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MANORIAL SKILLS OR MANAGERIAL SKILLS – ability of a person or individual for a

managerial positions to fulfill a specific task or activities which can be learned and practiced.
These are important to make person good at decision making, be a good leader, effective
communicator, problem solver, etc.
Economic activity – entrepreneurship involves the creation and running of an entreprise
with a view to create wealth by optimum utilization of scarce resources.
Dynamic activity – it performed continuously in an environment which is uncertain. Why?
Because problems are always there and it do exist and cannot be avoided. Entrep requires
application of energy and passion towards creation of new ideas and creative solutions

Risk taker - He is always prepared for assuming losses that may arise on account
of new ideas and projects undertaken by him. This willingness to take risks
allows an entrepreneur to take initiatives in doing new things and marching
ahead in his efforts.
Risk Shirker – one who avoids or evade something
A Fabian entrepreneur is one who is skeptical and somewhat lazy. This makes them
cautious with decision making and at times they miss out on great opportunities. Some
examples include rich farmers and young people seeking employment
Fabian entrepreneurs are characterized by very great action and skepticism in
experimenting and change in their enterprise. The imitate only when it becomes perfectly
clear that failure to do so would result in a loss me the relative position in the enterprise.

Drone’ is ‘a person who lives on the labor of others’. Drone entrepreneurs are
those individuals who are satisfied with the existing mode and speed of
business activity and show no inclination in gaining market leadership.
Drone Entrepreneurs suffer losses, as they refuse to make any modifications in the existing
production methods. These entrepreneurs are conservative or orthodox in outlook. They
never like to get rid of their traditional business and traditional machineries or systems of
the business.

What Is a Social Entrepreneur?

A social entrepreneur is a person who pursues novel applications that
have the potential to solve community-based problems. These individuals are
willing to take on the risk and effort to create positive changes in society
through their initiatives. Social entrepreneurs may believe that this practice is
a way to connect you to your life's purpose, help others find theirs, and make
a difference in the world (all while eking out a living).

Business Pioneer + Christian Perspective + Social Mission+ Impact for the Kingdom of God
What is a Business Incubator?
A business incubator is a company that fosters the development of early-stage
companies and startups by providing various services and resources to such
companies. Business incubators are commonly established as partnerships or
collaborations between several organizations such as investment-related
ventures, government entities, economic development organizations, and
educational institutions such as universities.

Hustler-preneur– That person who refuses to get a 9-5 so he sells DVDs to barbershop and beauty
shop patrons, helps his man hustle his mix tape out of the trunk of his car for a cut of the profits or
runs a street team operation for local promoters. He balances several self-employed ventures at the
same time and makes rent or pays his college or HBCU loan bill doing so. He is that conscious self-
supporting brother who refuses to be dependent on institutions to eat.

Government Contractor-preneneur – The ambitious person who has her eye set on those massive
government budgets so she spends painstaking hours bidding and responding to RFPs until she
finally gets a government contract which she runs until it’s time to renew and she starts all over
again. Her business hires the Freelancerpreneurs.

Definition of slugger : one that strikes hard or with heavy blows: such as a : a prizefighter
who punches hard but has usually little defensive skill b : a hard-hitting batter in baseball
The Freelancepreneur – This guy lives that 1099 life. He’s either a writer pitching and repurposing
articles; being an independent subcontractor, project manager or analyst; a lawyer earning a living doing
agency document reviews; the freelance photojournalist or an artistic type, living off of commissioned
works or an up and coming singer or musician getting by on gigs. They get no benefits and pay self-
employment tax but get loads of tax exemptions so they do alright.
Mompreneur- A mom who makes money on the side by blogging, reselling items on EBay or hawking
homemade earrings in her Etsy shop. She is married (though not always) and most of her side money goes
to HER rainy day fund.

Momptrepreneur- A mom who runs several hustles at the same time. In addition to her mom blog, she’s
consulting, selling ebooks, working as a career coach or running a variety of ventures to create multiple
streams of income.

Side-Gig preneneur– The person who doesn’t have a safety net to quit a dead end job, so evenings and
weekends are spent not sleeping but being an Uber or cab driver, hosting Pampered Chef or Mary
Kay parties, vending at swap meets, bazaars, culture festivals or flea markets.

Motivational-preneur – The these guys have “made it” & are in the business of helping you get the dream
too. We’re talking life coaches, motivational speakers, personal trainers, 

solopreneurs – Building a biz by herself. She’s the CEO, CFO, COO & Sales Team & subsits on coffee.

wanapreneurs – Wannabe entrepreneur who talks about plans but doesn’t put it into action. Can’t Commit
and is essentially Faking it out here in these streets. The business card he hands out to ladies at the club
only has his name and the word CEO underneath that.

EntreArchitect -Building a business from scratch.

Uberpreneur – Paying the bills & earning a living by being an Uber driver. He’s picking up passengers
while the part time Sidegig-preneur Uber drivers are at their day job.

divapreneur – Too cute and has too much style to work for someone. Has an online clothing boutique, or
may be a professional and full time personal shopper, stylist, makeup artist, interior decorator or landscape

potpreneur – Selling pot (legally or legally) and Smoking some too.

ganjapreneurs – Same as above

Olderpreneurs – Retired but can’t stay home doing nothing all day.

Passionpreneurs -Following a passion on a wing and a prayer.

Humorneur – Stand Up Comic as a main gig.

Matchpreneur- A professional matchmaker.

Micropreneur- Got a teenie tiny biz for a niche market.

Storypreneur – Writer or Poet. Enters writing contest every week.

Hackapreneur – Hacking his way into a comfortable living by being an outsource coder for Startups.

Whatrepreneur – Still trying to find himself

Attractionpreneurs – Professional Tourguide in New York City or Hollywood?

Who is the father of entrepreneurship?

Joseph Alois Schumpeter is regarded as the father of entrepreneurship. He
introduced the concept of entrepreneurship. 

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