers, (i) Higher Margins. Since, the processing cost over the Web i substantially lower, eccimmerce means higher margins. Along with higher margins, lnusesses can gain more contol and flexibility and ae able to save time when manual tansctions are dane eestoncily. (i) Metter Customer Service. instead of calling a company on the phone holding for 10 minutes, then geting oa clerk who taps into customer's sccount, the Web merchant gives customers direct access to thir personal accounts over the Webh lt saves time and money. (0) Quick Comparison Shopping. E-commerce helps consumers to tundertake comparison shopping. Sie by sie comparisons are ready available. When products are placa online, they come with al the Specifications, enabling you to compare and, choose the best option, Automated online shopping assistants called “hop bot search the Net ‘stores an find deals on everything from tomato stuce to printer ribbons. (09) Productivity Gains. E-commerce means productivity gains. For xine TBM incorporated the Web into every corner ofits proiets, marketing, and practices. The company saved subatantally by letting cstomers find Snswers to technical questions vin its web (ci Teamwork. E-commerce helps people work together, Email is one example of how people olaborte to exchange information and work on Solutions. It has transformed the” way organizations interact with suppliers, vendors, business partners, and customers. More interaction ress in batter overall result, (ci Knowledge Markets. Ecommerce helps create knowledge markets ‘Small groups inside big firms canbe Funded with eed money to develop new iss (G9) Information Sharing, Convenience, and Control. Electronic marketplaces improve information sharing between merchant. aed customers and promote quick, jstn-time deliveries, Convenience for the consumer &S 2. major driver for changes in various industries: ‘consumers are online 2 hour a day, 7 days a week experience no trafic jams, no crowds, and donot have to carry heavy shopping bogs. Control Is another major driving factor. Instead of banks controling. the relationship with the custome, customers today can have more contol ‘oftheir barking ness vi Internet Websites, ee (6) Swapping Goods and Services. Swapping is trading Something one for something he/she wants more. Offering goods or services through Darter i gining in popula recently. (23) Customization. Digital products are highly customizable. They are easy to reorganize, revise or eit With information about consumer tastes ard references, products canbe differentiated (customized) and matched to Individual needs Linteatioe f OS ta ‘Data protection and the integrity of ey i eo ie emma a ee are oak mage ieee a a a en Stews Besa Pre ci, es Sk cs tno Seem tt Mer stil amie nn SS Sees ‘serio ache pte orc pnt, Soe eer mc iat Sete 0 eT ae pei vl ie rnd Sie er ae et rai ema a pe ah Foor toncinbere one ae te Mace hav eoagah cna eee (1 a ent he Ss dere oe seni poctints ates drt mee omen ee len le ise ml met, Bo or Seneca mre nc a Imeitrs for baring, All hese inermdan add to Wanacon (0) Faltinent problems. Siping dss, merdantice ints cating ander pear cotins tc probien in crealing sng sur cnnas oles” © ae Sng (+i Customer Relations Problem. Nt any basins ie hat even lous: canat survive over the lng tem woot lapel eens Coming tn meds rer Csr ye ‘reste on e-business tome oF cic antomercrpetaios oh (Lack af bie pit for han sarap ce iste Ecommene radon open «ays n comme ta) Moda ° le Wert Boy Onin aetna has eta proc we oni fod te tence fe are OMT Would want tos micups, and ling Exommerce, There i » continsing There are very fw eho ee (©) ConpaateVulnenbitinyveb farming The de of cxtatng sne intr he compeatar Web pes aed We tary Te albity of product deta etude rman ot tains th ts Webnte males hvala neces by the tomato 4 “Advantage of Ecommerce outweigh the Limiations. Habre ‘An. Advantages of f-commerce outweigh te lnaons Ecommerce hus « namin of sdeana fer te basins, costes and cia arg: Dig anna om ret rt ttn ad sro Unlike the adtional tickand mera ems in ecommerce nebo nda wel-digaed Ne trot to teuh your cyer cose See ‘roe cst over the we subtartaly ower, Esmee eae higher Inari Along with higher margins. bara Can ya ta cone td Moxbity and’ ave able to sve tne. when manual eanacons e done ‘hernia Tee etre ric a eth i and mony of he conumers Ecommerce pa consumes to comparton sop toe ep ‘rate knowlege murat Eastroie marhetpaces pee information sharing tetweon metcants and customers and promote gui tite dlerog Convenience apd cont forthe consumer as prodets te aval ere 25 hours dey, 7 days 2 wks they eperence io ali stews aed do rathave cary hey shopping tape. Dal prods ae highiy costae ‘They are easy tern oe or it Wh normaton shout neue tates and prefect, peda can be diferente (stom) a ated "individual nos However, thete ae a fe limitations of Ecommerce related 40 scunty and satan Data proecton ar the tty ofthe yen tt hd toe ata serous contre. Computer vires cae unenary dels le lor, Storage problams, ad sytem crash. The danger of hacker cing essed ferraping accounts ao serous ato of ransntng elie Scant Inajor ise or enn busines Systm seal another ae defo ‘numberof consumers shopping seine. Shipping day merchandise mip, Sd Web sts crashing under pressure contacto be 4 probe iescaling ‘Theresa coming shortage rte pple nthe mors place Gus on have Ecommerce sil and internet expesence and fora Also, tana ‘organisational stucure and cares sere found inhibit ropes in E> ‘Q:5. Enumerate vaio 'Ats. Categories of E-commerce according tthe typeof buyers an sles in the transaction ae a follows ns nase (@) Basics to Business. 26 E-commerce facials in ‘mteracton an warsaction. Compares have by ad large eompaterized All the operations worwide and they inthe estmers ad vendor ‘trolly by supply chain stare: Many BXB ites are compas egos of Ecommerce. isinguish between BIB Liv eRSrTY SERIES siuva peut UNtwe ee ct eth ae Sevilla ee ae prs (ip Beukene io Consumer, Ths a siect appeaton OM ele a Th a en Fe neg re elon nae neat transom frkers, met eestor service providers and communi = (Fen rato Tee nr ties mat ol Seen hese, as caer ead oot ne A rasan opie wr poe = (9 Bre te ome. ape ee oom tal Soon tact Tey na ees Senne user ata bene neck ae ees Sample Mewage burs community st, that forme rea eSe (Maite Commerce Moment we of wires ita devices oral tanacton o e web raves te was of wade network comet eps and eld dvs such sp Fevaral computer he wes to condat tars ladys sles instore pre compari, faking. re eens ed (©) sie o Government covers al tans fom usin to Goverment dearer. Many bse ws Supey epee an umn per i Te ean tho la re she gover panes ol an uy tax eline tac tnd ucla the communion fom Sane eganaons 6 fo are the main ples in E-commerce and what are - Ans Moray inlet ommare reasons ee * etre Service Providers An SP ha ages to a nea fsteway. and has service. provider (7 further linkages to ala It provides internet acces for 2 f° gad in by the user and the time of day or night fr. Ecommerce shopping sites provice f¢ ‘te on the web, Those Sank na sftare whch ket customers an supe a which sed to st apa ther satons snd chek & Wa ‘ommerce wanton cons of il prsnimen il py a Semen The payment stay stare mes poi a th Evolutions providers These are compasis. providing ent 16 end sclaions to Ents waning se the cn 8 ipa way TRS ives designing a webs, sting up performance paral ng tp secur an redudaytack op Steayssaton rogers. They specials in making the web ase Pe todo buses involves rypgraphy sobs fo eta Eesrly, firewall ond clues Content providers Toors are various poripants which prente ‘alee omen iformaton which when pote! ont et = pope Ses has huge reference vai Ts ay ctv aes bcs ll [BPrandcctmens st want pose dpthinconntco sp Fe the susciber hooked tors ‘Web sting Seren Ber company whch ss ups website snot Sle maint and spate the se on regular Gass Ts sore ‘cause web ate detopment sed pdaton 2 igh eh and retve sty. The acy involves conversion of stent mater to HTML/XML form se dng server upgradation, Te gg testo ‘eet comes whe testcase te tert {nd tester ionot abe to ake eon, Ts vison fave oa ot ‘Suncor and many tines ony some ttm ae seo gt vouph 0.7. Ste the several ven tat pomete Ecommerce ‘San Exonmer rer that promote emer ae follow: (Digi convergence, Dia evlaton has ade prs fr almost A dpi devo to commantsie with ne snoter The lntemes ‘mate growth rng te past 1 en whlch comply ocean Shear tes, Sie (@ Angline, anywbere anyone: Ecommerce i aalibe 24/78 hour {ay,7 day wee to snyone, anywhere ine wold. (ay Changes in organizations Tae wend towards paren overs fd angers noma depatiens fo develop» ul of ratonstips Bo Ride aue to he cress aifon, downing af ge restate suturing special’ tsk tt eer {tector bres posal regu heter commerisonfeteeh file dopants whch ade sry by comer (i) Widespread access to Information’ “Techaaogy. The ponent Incense nthe nur of poral eanputers wore respekt land for ivormaon ard cmniaton or aaess 6 well = peur oy Inaeasng peso on operating costs and profit margins, Git (© mreton ad probeaton of poses and sive wert have “Sus urancl posure to Laps aoe watch on opera css ‘SHIVA DELHI UNIVERSITY SERIES eh one cn pai soe 7 ‘a Ent ri 4 Catone AY Me cae 9 rand oni tetera lg demanding. Nahe eg delivering ard paying for goods gt Series Mass cstmizaton puis presure on ims to ang crs ages ne te c.4. tao yoo ean by bi and teks Busines model? What rey Sonnet rs ansible of snes model Econ stat tcanrcuenp weg henner pel pee aN coma hetlametto ehtrani Fer Sap Ste ny ak rr on tt lk ope (Ganiayats fet comeray true remy he eae esther tn eel a ae Shc Wang Ch oy he yy ety aca ey ohare git an ap ue Fat a he ran se STL ttn rch once pe ite cay copay apy aces pos ec ah Sr trata pe "tg a Cs nd ik and ora oe ssh gm ing aon met ont pe ye So Pb rinse ou pl cnn he Sao eae ‘ht lrg es emp et (toting te oom cl sted te cee Isom ty oer na copes ay teaming fen psa pen ieee When ce nur ing Tae ae Moo ‘Sorc mt ce 0» ton cising pers Eng ave it ‘ent pe yae pent ‘Serene Hol pc Cee tn an nt Lee esting din dn eth apie nts sean Sh cso pe cy (@) Leveraging ban equin- Ofer Cy aa a oe ting me ve need age ean en aetg re he yn eee Dune YY sing recognized brand names. An example & ase. Because existing firms already bs ac ig romain i aon %¥ amt production; economies of scope vir yrropucron 5 lsribation ad prometion: reduced oven allocation shorts break even tines en anne (i Leveraging lower cost of capt Etishas fms il fase 3 owe ‘ot of cpt, Bnd ses may be salable fo exsist oe tet ‘avaiable fo the online rms The underiting cost an olin e's IPO ishigher than an equvalet bik and ick equity lerng (oi) Leveraging learning curve advantages Every industry hart to et practies tht are Me or Has known to extalsho fm, New t ‘Busines firms wil be at a dadvantage us hey can seein Ue inst est paces and leap rg ein ee 9... Wat in hedferenceSeween pre line and ks and mera ‘Ans. Difference beeen Pare Online aa Brick and Morte store: Location A pare online Basins reures online mare space, The ‘abst shold be high te and ery found. cement Unk the webste Is an important determinant of valle for an ecommerce ‘Airs and mortar business eqs proper mae place prefered tose up stores where ther ite competion for castes Ed the loon also convient, (Size Size of am online stor silenced bythe number of products ae ie customer, toe expecting heavy tli need enough andi oct wera storie poy prone poe eb Wisse bs nd mortar tor, ype of tems sizeof te and the timber of cuslomers ior We ae ofthe sore. Store expecting Feary tic nnd” to chowse a fcaton with adequnte puking Convenence and etrances (i) Presentation As lie sore st havea welplaned wer inefice ‘chaste apa ty Sree ‘Whereas nck nora sre pet aero lth tre Inyoutand cusomer sence Cosmet ivie oe defies ste? (Sperone ad rs ling veo ase tention (iy Payment de, An cline stove ite te neo ssh and encourages ‘Cannon tha do pot ree peal funds ut instead involve data transfer (fenders ‘Wherens bis and mona soe can apt cash, fark ches tee cheques debited cards (o) Secarty, An online stove runs sigan tecnologia sy ‘Tehncloges include pasword encrypun,senig FEW, PONY ‘reste scart equ na rick and matar stores with eget toch tera and cases al, Secu tog ete Cher alas scurty tags and guar an (09 Pacing An oni sore oles conomsed product a ya ison pre ‘beck and movie sve ffs stain! Pree BMI a gy Frise more sucesfl organisation —Bricksand-lichs or p Oe a en neg” i ita ee sr ime, Ee nt niente Wa een tan pa ee Mo cette nh noobs we See Mer fe ae acne et SE cr ein ean eat Tree sere nt ns apr pc wal PE ela epee rca pe ted ere ay Tati ajar atta Bee ee, wae nm isc MLSLaTipned chia trong far ote ee tpi Rearg coin be ae a ena Soc are ee eee ae ee rnc Soe a re (9 Kae ppd song hn rer an ie ‘rans ae ye es Hmlersoniepetenth ethane eae Tahttecamaretteropertos egy i eae Sec paar meee ney (9 Sapa Boe’ ta aan na eee ty Mier phn pata wh eng pec pny cgay ten mah te ism thn bc hy aly pe Sesion np apc nce (Q.11. Discus the Foe of supply chain mandgement In Poneto Ans. Supply chain management implies having the ch the right pi a Eh tne tee an eat he Fecal a he ia an nn Inastrattres and business aera Liedepemeirne | ips I transforms the way companies deal ‘th upp, pris, and even co fice aed prftaby bt ao mea eae at oly f npn "rye Iveta Sepply chain managements oe Po tn sui in manages ard - svi sie, ran ip ny ey at a " since spp twa cf a ‘puis tit yay tinge connie exe has nna pains esha oot ‘serprse resource panning to realonships wih exeral easton and ‘Sop They are aking the pe valence ato i ‘tre spt seme wae sc wifi cng man Sant din magn alee te most it inka he val ca the an atone The tytn nec ors son apes Sl feeen cones ed un asc l pres eng 3 rr ie why ml nan thyme is cs aes ars ‘is wie per celtorton irweoy sos an upped ony wae on Ae commncaon spt tr Se Sager rman cot soul op. Whe It an eon et Eiinomsion eye dns say. Cops case Sul ect ‘edt rae own any lato Se ay igh “Qik What se te cnc Dass hus unten, we ping “An, Tacos cmapasnn ryt ems gung en Gy already have esublabed procenes and charocs for tk and mortar model ‘Soin nine woul oe ives fre igh og: Nay conser Comper ae ltant oentnonew tcoge rcees at ‘Sef nth aie nd aa nese omaha an food Employes ompars a a ht wird meet {55 mys aay me ot ied fo work one tet Te inne changes he work of mary eipoyes rately. regen he trploye pl he verchongg intra Teg nd prison ‘iinet dnge mach fase, ‘teen ene scm ie Chena confictDisnredaon may Rappers an errs fer that iano wil tint Euaese Toh eee {Shon enya mole tin die conta he sone Ear toat manufactures caro J the witout sn! Between the company Se irl coos Tene anlar a eect F908 ine Sondre prevent acon cot reforaréshng nlc 2th de bat teehee snes ese Be ‘esp with ese crane conpeon & going fom lal competion 10 4 Copyright Once ination bas bon pied oa tere Es eos py and seer ses 2 ‘SIVA DELIM| UNIVERSITY SERIES accopt thew chanel A successful online business needs tobe accepted by ce Fae a ae eee Bug eet taanar toa le Ses eerie Eta peau o pnt ovat oa acl a oa ae “Te hy com me ee a ae Seon ot cnr ed et ty oh a ds 113. Discs various appets of sategic plang in launching enn bani? “Ans. The online merchant should conser the following aspects insta planning, before starting a new online busines saps “a (9 Trspectvecastomer A new online eller must know the segment o ‘hereb mart its products aly otra. After ling the spe the merchant redo acon ving 2 hours (i Faith the Internet The added ecerty and te dcp nature ofthe web mae anew vente quite chal ‘They to reducing so focus on what you Knee The fleet as generated new breed of savy consumers More and more ale “ton does resech on proc coe ya i Ti span fr the aline operations Is important to decide wht the merchant is approaching the Internet for a quick killing or fot suse growth A cody Hem ke Pats god be on wh becuse canes buy hese everday prac tht te shen emai ee dics soe (© Competiors rr tha» unig poate he mart wi Sparpattion crecping up on it. Competitor will find a way to meet &® challenge and divert your web atte ad (Prat guy Se fre need to Seo tector igi UNIT INTRODUCTION 5 (0) Pr shipment ihe he oducts sn pilot ean ces to determine how the product wile pchedl,soppel eat hive, and ocala be un, Se megu es the pode spec of dry ands al cas tak so the planing pe (2) Manaling especie hinge Eig» Web busines hing ar onetine devcopmont rt bs nike You sea wet Iaintear spree an inpviy he roponivenes of e s ound te cet (9 Casomerfetback In adton to cone what ar ay, the tran edo lan aw ome eof ated how og ey $57 on te si ste he Tas nm dene Boag eee ‘vs poi il spel iar tactose ae ©. 1 ie caplain the vaius phase Howe whe Me le snproath of lascng he usin 0 nee "ha Vsnchng abuses on he Tere rouis carl planing, erst th tars isomer sa ang te gh es a ‘She le Ten sng he sola hese Sos a Scns wl tve pees on enn and ao ensure eine em of Acivey of products an Tallow up sre. Ths ene pe eel ee Ceeapprnoluncting trees on ert es even pas re Sect ele The bss planing and aehig phe. Fora newts re svat te paming Sassy sen 2 taal suppor Ts sage alr repr ns pa dfing i net mares a seg med ed Kop rrp se Sensing tes ising ¢ companys pesto sed competion sting core fer the ote and igang at hw thee oe 5 Fctolgy nfs phase sth hdres ey, and stp pine pe nels Scns nd lego impet preene Dc re mae mprting he handwreGpet ahy ‘hoon stars ey nd TN Ya bec tach tte he csome ond es "The design phase this pce he foc on bung the site rd placing a bate sng Ws pg oh ncaa sect Ore wea fects he conpany ar make et wai earn tc company ned ebay e poe writ tc nivarand solar ong ie hunting hess ces ering te he tn p ‘cineca a proving ete ve te ceo te my Fe ey pu er ; fling eh - te aint pe alice dying wp erin pyre ou cs ar scr ge heute es ™ sa ra UNIVERSITY SERIES sem or» ane o cure, id NE dg oF pl oem spre pate changes that are design {heaps padi The we ears ably of Une eet ‘ane upgrading nce ome et standards and customer expecta 7c Signe czy, ek inl Sg pb (que ht ucts slp thm prominent lato he Fo ‘gale area he nomotn canbe sy ard icy ace ane Sian thereby provide palo panning phe, ‘0.15 Esplin the hey steps ofthe alllent phase Ane. Flirt wot hyper fr le made, Sling spi {tien praems can male flernce between Eommere aces Pa father spect of the flment phase fe to Bet Proce Sat sme’ hands jst mine” Typ fle ices * Packing pte mrcartor 1 Sipping the me umae 1 Azering gust bot the onde 1 Seng out he il verge payment posal he ot ad water prt the fue pane inode nepaing fliimene invty Here the frm nto adds ened an “7 Prodat avaiable the product fo sony ems inthe immete ‘ath pods inthe inventory. The fi hat ed iveniory stems wi the wets i asoers be hated tat the tems hy able or Inmet dlery oan be bd Outetatoce nice Whe da sche a ot of ko aa Backorders, The comer needs to miedo backorder in ne. selmi ode The ueny oft rds eet roel ar “Conols. The casomer tas wo be not ‘out fata rma o cn hee 116. What the dhallng ete development AE lle f tnt ad sna pas tine Pate invs maton nce nitineat an on exchange inleraton of onde nr management, cpacy manson servi nd dey cs the allowingchacoen), MAMBEMEN, csr () Ersring seas ‘taken sn fk onde when en ‘none left in the warehouse. a =F et nd mince phe roc eed for salen the inventory kcalieoiny tes with ne Wb fovemtc pest 2 Neboner aout oe te camomet (6) Avot tongs wins 0 Sena my ert ort amen sew, otic acl tenes tint ek ee te Tbcaame rar te Peco ia a ns cess nt rth a gest rece o Rian caeetaecetirtt ne Tearing meta Ss eects in eee oo aetna ee woeeoas aera eam wiht tptnten sec opens Exnicie ae eters mente vant Pees rare yee scape. Fs Sore rm tat Tiel thwegin re peiores meus ete tree ri ptr sera er eaee stan ijuick deeeantrenme reat gamebeetargree sen Eo opel re treet seer Soohoree mien eat po Sea iagaatineatemenney Wee ae iene teen eS eerie tae ects pants anmeeenanen page aees tiene va pet UNIVERSE SERIES sep eH oF e Mt an a Broup of Severs nthe Te tn eo i at ee en eet tel he ay nt te we a Foe tt a pat tite ad nea Serer raetten Moet ee he cee eae rr se yane oe mcd fee ee eh re nes Saeed Taga adhs Massa ale Fee es eli tna snr eh etn ge Cee oe Prete es haeak nae peed oe ean ad eas Te et lew son wit oll montane Bie erence hen ‘Ans The World Wide cngzaton oes designed ® FRB invert gig at aos dserto die data an Web See Setar. The we save sfae els compar ode sm page writen in HTML to cht machine Dat rq hs ere Sgn FTP regu Web ave star a pve secu Sae, Tete me sre ted ert epg compat th ee FT le Taner Poteet arch eng, nd data cpr evi Wet Cents They ae he computing dee atch tthe en at cogging ee dS tke, he on dy wb psa ed at (29 ee ahr nes he follwing concepts precisely (3 cong ™ (8) Shopping ca 18 biota pods ton ‘Ans (Dig Fam. Dig So ae $2 orton it Crag ye NE deri, ewe ‘leverage information ‘Processes and foster creativit et to digitalize Ey stn ye ee an SORE while creating conditions that fay, monitored and dram 2 i 2 oo ® Bis uly a bape ack of Hessel for part "ual shles ad pus ent ee ng ea fi “eco Cots val gn a hs he products of dey he vir tte wc Oat Smog ce ae ina ers rowser meray 04 Fenerlization tons that enol? (4 Comteninton.Cotointion inves th ptiton of «pet fm sak fos inom spat. In il prove, cere ert or Saher party to 9 reareip il ean ening anid! csoner Sito aot on wha the company Knows st him/her {o Dig! gods Dt gods se angie gon tat ate sore, delved and un in eco oma Dig foo ae ehippd cron to he Sra though cal or dower he te. Examples o dite fps ince oka mu software git image or fe aan EStot in an secon fms aA jars wate hal anon at ane oa pol of acess wolnformaton wn te Writ Wide Web A poral prea ineemation rom ‘ieee toures ns une way. Apart fom he sand arch engine eure Srebporai fer oer svc a well such su emai mew sock pes ‘Mcnain doses and enterinmet. ol provide 4 way for ener toprol orient ad fl with aetna pocedarts for tlpieaplcatione and atates wach here wold hate Bon dierent crus hoger "O20, Discos aioli nd we ete and series hat support Sommer? ‘he The niet andthe wb ake Ecommerce posible by allowing computer tts to sos prod and sevice inrmaton and 1 compet ‘rte eine Some of th spits hat spor commerce cade °"Bisonic mul (ema), which wos 4 sane protocol 0 rae {,mesage conaing, Wo imager sound, and rides cps tbe ‘Tard fem om tre ter another Eamall fen + Starch engines which ently web pgs hat mach query submited bya wertSemnh egies ml esr oaing wes ge ead 1 hn ty want oy. «Toei pets ttre obs which re software progam th tetera or iter norton on apecicopicand en povide st raul forth er + Instant messaging which allows messages tobe set Between two wer stews indany, elowing pats te sngge inn ro-eny Sveren, Bronmerce compe We ting isan managing a 8 cotamer super o + Crh lows two or more ws to commana via computer in {eal tne (mutes) a oing seed in Eeommers a8 2 ‘Senn bling tn «+ Mun video, and other standard fe (ch a photon) which ae els eon incon ht may bl edo artng «Be nng med, which cables mas, vdeo an ote arg hes be ae Oy chunks so hat wher coved an pay the le comes ‘Mebagntmunrrpled. ike stand dg ies sevming media my WeSSEagtn Content nd nd a3 marketing oo + Cookies, wh ane small tt files that allow a website 1 store Information abot swat and ae sed by Ecommerce a smarking {ool Cookies allow webeie fo personae the te to he ser ah ales [emit cstnztion and mathe segmentation «Tater telephony. which uss VOIP a tana ui communion vert internet + Digi brain, which ei allow dsbution of software appiaions yt to icra dtd soap, eich wl allow ISP 0 sore Bue mule servers date lamin through eo contre that wal pemit rote eo way communion Sigal ies ‘eto tha wil be ae wo deter beer ehaecndcst gay do ther the Ite high-gsiy vale tener lee inersion (the ener of viral rt an vides coreg Neches Apptistene 21 Discus he ut of iternetin various busines proses Ans ntere an ewe he flog basins procs Communication. A tosines’™ ity comarca with ts employes, utr a as changed damacly wen he eel ow cremation messing hate change The feo “Telecommuting lternet helps business in elesommating The employeescan work from home wing fee equipment proved ty te compen sad scree ovr cons by ewig le ice pe afd Wing es ites {or day operation. Maning Wi he avert of Itt mating 9 bes mt ty shat of the neds of fe castomets,Congetiton & no longer leases ‘snes mow has cmpettion ll ovr the wou Ite nperatee hats Wcases {ow what ts costumer nanan dlner Sues, queens eet forms and comment os webs can be uso me ssn ean som cr "Advertsing. cuing the lteret in 3 busines advertising bag extends ‘sna att estes om that chard tal oa eee te ee a Hn ves ps ote nc ta ah Collaboration. Working nity othe business a pofsoras is implied wth the se ofthe Inet Terme seminar a called bine sae sctstrang on rot th epi ove te we sey oy es ear Bsns ete intel 1 se ving pron poy rn” a ‘eh the competion tose whit pcs a Sea sae Sepa Stine pedi tafralritinimran {Pret epi srt snd nt pans ones {Q.2 Hates on the hy considerations in web 92 Bat tion inwbsite design pase, bse ig pase th oar han eng ae to seach new produ iss, new tae he pros sen The ome ay a ‘Bis Wubi cota wo parma won yt hse Ore he etrup andraing seeminervequiedolcy beste apts dae and he fran ah sate ang “he Web Src. Tenens Wb ret 0 mi The sete a at qc so espa Wl prove a ‘ste about tases lca py see pom {Serene and be mpc siion emgage wi roe ‘Scheie [ah cto steel fess th Ceton thd stew te pdt cy Tee an © Sint ues Coser wb ear nt mht er ening ‘Eg tn wot ote ag seman ste (Theo Shale esa ce herder an snd te ‘ast rer and sea pcg Sy (ay Thee oh ac tae ens uy a We oder 12 pods pane mp (6) ee Re Boal hve at sends cineming email © Behind evry ws sa cst of programs stored on the server to preset apptaton we Se visto ant the forgware ht wl ose the server and Sioa, = helsing porn eel Aig the webs ti essays me atest share treet ESENGG sare te prac inomaton th custamer “Reopping cats phys sbppng ct i aos ‘osc thes os he se ying ad a unt he Serpe reo ae Aanbe an a mene Jed atasbeurse bos troughs od ig tote {AU"cdtrpcesiogysom=hinds a he ts tres lng put tics tating th od, SEER attr es so sping es nde sro dewraes the meg a pet a SSCTeS arp aad an coum per qa ty ely csdrsins website Seg te tan he ‘etic nrc aro» wobec of web pgs with tat Ft nll ator pape Ge onto ee a dom’ ics els ete toundo sn pte Se a eat ant tcon ck win he ne eye en ads ae shot ave wor tet Coen an ae a rns on ee 8 em «Re ie an wl ies ot apo ose EREERE goign Dialogues shoud not have formation eat other Crt tote segment ae ee + Recovery from eo, or messages should te daplayet in pin Helpdesk The ste sould ave fester the user ca sec som aetna to the proc serie, ow to onder ee ©. 24: What is website fesing? Wha sess are Haeladed der Website testing? “Aum: Website testing. Hore lunching the bane on inert, the design phase ruts desigrng and etn he Webste Websites ze essen cen) Server application with We scrers an Inonsechents Website esting he Process of esi aa very tat ender can act wis website or Wed {pplication Corsdestion given tothe mrctons between pages TCP/ {communications tre conections, reall, appctons that rnin Neb page and applications tat ran onthe vers, Toe area wide vanity of Sean bs a eo ach vate ih conto ‘rapidly changing technologies and mali standards sn poles The ead sults that esting for ebstes can coe 4 mar engoing efor. Other aes Inca in ws tesang ae (@) The expected Ina am the server, ember ofits por ui time, ant the lind of pedormance rut under ach lon sich a Web server his ti, as gy pe ine (i) The target ance a the ind of roses andthe connection they wl be ws mend (i) The Kindo pertormance expec om tcl side ow fs should toy aaah is Satis pl nd anon (x) The down time for sever nd content manteranes upgrades lowed (©) Type of secunty irewallseacryptons, password ee) feud a wat st expt to do? How ini teed?) ST an (9) Reina ofthese’ teret conte anit fect onthe ackap ‘stem a edu conio rere a (0) The processes requir o manage updates othe webs content and sh reunion ching on cnn ope 1 Gupta rp a ae ME PPI ano rps (a) The page outs ard cds clement show site Stat Wis lea othe se a they Should he ae weer indepen se [rove or generated lsd on he brow .Q.25- Distinguish between the maintenance and codeqcem hi ne srs coc wih ng pnt a be ta eign plan. Enharnent meas noe: a 08 tanges that ae ces to improve th ten a PES. sherssons ornate he ule manne tty: Rend of the Web sie, The gol of enhancement hr opgrate a ews of businesetorconsumer conection to meet the Lager ats rete and he he loest standards and custo be consistent throughout ae sl within 9 ses Pages Possible, of pages should be ‘xpctations. The tom ies aslo an tno tin kw thal when pra i oe forty ego he sn tendency top toward tel Tepe ar sgl pps ey ad topo emo where th Aka thy aes aman leg fie they end Yo St dow ant make hems confor. The meant ‘expect the sme hing tpn when hess Me bee Hie they begin srl an search fr tng to The eitck the ment cts the the eae shold be the np fr ‘Sec festa tt op FAGe (ety sok questions and pot the na frominent locaton one howe fap: Answer Ta ermal Bec tout [ESpmroprii content ny mal i binding ig Jocument ‘Q'' Howe would one decide on whether 0 design» website Shouse or cutout What ae te factor ht need to be considered while devgning sree ‘Ans One of the sus rine at the planing sage fe whether the pron of th busines ou eign he wet oul be sige Soule web selgr The advantage of having the work done inoue Snover ihe ete proper provided reel expen and cxpertie ‘Srutieirbose oteewe gng the wc dog an ote coal >the cert on lp in tering the Internet sev proviet et phe wets dngn an pos the we pops ac prove vse of stone Using wih Se petemance. The dao te dsgn ioueo oar he ‘oj hs mach fo with somparing he amour a ine kes he ose Frost do the works the cot of th tinea how qu the Po con be ‘ove wh tht of tec abe aid an uti agency The webste soul be ieee cen ach he ct hot of the deg pocage monly he belong. Depending on wich approah 9 busines ks, knees ciler sep cst alg =| SEES ar acount fo whith pres ae creditcard verieaton Sera teeny hing is fo ae dese a ‘Sppont personel The posture fr planing the we design bens wih inlng Homo’ wettest about how the prope i an Tipe apo tose sey in exter at generating at of he re eps teamatte nge cvsring the nisin ss hat has devaped and ler rere fcr tobe osteo oe esting he website inca Sie eal tere Te base strate of website consi Tres wa tet, gop si an inks oer pgs, THe ety oe che pg in et ng ws na ere reed ang peo abot ewe «Sn el te hy ope dt te peo Taare eer forming ancl msg a coms Sng oes tt eit theron for te spel of Website design inode tat the 2 surva bet UNIVERSITY SERIES ‘ostoucing ofthe design phases a bance betwen designe innovations ang Earn teal a nd {hey have then by sae and get back on wack within the site with + Gomvsony and stalin, Users should not have to wonder whether different words or actions mean diferent things on different web ee anne et ae iB fo Sees ea Cee antyettiningege sryziidn ate pane ean ae ae ees oat nigeme cite rete giantess ee ae Meee nae boar thine pian Se Se plone rare te ieee erie Sismrel a a Separate ts tr da sane eat aie apie toanes cate at Fey cea eet goa nk erent "reat goat cide rsa too 2 Roce oe ie van die wt smo hime oh ee a CETL CHGS cose ihe re ima te poe le a i en launching a business on Internet. eee an irae ‘is to develop the concept for the on-li oan Purpose Soden co busca char as posible, Ms a6 phase oy incolves dso th feo phases of tele oe IEC Rage’ Py ee ma ig or et despa ce vat eee cnn np gee Al gg seen coors adept et ta pl cach eee at serie seg Uvtraanrropucrion 3 Ea peers ran pees aaa Toate eee ee oo amt ya ad eat sneer eaee ie Ses teense See a ees on Ea a pt Ste a ee near aes SE nr oe eae Se ee ny ae Seder rs ore eae ce ean ee et ee fe acon rt hig mcd cs Cet rotten nm Cron op ee ee gy ce hy ie a Se ap mal ese he et Coen yak ta a TT eel eae spente sie sa et padi Sain a oi sig an pc ey i Re Scere emu co ardvare necessary o auch Sebo may ban etre A ef aio tp, dy srs gc ess os mma rete ge te Eig piesa sche et ‘eperntan mr ats hep ae at Rage papas tata noe et oa ence ga root Soh ema ain eae tan 8 ca lin eta Pac ‘An Stinks sae ut inns with he mode lows ses osu he ee on he Interne ‘used on thelr scope in an the mews om be casi mit ett ey pari tl tea Bad ltt ase te cae seething ate nly ot ng ate fF netvorng tad retold Ceca to fog tl ployee and eames os "at nc uta ca eer Nya! tay aon th sete mcs 1 IL ern we za 2 at ne rte ther compat sa lctvely and ikl ct nominee pa SN a i ts deat Syme mos Wak cates ee 2 ane, Ean ate te etl tvs a ee we iteration in dh tenancy of Ine nbn of te pti in eae sxc the oar fs ines ct te bass rns ad sippy Wo naka gages inne allows only gpa casenen andi gna a ‘taal noma ofthe ntatan tos ae ee «some ly ard improved communis wi he ie 3 interc:itnet Enon the wrench ea te ano of mete whch as hese ha ne a Soke compuesto word nme fom oon ee ud Newel I omprac of vara ray ninccedoeee Se ‘ows a pe ho nae nel compan ae ee “Smt Miser theta nico weno an inhi cy nr hepa {254 Whale he cola ey ear a pa Lge le infu ‘pul a tn tact ‘os Four lal ey a play ae oe fate eposon of the sata ‘O Tadiont tecomminction compan, The ional saan cp mit fom oi i serena plane ib © prove anne a eee “lowe They ae opin ee eu ee semmonkat anon eating anne ee tea tsi an cv ype compton rhe out of dat ea nen ne ea (o Sate cology vendo. Rew id ner with tl Rocha teppei ce (i) Wl meer por Nien ae telat ype Peto ae bing coed or Int La ee ‘owl wl bso nyt wee se a ee comme tn bs ae (Cae pone, Tea wh free on se a or (© waa hor haa penne a sl etter fo nes eae tp bone wih at acer an toe ie Sa sutbound ais dats og ede a 8 Whar dey protocol wed onthe "he common st of rl scale 3 plo. To have» tube fe dts sei comet ng ie cy ch ee te Wh a ell pase The RIVA IP a PT a a ‘Som ets Bashan PO Te Pg rt oma f the importantes whch maketh ty Inet me et pra na wom et te + SMT aa TOP ev ue MAPnates malo be sot et Signi emai : : sin ad conical Ui pgs hop mg _ Cee re dee ip et the cesar thf tho bursa vl pega on pie inproved functions + Forint wy progr ta ees Work Toe + Finger iy gram st allows rind out who is gpd oa 2 remot aw + Ping uy program hallows arto very 3 contin ben enn Hewipa moron eroateMege ea (9.36 sort not on yc Ades ‘An. The Inn ca asl anh te proto verson 4 whch altoids sat Bios sds Mest fe tenet sing and hee adele Teresa herr ‘sein of am aise ty wh ae a cote ynamic Ade Nad ata eo a rot change Pads ora an ros din ae ave ine Bu many people cont lege permanent contin Ae be Se TCHAP i the callin nd Ge stat a mae Ans. The advantage of static I ae. 2k coms cn ct tlhe connaction bens dont pao yp msi Fete ba aon Tous et " coun athe MKT Na ears tot oder Theme ae may be sed Internet IP address nga EA engages ae not visible tot nly rede throne SMP ha kes ae tran Berane tains” Me gh acy. Tas dos ‘work atchit 8 the orginal IP address 2 “HT ME Hiden by his maha company td bays par of Css Ctra ides th a of heed 10.38 Write a short note on css A, 8, CIP address. ‘Aes IP adress abst anon reps by 2 ing its which sive into four 8AM bods (or eet) aed ach oe! ep ‘decal number. 111908843 conan for nant groupe spat by ‘st ‘Some networks have more ats than thers, therfore Uy ae clad acuing ore tens A Band © tore * Sitios The tor ene ae 10006912600 we ‘eo ig repel ye sree + Glas Tse resale networs comparison toca A They ave {GiSwor rade Network sddrene e range om 1280.09 + Chas Chee are aby ret ith 250 ode at the ina ‘he nework iP ree forte tanger 12000 225000 rR china cep of ma ae yt ase contd, Every nae one ney hw a aq Th adres Ae ‘Mlneuc ae lia to ember, theo domain nes have sen Po {op the IP addrsen ch ae ar caer to emerber Fintan at ftir to foment view ipcon’ than ie cocresponding IP address {otis 5a dai ae ap tn or a aes, Itc: which share he coming a requests ad sever! domes Pit {orange IP dre hen mest peobsly several anor Ae shang oe Tange eb server atest of an P zi “G40. Discs any our layers ofthe OS ference model ‘Ans Link Layer he in ayer the lowest aera separ fr the retwork aces Iona the nae andthe cane an pis ow the oe Shel hc sgl has te conerted om acct rade seen ‘be wach consi the information The sols arent hoogh = ‘hye port (sch so pra! or B-Town an pte cable or» copper we for ample Typ poaclsfr he bn jer are FDI Re Dsl Ds) wht ed treat eet ‘trian OP et Pros fren ing eck. The stare Ee tbelinyer sha known athe eve diver ans oral emeeo0 ‘he netrk car seoating en edie Tower ayer: The network yer the ret yer above the ink ayer is reponse {date addnesing sn the waromssan of inermaen. The [roca define how pace sve moved round onthe meters ta a [Rfmaton wut om one star nso te end nade The poco ied or {heheh ner ste nen Prot) Anctherprocl sd at is ot 1 university SERIES ven ota single message 10 mul wit fo maicsing whi sen 0 orm ‘em i em SP er TM fi nent Protacol (GMP). “Application Layer The apple inn i te ee Foe snsion oF HTM dock ‘Trreer ool (TT), bck esas he as mens, “Mone Laer The ow higher eve th anspor AE 5 Tesponsible fy nade dt toa ert ode ensures whether and how the scompt and me essagescanbegunanee. The transport Layer beak, loon lnger mesons info spments, wich then can be ansported. On this layer vo proto ar finger. The Tansmision Control Protocol the hey protcel nd poids rsble message‘ransmission service and the {ser Datagram Pol (UDP fers ates, urelbl service, which works ‘with the poratigm of test ert By segmenting information in messages Packets ble te and gas, depending onthe layer, becomes sie to ‘eveopsltwae that ncomporates the rogue protocol mere es. Q.41. Wrte a short note om the layer af OSI reference model. which ‘ommanicates withthe aul sppliction ns, Be specifi, ‘Ans. The spliation lar esate the delivery of dala to a certain applica from another appiction Ths layer sen mesg to. formation {raat spt esses to encapsulate information fe Foto an hel nie he Hyer fen Taner Pte (TE whch ensure the transesn of HIML documents Hyper Te formating pages with em ramen eee Wages wth embeded links that connect documents to one sacs ein sete one ae 0 fp oh ie HEP yc Tet Tae Ps ‘Protocol used to transmit web pages over the Internet. roost 42 Write a short note on layer of OST reference. model. which is responsible for data addressing and opin "and the transmission of information. Be "Ans. Them nis Sin Tht yer wes messages. the not ye above lays above the ink layer It is responsible fot tansmsson o inf pera irplints formation. The protocol define how ound en the toe, how Shear de ecu th ew, i, how infornaton i ote fa Internet Pre) Ane cohen Ani rote wet si ek age tote tea ey reg soli an zu a vio base angenen cl (iG) ns Pou. rind tt Hye" of OSt reference mods I which — mel which manages Str wh, PON er Band cert nas ia Ha amd Lge ee Ba layer two protocols are ees We hay proce LUNET I: INTRODUCTION = rovides a reigble message transinision service and he User Datagram Protec [tIDP) offers a stateless, unreliable service, which works withthe paradigm of fest elon By segmenting information in messages, packets, bytes, bits and Sptals depending on the layer, it Becomes easier tO develop software that Incorporates the require protcal more cai: “Qa. Wate s short ote on layer of OSI reference model which is responsible forthe network access. Be specific. “Anse layer he lovest ayer andi responsible fr the network acces anects the ode and the channel and specifies how the node connects to the ommuneaton channel Iressa signal beng transite on a channel. The Sigal has becn converted from packets that are made ofa series ofits, which ein the information. The signal transmit through a physical port oto 8 ‘nal, which cn bean optical fibre cable or copper wire. For exe, ypial ‘potas forthe ink Iyer ae FDDI (bre Distributed Data interface), whieh are Tre terete eerne networks and PPP (Point o Point Protocol) fr token ring ‘etworks. The sotware forthe ink layer f alo known asthe device driver and ‘Sronmaliy embedded on the network card O. aE Write» general (nomspectic) note on diferent layers of OSVISO reference mod “Ans, In onde to Keep up communication, se of rules has buen established tar takes cave of the communication tetween the nodes connected to the Inernet. Tas family of protocols ls called the Internet Protocol Suite (PS) oF “ometines just TCP/IP, The protocole are based on the layers of the OSI/1S0 model of layers. The lower layers af the OSI/ISO model perform deepnestd, {echnical faetons whe the layers in the middle are used by applications and ‘ely onthe fact thatthe futons in the lower layers work Nawesly The upper ayer protocels are based on the functtonality an application reqltes and reduces therefore the complesty of the applletions drascally. A connection over the Inert can be eablshed easly by any applicant without knowing anything soul the hardware, which sed to acess the Internet, such asa modem of 8 Toutes, TCP/IP model consists of seven layers viz, physi, link, networl transport session, presentation and application layer. The IPS model uses only four of these ayers ‘0 46. Briefly mention all seven layers of OSI Reference Model ‘Aas. Internet Protocol Sate” (PS) ie 2 set_of protocols that enable communication between the nodes connected to the Internet. These protools are ‘bse on the seven Iyers of O51 (Open Stems Interconnection) reference model seveloped by 150. “The seven ayer areas mentioned below: {Physical Layer Its the lowest layer which transmits raw bits over @ Communication channel. It uses modems and telephone networks. It Convers bits into signals for outgoing messages and signals into bits for incoming messages (i Data Link Layer. Its sesponsble for raw tansmission facility to the fetwork layer I creates and recognizes frame boundaries by attaching “poi bi pater o the bognnng and end ofthe frame. 1 uns SERIES wv suvapeun a sube IS ONS Fogg i ts ata fre sess wind atk Hyer and nse thay sts ea at ater TAR a as ners HNSIESION eye Serves lip layer splits it i) Teapot Layer Toe Feces lao, sa ee tetumeaewe wy Selo tay Hele ‘ "Se amongst them 1 allows rare dams “ferent machines 10 esta 7 bh tc to go in oth directions ay jes foe contol the a WAS Ls (0 Presetaton Layer. allows appa Prenat at on tao okie I span forthe spat an sents of infra transite : en re dey tls oe pg Nee ein neermumiale oda oppcaton fran sr genes rf us 4. Whal'n myvnostatr mols (ATM) etwurk? Explain he ict per AT een msl An hah tamer mee (ATA) neterk, ATM bs sxtrring cnr See pt it elt da ATM may el by ese penton ee dlistance networks. ATM operates atthe dats link layer (Layer 2 in the OSf mowed aver eter fie or bese cable aaa i of Ms an mon ti les ke ‘ways or xomple ATM utiles no sting Hache cence ‘ek hoa co an tran hana ned ey eae belts ect day ATM ui Tength, that includes 48 byt ees inseveral lndware devices known a ATM. teteen endpoints ard data flows het. The high ‘acon and trhpma pya i yaopton tye Hm mote el se which pan (0) Controt This plans ny " “requests, omit for po rating and managing si (i) User This plane {0 User. Ti ane swaps or my (6) Maem Th pa Bg he rer fd, Layer manage reraeenene sletctonot fa ve “ect a apes Functions, such as He Plane managment mange Problems. ae completes SE tc yt nates functions related to the manag Ly san The ATM reference model is composed () Phiysicat layer, Analogous to the phys fave, the ATM physical layer (i) ATA foyer. Consist with the ATM rouyly analogs to the al fink hay ‘ATM layer fs esponvble forthe ‘over physical fink (ell ) [ATM network (cll lay) ec tii In the fader of each ATM ll (ii) ATM adaptation ayer (AAL). Combined with the ATM lay, the AL is roughly anal nk layer of the OSI model. The NAL. is sponsible (oF Holiting higher-layer protocols from the details of the [ATM processes, The adaptation layer prepares user data for conversion ino cells and segnents the data ints byte cell pays Finally, the higher layers above the AL accept user da into packets, vad faa to the AAL (Qu. Write a short note on the (a) rcks and Mortar Bs (0) Bricks and Clicks Business {6 Virtual products Ui Network Address Translation (6) Intanet following, ATM layers: sl layer of the OSL reference eference mal. The eo ing of Virtual cies fant posing cells theough the ve VPtaral VCt information arrange it () Extranet {@) Consumer to Consumer (C2C) E-commerce. ‘Ans. (a) Bricks and Mortar Business. Bricks and mortar refers to the woliional business with physical presence of a buildings) or other sructare in contrast the online Busines. His often used to refer to a company that sess buildings proxtuctin facilites, or store for operations. (0) Bricks and Clicks Busines. When a brick-and-mortar fem sequires online capabilites to distribute ts products and services it becomes bricks and click firm. Such fis benefit from the established brand name,” marketing arrangements with supplcr, aa existing information systems. Briks-and- ot Vaal ara oe hart Te brits a tanec Tow ech th oes ant Fr oF chang re mans 3, pat ie SS seprments of dvsions of information snd guck and ex dizemination of normatin. srt ko ee che nrton With Diy fei enter Soe coey Ely en come ‘suppliers and key customers. It allows clearly identified customers or cn SESS ah Sut sony ecea eucro Sen rs ane Ses act eevte aes pace ee ee eerie Seen iu Coane 6 Cromer Cy Coca ‘tos sr ops hse oon wi CX tana spl Spey tye been oes ey Se Repco ty sve ni a ts rsa on ae pi ete he mle san hp en ch cn Stay ie te aa te pro tough CXC Beonner sd ever mde ae se ‘oc oem Cpt ep eke el ndings rcs Cons we ‘rade toms, loco ter tasacoasudvas hese a © Dai homing tems shang anc job onan is (©) Infomediary aad (3 secre (8 cn cl rion 6(F) (0) Daman Rane stem (0 Online Sec (9 Porat ‘Ave olen data interchange (EDI is he ture transmis of ees es ar of data tes See crate nets such ar VARS or the nent 1 sed 1 ile Sons dncents rr ae compte. 9 ae. oe ae ccraisgcomee othe ner ED stoning ces Spore anc cme Ho ont 1) tomy. no bai ot prone es iia bal of poe fas a sees a eit pote rma” Rome fot conbiatn of ihe word snormation and saan an noma gathers smd pais ge amo of at and cae anny been the wo wert the information and those who TP ial media They ave computmednted tok that allow people 10 eke are or exchange norma, easy aid pltre/ videos ih tal ‘Sivan and neers Socal maa group of tenet eed Sora eal te aon and exchange of emergence one ey seeaon ble ant wes sino o crete hl reactive ‘elrs rugh which inevatunsanlcommaniits hare crete, us Bay csr peered content, Tey imodace sual an pervs ‘ings to fommeneaton between busine orzaion, comments, and ini Sr mei ler rom wos oi ed any enclaing quay ah tency, say eds and permanence, “Uh terme potoce version vg) The version of rere Protocol coe tea! ves rs om 3230 Taree (ually represents fe itrancy a anf number 2345479, Eventually (Pvt wl rn oat of gue amber to dential the servers and oscines Ut makeup the lerret. The ow verso Ive srs loger 138. adresses, ths providing ore powsble {jue umber 0 be ngs adressen Th busines an nda Seat" unre who wont sgn ip for an IPV6 servic will be able 10 fimmaninte with people wing ls addres. As more motile devices come “nen nev serie ike Interne leony gain mamertam tvoughout the ‘tot the ned fort address grow. Asa and Europe are kl tobe the Tacourrs expres an Pass shortage There are two rename Fis, Srsumur in these matte are adopting newer chnaogy fase than they are ine Unted Ses Second Europe ond Asa wer also gill given nach Statler pool fares than the United Stats, which lds move Paes {Ban ay ber county “G Domain Name Sytem. The network layer response fr addressing the res an hom they ate snes. Every node onthe internet has aunque 1 adres Ar IP aessave dif reenter, theory domain names fave been pt on topo the Presses, which are far ens to eater Foe Rost pee tit fa ease fo remember “eee hp co” thn its coresponding, TP adden (92151.1113) {fh Online Seah Online search means seachng information on the work eee, Ser engine itso search fr infrmation on the Wor We LoxiveRstTy SUES Fret Tnermaton may cost of web pes ages nfermation and oer ‘ype of les pets 5 Tinks page OF 8 Point of ne from te standard search engine ene ins rl wen Apt fromthe staan SS engine era ook and el wh aces coo an procedures for ers fica and dase which tere would Rave been differen, nutes loge "O30 Flin he banks: Fes tact tafe files rom servers to clients and vce vers, (hows messages to Be sant almost instantly allowing parties ‘S cagge conversation, 1 TE ch ae computing device altached fo the Internet that are apse of making HTTP requests and displaying nnn» PARES. eee as you tack the route 4 message takes from client to 3 ‘eats compat. (0) mene fea ity program hat allows users to verify a connection ‘steam lent and server (on wore te ae for encoding and dcodng messes (00) es VoIP anos commaniation ver the internet (ot) "Whe praamining ngage medio ete most web popes aii pele eta ae aes format a web page. " Staak are wes 9 eB eh pattie peter areca ens el e image sound and vdeo clips to be tansfered from one Inert Use (any taste ma na (hor en inbrat sealer den Sc he rss gage ma (io) —os layer of OSI reference model whith an 9 ea os Mate wed by Ecommec tm 6:09) The term nus refers 10 th e possible for aimost all aia etal *P0uton th sib Ail devices to communicate ith one a at UNIT &: INTRODUCTION Ans. () FTP i Instant messaging (i) Web clients, HTM (e) Tracert, (0) Ping (69) Ciper (ci) Internet telephony (ou HTML {s) Supply cha management (SCM (a) Sone Fgines (G3) Electronic mai emai (ei) Trace cnt (x) SMTP, IMAP (se) Application, application (G0) Cookies (Gm) Digital convergence (Go) Viena merchants G°3E- Slate whether the following statement are fre or false giving reasons (Gl is pecect ox snaller graphics that should look crisp and visible (i) SCM Isa game of Cs (i) business x same as E-commerce. (ie) Intranet is combination of 828 and business within business, (c) Brick snd mortar imply the 24 7 operation. (Gi) Onesorne approach docs not have a target group or product scpment (oiy The network layer is esponsble for data addressing and transmission of infomation. (oi) State images deliver high quality and interactive imaging. (is) SET i a emerging standard for handling transactions online. (a) clicks and Morar business models operate only online. (69) The fist cite sep for moving to Ecommerce i atic planning, (Sip Ecommerce requires the digital” Wansmission of tansaction information. ‘si Shopping ea allows a customer to colet items he/she is buying and old thom uni the acteal purchase Function fs executed. Ans () Tre Ta) Pa SCM isa game of Cs vz, collaboration, coordination cooperation ant connect (i) Fase Ebasines broader concept than E-commerce (i Fae nance fs sity "within the company” fype of information change (0) Fate Pare online and bricks an ik imply 24 * 7 operation (FREE Gtitane approach does not have target group oF product Teper, but deals with sdividal customer, (oi) ee Network apr i responsible for data advessing an ansnision of information

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