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Lesson 1.

5: Value of Science

Lesson Summary
The final lesson in the module for the introduction will remind you of the value of science. You
will look at your own experience if indeed science is relevant to your life.

Learning Outcomes
At the end of this lesson, the learner will be able to
1. Establish the value of science, and
2. Reflect on the reliance on scientific knowledge on life decisions.

Motivation Question
At this point, can you mention a specific example of which science made a positive
impact in your life?

Recently, when changes are introduced, it's not uncommon to hear 'is it scientific? Is it
science-based? The following are just a few of the reasons why science is of high value.
• Predictive power - the mathematical modeling of the distance reached by the droplets in
coughing and sneezing led to the policies of social distancing and the measurement of
the size of SARS Cov 2 virus on the type of effective material for facial mask
• Honesty and courage - researchers were brave enough to contradict what was earlier
mandated that healthy persons need not wear a facial mask
• More informed decisions – e.g., understanding how the virus is transmitted and how to
slow down if not totally eradicate it led to the legislation of the specific distance to be
observed in social distancing and the description of the proper materials and alternative
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) including the facial mask.

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