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ISWK Series P-III Code No.: 184 /21/3

Candidates must write the code on the

Roll No: title page of the answer book
General Instructions:

(i) This paper is divided into two parts: A and B

Reading 20 marks
Writing and Grammar 20 marks
Literature 40 marks

(ii) All questions are compulsory.

(iii) Separate instructions are given with each section and question, wherever
necessary. Read these instructions very carefully and follow them.
(iv) Do not exceed the prescribed word limit while answering the questions.


Class : X Time Allowed : 3 hours

Date : 11.04.2021 Max. Marks: 80

PART- A- (40 Marks)

READING (20 marks)

Q1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions by selecting the correct answer
from the options: 10 marks

1. Every day, millions of shoppers hit the stores in full force—both online and on foot—
searching frantically for the perfect gift. Last year, Americans spent over $30 billion at
retail stores in the month of December alone. Aside from purchasing holiday gifts, most
people regularly buy presents for other occasions throughout the year, including weddings,
birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, and baby showers. This frequent experience of gift-
giving can engender ambivalent feelings in gift-givers. Many relish the opportunity to buy
presents because gift-giving offers a powerful means to build stronger bonds with one’s
closest peers. At the same time, many dread the thought of buying gifts; they worry that
their purchases will disappoint rather than delight the intended recipients.


2. Anthropologists describe gift-giving as a positive social process, serving various political,
religious, and psychological functions. Economists, however, offer a less favorable view.
According to Waldfogel (1993), gift-giving represents an objective waste of resources.
People buy gifts that recipients would not choose to buy on their own, or at least not spend
as much money to purchase (a phenomenon referred to as ‘‘the deadweight loss of
Christmas”). To wit, givers are likely to spend $100 to purchase a gift that receivers would
spend only $80 to buy themselves. This ‘‘deadweight loss” suggests that gift-givers are not
very good at predicting what gifts others will appreciate. That in itself is not surprising to
social psychologists. Research has found that people often struggle to take account of
others’ perspectives— their insights are subject to egocentrism, social projection, and
multiple attribution errors.
3. What is surprising is that gift-givers have considerable experience acting as both gift-givers
and gift-recipients, but nevertheless tend to overspend each time they set out to purchase a
meaningful gift. In the present research, we propose a unique psychological explanation
for this overspending problem—i.e., that gift-givers equate how much they spend with how
much recipients will appreciate the gift (the more expensive the gift, the stronger a gift-
recipient’s feelings of appreciation). Although a link between gift price and feelings of
appreciation might seem intuitive to gift-givers, such an assumption may be unfounded.
Indeed, we propose that gift-recipients will be less inclined to base their feelings of
appreciation on the magnitude of a gift than givers assume.
4. Why do gift-givers assume that gift price is closely linked to gift-recipients’ feelings of
appreciation? Perhaps givers believe that bigger (i.e., more expensive) gifts convey
stronger signals of thoughtfulness and consideration. According to Camerer (1988) and
others, gift-giving represents a symbolic ritual, whereby gift-givers attempt to signal their
positive attitudes toward the intended recipient and their willingness to invest resources in
a future relationship. In this sense, gift-givers may be motivated to spend more money on
a gift in order to send a “stronger signal” to their intended recipient. As for gift-recipients,
they may not construe smaller and larger gifts as representing smaller and larger signals of
thoughtfulness and consideration.
5. The notion of gift-givers and gift-recipients being unable to account for the other party’s
perspective seems puzzling because people slip in and out of these roles every day, and, in
some cases, multiple times in the course of the same day. Yet, despite the extensive
experience that people have as both givers and receivers, they often struggle to transfer
information gained from one role (e.g., as a giver) and apply it in another, complementary
role (e.g., as a receiver). In theoretical terms, people fail to utilize information about their
own preferences and experiences in order to produce more efficient outcomes in their
exchange relations. In practical terms, people spend hundreds of dollars each year on gifts,
but somehow never learn to calibrate their gift expenditures according to personal insight.


Givers’ Perceived and Recipients’ Actual Gift Appreciations

Mean appreciation





giver recipient Role

less expensive gift

more expensive gift

i. The author most likely uses the examples in para 1 of the passage (“Every... showers”) to
highlight the ______________.
A) regularity with which people shop for gifts.
B) recent increase in the amount of money spent on gifts.
C) anxiety gift shopping causes for consumers.
D) number of special occasions involving gift-giving.

ii. In para 1, the word “ambivalent” most nearly means

A) unrealistic. B) conflicted. C) apprehensive. D) supportive.

iii. The author indicates that people value gift-giving because they feel it
A) functions as a form of self-expression.
B) is an inexpensive way to show appreciation.
C) requires the gift-recipient to reciprocate.
D) can serve to strengthen a relationship.

iv. Which choice provides the best evidence for the answer to the previous question?

A) “Many relish the opportunity to buy presents...... peers”

B) “People buy gifts that recipients would not choose to buy on their own”

C) “Research has found that people often struggle to take account of others’ perspectives...”

D) “Although a link between gift price and feelings of appreciation might seem intuitive to gift-
givers, such an assumption may be unfounded”


v. The “social psychologists” mentioned in paragraph 2 would likely describe the
“deadweight loss” phenomenon as

A) predictable. B) questionable. C) disturbing. D) unprecedented.

vi. The passage indicates that the assumption made by gift-givers in para 3 may be

A) insincere. B) unreasonable. C) incorrect. D) substantiated.

vii. Which choice provides the best evidence for the answer to the previous question?

A) “Perhaps givers believe that bigger …… gifts convey stronger signals of thoughtfulness and

B) “According to Camerer (1988) and others, gift-giving represents a symbolic ritual, whereby
……. invest resources in a future relationship”

C) “As for gift-recipients, they may not construe smaller and larger gifts as representing….
D) “In theoretical terms, people fail to utilize information about their own preferences ….

viii. As it is used in para 4, “convey” most nearly means ________

A) transport. B) counteract. C) exchange. D) communicate.

ix. The author refers to work by Camerer and others in order to __________

A) offer an explanation.

B) introduce an argument.

C) question a motive.

D) support a conclusion.

x. The graph following the passage offers evidence that gift-givers base their predictions of
how much a gift will be appreciated on

A) the appreciation level of the gift-recipients.

B) the monetary value of the gift.

C) their own desires for the gifts they purchase.

D) their relationship with the gift-recipients.


xi. The author would likely attribute the differences in gift-giver and recipient mean
appreciation as represented in the graph to

A) an inability to shift perspective.

B) an increasingly materialistic culture.

C) a growing opposition to gift-giving.

D) a misunderstanding of intentions.

Q2. Read the passage given below and answer the questions by selecting the correct answer
from the options: 10 marks

1. The word euthanasia is of Greek origin and literally means “a good death.” The American
Heritage Dictionary defines it as “the act of killing a person painlessly for reasons of
mercy.” Such killing can be done through active means, such as administering a lethal
injection, or by passive means, such as withholding medical care or food and water.
2. In recent years in the United States, there have been numerous cases of active euthanasia
in the news. They usually involve the deliberate killing of ill or incapacitated persons by
relatives or friends who plead that they can no longer bear to see their loved ones suffer.
Although such killings are a crime, the perpetrators are often dealt with leniently by our
legal system, and the media usually portrays them as compassionate heroes who take
personal risks to save another from unbearable suffering.
3. The seeming acceptance of active forms of euthanasia is alarming, but we face a bigger,
more insidious threat from passive forms of euthanasia. Every year, in hospitals and
nursing homes around the country, there are growing numbers of documented deaths
caused by caregivers withholding life sustaining care, including food and water, from
vulnerable patients who cannot speak for themselves.
4. While it is illegal to kill someone directly, for example with a gun or knife, in many cases
the law has put its stamp of approval on causing death by omitting needed care. Further,
many states have “living will” laws designed to protect those who withhold treatment, and
there have been numerous court rulings which have approved of patients being denied care
and even starved and dehydrated to death.
5. Because such deaths occur quietly within the confines of hospitals and nursing homes, they
can be kept hidden from the public. Most euthanasia victims are old or very ill, so their
deaths might be attributed to a cause other than the denial of care that really killed them.
Further, it is often relatives of the patient who request that care be withheld. In one court
case, the court held that decisions to withhold life sustaining care may be made not only
by close family members but also by a number of third parties, and that such decisions need
not be reviewed by the judicial system if there is no disagreement between decision makers
and medical staff. The court went so far as to rule that a nursing home may not refuse to
participate in the fatal withdrawal of food and water from an incompetent patient!
6. “Extraordinary” or “heroic” treatment need not be used when the chance for recovery is
poor and medical intervention would serve only to prolong the dying process. But to deny
customary and reasonable care or to deliberately starve or dehydrate someone because he
or she is very old or very ill should not be permitted. Most of the cases coming before the
courts do not involve withholding heroic measures from imminently dying people, but
rather they seek approval for denying basic care, such as administration of food and water,
to people who are not elderly or terminally ill, but who are permanently incapacitated.
These people could be expected to live indefinitely, though in an impaired state, if they
were given food and water and minimal treatment.
7. No one has the right to judge that another’s life is not worth living. The basic right to life
should not be abridged because someone decides that someone else’s quality of life is too
low. If we base the right to life on quality of life standards, there is no logical place to draw
the line.
8. To protect vulnerable patients, we must foster more positive attitudes towards people with
serious and incapacitating illnesses and conditions. Despite the ravages of their diseases,
they are still our fellow human beings and deserve our care and respect. We must also enact
positive legislation that will protect vulnerable people from those who consider their lives
meaningless or too costly to maintain and who would cause their deaths by withholding
life-sustaining care such as food and water.
i. The tone of the author can best be described as

A. pleading B. argumentative C. compassionate D. emphatic

ii. In paragraph 3, the author finds starvation and dehydration induced euthanasia is to be
“more insidious" because

A. euthanasia is legally considered to be a criminal act

B. it often involves those who cannot protest

C. the patient has asked to die with dignity

D. its perpetrators are viewed as kindly caregivers

iii. As used in paragraph 3, what is the best synonym for insidious?

A. mischievous B. treacherous C. apparent D. cumulative

iv. The author maintains that death by withholding care is

A. largely confined to hospitals

B. largely confined to the terminally ill

C. often requested by family members

D. difficult to prove if prosecuted


v. As used in paragraph 7, which is the best definition of abridged?

A. trimmed B. curtailed C. lengthened D. extended

vi. Using the passage as a guide, it can be inferred that the author would find euthanasia
less objectionable in cases in which

I. the patient’s death is imminent

II. the patient has left instructions in a living will not to provide care

III. the patient refuses to accept nourishment

A. I only

B. II only

C. II and III only

D. I, II and III

vii. The main idea of paragraph 7 is that

A. lawyers will be unable to prosecute or defend caregivers

B. no comprehensive right or wrong definition of euthanasia will exist

C. using a subjective standard will make the decision to end an individual’s life arbitrary

D. no boundary will exist between euthanasia and care omission

viii. In the final paragraph the author writes, "Despite the ravages of their diseases, they
are still our fellow human beings and deserve our care and respect." The main purpose of
this statement is to

A. prove a previous argument

B. illustrate an example

C. gainsay a later statement

D. justify an earlier statement

ix. Find the word from the passage which means the same as ‘a person who carries out a
harmful, illegal act’. (para 2)

A. perpetrators B. scapegoat C. victim D. mockery


x. Find the word from the passage which means the same as ‘prevent from functioning in a
normal way.’ (para 8)

A. assuage B. incapacitating C. facilitate D. mobilize

xi. Find the word from the passage which is an antonym of ‘the usual practices associated
with a particular society, place, or set of circumstances.’ (para 6)

A. conventional B. established C. stock D. customary

LITERATURE (10 marks)

3. Read the extracts given below and attempt any one by answering the questions that
follow: (1x5=5 marks)

(A) LOMOV: Excuse me, my heart... Let’s take the facts. You will remember that on the
Marusinsky hunt my Guess ran neck-and-neck with the Count’s dog, while your Squeezer was
left a whole verst behind.

CHUBUKOV: He got left behind because the Count’s whipper-in hit him with his whip.

LOMOV: And with good reason. The dogs are running after a fox, when Squeezer goes and
starts worrying a sheep!

CHUBUKOV: It’s not true! My dear fellow, I’m very liable to lose my temper, and so, just
because of that, let’s stop arguing. You started because everybody is always jealous of
everybody else’s dogs. Yes, we’re all like that! You too, sir, aren’t blameless! You no sooner
begin with this, that and the other, and all that... I remember everything!

LOMOV: I remember too!

CHUBUKOV: [teasing him] I remember, too! What do you remember?
LOMOV: My heart... my foot’s gone to sleep. I can’t...

1. ‘The Proposal’, a one-act play is actually ………...written …………...

(a) a serious comedy - by Anton Chekov
(b) a historical epic- by Anton Chekov
(c) a farce - by Anton Chekov
(d) a collection of unwanted scenes - by Anton Chekov


2. The topic of the argument here is …………. about
(Match column A with column B)
Column A Column B
A) the land I. Natalya

B) the proposal II. Guess and Squeezer

C) the dogs III. Oxen Meadows

IV. Guard and Squeezer

(a) A-IV
(b) B-I
(c) C- II
(d) A- III

3. Lomov refers to ‘Excuse me, my heart...’ and ‘My heart...’. This is because
(a) He gets excited
(b) His palpitations increase
(c) He is happy and joyful
(d) Both (a) and (b)

4. How are the Lomovs and Chubukovs related?

(a) friends
(b) cousins
(c) neighbours
(d) business associates

5. “I’m very liable to lose my temper”- the underlined word means

(a) Accountable
(b) Likely
(c) Responsible
(d) Apt



(B) The flames of the sacred fire slowly died down. Everyone was gone. Ramlal turned to Bholi
and said, “But what about you, no one will ever marry you now. What shall we do with you?”
And Sulekha said in a voice that was calm and steady, “Don’t you worry, Pitaji! In your old age I
will serve you and Mother and I will teach in the same school where I learnt so much. Isn’t that
right, Ma’am?”
The teacher had all along stood in a corner, watching the drama. “Yes, Bholi, of course,” she
replied. And in her smiling eyes was the light of a deep satisfaction that an artist feels when
contemplating the completion of her masterpiece.

1. Bholi had refused to get married as ………………

(a) her father couldn’t afford the dowry that Bishamber demanded
(b) the bridegroom had been greedy and was disrespectful
(c) the bridegroom had insulted her father
(d) her father was getting her married to a man older to her

2."Contemplating the completion of her masterpiece" here masterpiece refers to ……... and
‘her’ is …………
(a) Teacher - Mother
(b) Parents- Mangala
(c) Villagers- Teacher
(d) Sulekha – Teacher

3. Bholi’s decision not to marry showed that she was now:

(a) shameless and ill-mannered.
(b) bold and confident.
(c) a dumb and harmless cow.
(d) sharp and rude.

4. Pick the sentence that brings out the meaning of ‘contemplating’ as used in the extract-
(a) Contemplating sharing my belongings with someone is definitely tough.
(b) She took some time to respond as she was contemplating what to say.
(c) I was contemplating my reflection in the mirror and was speechless.
(d) She was contemplating while going through the pages of the document that was with her.

5. Why is Sulekha called Bholi –

(a) because she was very innocent
(b) because she was very beautiful
(c) because she was a simpleton
(d) because she was very delightful


4. Read the extracts given below and attempt any one by answering the questions that
follow: (1x5=5 marks)

(A) ‘I saw it go
Merrily bouncing, down the street, and then
Merrily over — there it is in the water!
No use to say ‘O there are other balls’:
An ultimate shaking grief fixes the boy
As he stands rigid, trembling, staring down
All his young days into the harbour where
His ball went.’

1. Who is ‘I’ mentioned in the poem?

(a) The poet – Robin Klein
(b) The poet –John Berryman
(c) The parent- John Berryman
(d) The boy with the ball

2. The poet uses the ‘ball’ as a symbol of the boy’s…………

(a) Sense of adventure
(b) Carefree childhood days
(c) Ability to bounce back
(d) Extended family

3. The poet feels that there is no point consoling the boy as…….
(a) It would give him false hope
(b) He might demand for a new ball
(c) It might distress him further
(d) Whatever has been lost is irretrievable

4. ‘Merrily over — there it is in the water!’ The dash (-) or hyphen here is meant to convey -
(a) Some familiar experience
(b) A feeling of excitement
(c) A sense of unexpected interruption
(d) Some thoughtful moments

5. The word ‘harbour’ in the poem means-

(a) A safe shelter
(b) A secret thought
(c) A place to secure ships
(d) A place safe to play


(B) Some say the world will end in fire
Some say in ice.
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favour fire.

1. What is the tone of the poet in the poem?

(a) humorous
(b) ironic
(c) optimistic
(d) gloomy

2. Rhyme scheme in the above stanza is-

(a) abcd
(b) abcb
(c) abaa
(d) abba

3. The statement about the poem that is appropriate -

(a) Fire and ice are images- they help us to visualize the power of nature over man
(b) Fire and ice are symbols- not of natural disasters, but of humanity’s ability to create
disasters of its own
(c) Fire and ice are elements- not of nature, but man-made and has the ability to create
(d) Fire and ice are agents- they change the thinking of mankind from negative to positive
and bring harmony

4. Select the option that correctly classifies the ideas for fire and ice, as suggested by the
I. fury II. rigidity III. indifference IV. hate V. avarice

(a) Fire- I, II, V; Ice- III, IV

(b) Fire- II, IV; Ice- I, III, V
(c) Fire-I, V; Ice- II, III, IV
(d) Fire- I, III, V; Ice- II, IV


5. The poem is a ……………., put across by the poet.
(a) Powerful warning
(b) Heart-felt apology
(c) Earnest appeal
(d) Vengeful threat

GRAMMAR (10 Marks)

5. Choose the correct option to fill in the blanks to complete the narration. (Attempt ANY
THREE) [3x1=3]

Shepherd: How many sheep do you have in all?

Friend: 998
shepherd: Amazing! Did you count them all?
Friend: No, I just counted all the legs and divided them by 4

A shepherd asked his friend (a)_______________________________

His friend (b)_________________________________________
The Shepherd was amazed to hear it and (c)__________________________________
The man replied (d)______________________________________________________

(a) (i) how many sheep did he have in all

(ii) how many sheep he had in all
(iii) how many sheep had he had in all
(iv) how many sheep has he had in all

(b) (i) replied that he did have 998 sheep

(ii) replied that he has 998 sheep
(iii) replied that he had 998 sheep
(iv) replied that 998 sheep

(c) (i) asked did he count them all

(ii) asked if he counted them all
(iii) asked if he had counted them all
(iv) asked had he counted them all

(d (i) that he just counted legs and divided by 4

(ii) in negative and said that he had just counted legs and divided them by 4
(iii) in negative and further answered that he has just counted legs and divided them by 4
(iv) in negative and said that he just had counted legs and did divide them by 4

6. Fill in the blanks in the paragraph given below by choosing the most appropriate options from
the ones that follow. (Attempt ANY FOUR) (4 x 1 = 4)


A rain forest vine (a)____________ dish shaped leaves which (b)_______________ echoes
(c)______________ bats for pollination. The leaves of this plant develop such echoes that the
bats (d)_____________ its flowers at once. This discovery (e)_______________ by a team of
scientists from University of Bristol, U.K. This echo (f)________________ benefits for the plant
and the bats.

(a) (i) was (ii) is (iii) had (iv) has

(b) (i) produced (ii) produce (iii) has produced (iv) produces

(c) (i) attract (ii) attracted (iii) to attract (iv) attraction

(d) (i) can discover (ii) will discover (iii) has discovered (iv) shall discover

(e) (i) has been made (ii) were made (iii) has made (iv) will be made

(f) (i) has (ii) had (iii) have (iv) will

7. Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct options: (ANY THREE) (3x1=3)

When electricity flows (a)____________ a wire, tiny particles called electrons (b)____________
the wire. Each electron has a very small electric charge. (c)______________ the electrons arrive,
they (d)_____________ electricity.

(a) (i) in (ii) through (iii) from (iv) into

(b) (i) move into (ii) move in (iii) move through (iv) move from

(c) (i) As (ii) Because (iii) Any how (iv) When

(d) (i) produced (ii) have produced (iii) produce (iv) is producing


WRITING (2x5=10 marks)

8. Attempt ANY ONE of the following in 100-120 words (5 marks)

(A) You are Rajvir/Rani of 121, Parliament enclave New Delhi. In most metropolitan cities, the
traffic scene is so pathetic that many patients die en-route before they can reach the hospitals.
Write a letter to the Health Minister, Govt. of India highlighting the problems and offering some
solutions. You may refer to the clues given below:

Situation : Traffic scene bad-even ambulances are stuck in traffic jams- no one gives

Problem : Many emergency cases die before they reach hospitals.

Solution : Have more ambulances fitted with global tracking systems and radio
communication system- send the one located closest to the nearest hospital.

Have special lanes for ambulances- sensitize public through advertisements and slogans such as
“Save a life Give way to ambulance”-provide each citizen with a universal emergency number-
service may be kept free of charge only for the poor.

(B) The pie-chart given below shows the changing trends in the recreational activities of children
of two different generations. You are disturbed that very little importance given to book reading,
followed by sports and games which are mostly in-doors resulting in poor health and stamina. You
decide to write a letter to the Editor of “The Herald Tribune”, New Delhi on this issue, suggesting
ways and means to improve the condition. Sign yourself as Malavika/Manas, a Health Specialist
from New Delhi and write the letter in about 120 words. (5 marks)


9. Attempt ANY ONE of the following in 100-120 words (5 marks)
(A) Given below is a graphic representation of the vehicles booked for violating traffic rules.
Write a paragraph analyzing the given data.


(B) The table below shows the percentage use of four different fuel types to generate electricity
in five Asian countries. Write a paragraph analyzing the given data.


LITERATURE (30 marks)
10. Answer ANY TWO questions in 20-30 words each, from (A) and (B) respectively.
(A) (Attempt any two) (2x2=4)
1. How did Anne regard her diary? What name did she give it?
2. Why did Maddie feel guilty of herself?
3. Why did Belinda tickle the dragon?

(B) (Attempt any two) (2x2=4)

1. Had Anil really forgiven Hari Singh? Support your answer with evidence.
2. Do you think M Loisel had an enjoyable evening at the ball? Give reasons for your answer.
3. For what unusual reasons was Bholi sent to school?


11. Answer ANY TWO questions in 40-50 words each, from (A) and (B) respectively.
(A) (Attempt any two) (3x2=6)
1. Justify the poet’s allusion to Rapunzel in ‘Amanda’.
2. Give examples to show that Valli was a meticulous planner before taking her bus ride.
3. Rajvir seemed to have a lot of information about tea. What information does he provide in
the lesson?

(B) (Attempt any two) (3x2=6)

1. What lesson does Ebright learn when he does not win at the science fair?
2. What does Bill say about Lutkins?
3. Do you think it is a significant detail in the story that Anil is a struggling writer? Does this
explain his behaviour in any way?

12. Answer ANY ONE of the following in 100-120 words: (5X1=5)

(A) Selfishness is a common trait among all except a few and Kisa Gotami could not save
herself untouched from it. She says, “How selfish am I in my grief!” Justify her statement to her
realization of Death to all.


(B) Read the extracts given below and comment on the difference in the nature of help both the
characters of these two stories received.

I. But he kept calling plaintively, and after a minute or so he uttered a joyful scream. His mother
had picked up a piece of the fish and was flying across to him with it. He leaned out eagerly,
tapping the rock with his feet, trying to get nearer to her as she flew across. But when she was
just opposite to him, she halted, her wings motionless, the piece of fish in her beak almost within
reach of his beak. He waited a moment in surprise, wondering why she did not come nearer, and
then, maddened by hunger, he dived at the fish. (His First Flight)

II. Suddenly I came out of the clouds and saw two long straight lines of lights in front of me. It
was a runway! An airport! I was safe! I turned to look for my friend in the black aeroplane, but
the sky was empty. (The Black Aeroplane)


13. Answer ANY ONE of the following in 100-120 words: (5X1=5)

(A) Griffin’s brilliance as a man of science fades before his darkness. Comment (use evidence
from the story ‘Footprints without Feet’)


(B) What treatment was given to Tricki by Dr. Herriot? Do you think the doctor’s decision to not
reveal the actual treatment to Mrs. Pumphery was unprofessional? Justify your stance
……………………………………………………BEST OF LUCK!.........................................................................


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