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Tableau Tutorial

US Dataset:
The US Dataset given contains important household and health details for each county in the United
States. In addition the data details the race distribution of people living, details of their physical
activity, smoking habits, store details along with their voting status for the year 2008.

Connect to the data:

• Click on connect to data

• Click on Microsoft Excel and choose the file that you want to work with.

Create a map for each state showing obesity rates at the county level:

• Double click on “State”. Tableau Public recognises they are geographical fields and geocodes
them accordingly.

• Click on “Show me” button and choose Fill maps.

• Drag “Adult obesity rate” from the Measures panel into Color, and copy it into Size shelf to
encode counties by those values.

• Change the Color to Red–White-Green Diverging, and reverse it.

• Now add a filter to enable the selection of individual states. Click and drag “State” into the
Filters shelf, click OK at the dialog box.

• Right click on “State” in the Filters shelf and select Show Quick Filter. Deselect All and then
select Alabama

• Rename the worksheet “Map View” by right clicking on the tab at the bottom

Scatter plots showing the relationship between obesity and health-related behaviours at the
county level:

• Drag “Adult obesity rate” onto Rows and “% eating few fruits and vegetables” and “% who
do not exercise” into Columns.

• Drag “County” and “State” into Level of Detail. Without this step, Tableau’s default
behaviour is to sum the values across all the counties and states, which will give you a single
data point for each graph, and not the desired scatter plots.

• Select Analysis in the top menu and check Trend Lines.

• Rename the worksheet “Scatterplot View” by right clicking on the tab at the bottom.

Create a map for each state showing results of Voting :

• Double click on “State”.

• Under “Marks” dropdown select “Pie” option

• Drag “Voting in 2008” from the Dimensions panel into Color.

• Click Size in “Marks” and increase the size

• Drag “State” from Dimension panel into Label

• Rename the worksheet “Statewise Voting Result”

County wise Race Ratio in Bar Chart:

• Drag “county” to columns field

• Drag “% Asian”, “% Black” and “% White” to rows

• Click on “Show Me” and choose “Side-by-side” chart

• Drag “State” from Dimensions to filter

• Rename the worksheet “County wise Race ratio”

Working with Global Filters:

• Go to “County wise Race ratio” sheet

• From Filters Panel, right click on state filter

• Select “Apply to Worksheet” -> “All using this datasource”

• This filter will now be applied to all the sheets using this datasource

Steps To Create Dashboard:

• Click on “New Dashboard”

• You will be able to see all the sheets on the “Sheets” panel

• Drag each sheet and arrange it in Dashboard

• Drag “Title” from Objects and place it at the top of the Dashboard

Difference Between Twb and Twbx file:

• Saving the file as twb does not save the data with the file. Therefore, in order to work with
the tableau file on another machine, you need to have the data file separately and link it
with it

• Saving the file as twbx will package the data along with tableau file
Dataset: Yelp dataset
Yelp Dataset:
Yelp is an online website containing details of different kinds of businesses in the United States. These
businesses range from all sorts of hospitality services to restaurants and even salons. In addition to
containing this information, Yelp also keeps an account of the ratings and reviews given by customers
to each business. The data is made available to the research community periodically through Yelp
Dataset Challenge rounds.

Analyse the data and create visualizations for the following set of questions using Tableau.


1. Create a bar chart showing category wise average ratings.

2. Plot all the business in heat map and color code it according to is_open status (Red :closed,
Green: Open).
In the map, show only the restaurants. Apply this as a global filter.
3. Create a bubble chart showing neighbourhood wise review count.
4. Analyze the relationship between review count and stars using scatter plot (Hint: Drag Id
column to Detail in mark shelf). Try excluding the business with high review count to remove
the outlier.
5. Create a dashboard with all the worksheets and apply filter on any category on the bar chart
and visualize the results.

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