Detailed Lesson Plan

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Republic of the Philippines


College of Education

S. Y. 2021 -2022




At the end of the lesson, students are able to:

1. Identify the different types of figurative speech

2. Determine the figurative language in a poem
3. Use and create an essay that contains figurative speech.

Subject Matter:

Topic: Figurative Language

Materials: laptop



Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Opening Prayer

“Kindly stand for the opening prayer”

“Say your prayers class” (student’s pray)

“Good morning everyone” “Good morning, Sir Justin”

“Please take your seat” “Thank you, Sir”

“Hi Class, how’s the day” “We are fine, Sir”

“So, are you for excited for today’s lesson?” “ Yes, Sir”
Classroom management

“Please align your seats and raise hand your

hand when you are called for attendance”
(the teacher calls by surname) (students raise their hand when they’re
surnames are mentioned)


“Before we start the discussion, who wants to (students raise their hand)
read the poem in front?”


What happens to a dream deferred?

       Does it dry up
       like a raisin in the sun?
       Or fester like a sore—
       And then run?
       Does it stink like rotten meat?
       Or crust and sugar over—
       like a syrupy sweet?

       Maybe it just sags

       like a heavy load.

       Or does it explode?

“very good, a round of applause for ______” (clap, claps, clap)

“Our lesson for today is about figurative
speech. The poem you’ve read earlier is a (student’s answer may vary)
poem that contains figures of speech in it. Did
anyone notice different about how the poem
was written?”

Discussion (students answer may vary)

“Does anyone of you knows what Figure of

speech mean?”
“A figure of speech is a deviation from the
ordinary use of words in order to increase their
effectiveness. Basically, it is a figurative (students listens carefully)
language that may consist of a single word or
phrase. It may be a simile, a metaphor or
personification to convey the meaning other
than the literal meaning.”
(students answer may vary)
“Why do you think, we need to study the
figures of speech?”

“The following are the importance of figure of

1. It enhances the beauty of writing. It (students listens carefully)
makes the sentence deeper and leaves
the reader with a sense of wonder.
2. The figure of speech not only shows the
writers intent but also his purpose of
using such language.
3. It adds flavour to the writing and makes
it more enjoyable for the reader.”

“There are different types of Figure of Speech” ( Students listens carefully )

1. Simile - In a simile, two things which
are completely unlocked are compared
with each other. A simile is introduced
by words such as like, so, as etc.

Here are the examples:

 The flower is as pretty as the
 He is as sober as the judge

2. Metaphor - It is an informal or implied

simile in which the words “like’ ‘as’
are avoided. For example, “He is like a
Giant. (Simile) “and “He is a Giant.

Here are the examples:

 You are an apple of my eye
 Ocean’s sound is music to my

3. Personification - In Personification,
non-living things,  abstract ideas or
qualities are mentioned as humans or “ yes, Sir”
living things.
The expected answer is:
Here are the examples: Simile, Metaphor and Personification
 Angry cloud surrounded the
 Earth was thirsty for water

“Class, can you follow?”

“Can someone repeat the first 3 types of Figure

of speech that we have talked about?”

4. Apostrophe – In this figure of speech,

the writer mentions the absent or (students listen carefully)
inanimate objects as alive and writes
about them.

Here is the example:

 Hello darkness, my old friend,
I’ve come to talk to you again.

5. Oxymoron - An Oxymoron is when

two words are used together in a
sentence but they seem to be in contrast
with each other. An oxymoron is a
figure of speech that willingly uses two
differing ideas. This contradiction
creates a paradoxical image in the
reader or listener's mind that creates a
new concept or meaning for the whole.

Here are the examples:

 Life is bittersweet
 They knew they could feel the
joy sadness on his arrival

6. Hyperbole - Hyperbole is when you use (students will answer)

the words to exaggerate what you mean
or emphasize a point. It is used to make
something seemed bigger or more
important than it actually is.

Here are the examples:

 It’s been ages since I had a
proper meal.
 Usain Bolt runs faster than a

“Again, can you follow? Let’s recall,

enumerate the types of figure of speech that we
discussed from the beginning”

7. Pun - A pun is generally used in plays (students listen carefully)

where one word has two different
meanings. It is used to create humour.
Humorous use of words of different
meanings or the words of the same
sound but different meanings is known
as PUN.

Here are the examples:

 A bicycle can’t stand on its
own because it’s two-tired.
 How do construction-
workers party? They raise
the roof

8. Alliteration - It is the series of words

which commence with the same letter.
Alliteration consists of the repetition of
a sound or of a letter at the beginning of
two or more words.

Here are the examples:

 Dirty dolphins dove accros the
 Purple pandas painted portraits
(students may have different sets of questions)
9. Onomatopoeia - It is the figure of
speech where the word is used to
describe a sound. When we explain any
action by putting the sounds into
language, it is known as onomatopoeia.
It is generally used in fiction or in
nursery rhymes, for eg- Old Macdonald
had a farm eea eea ooo. 

Here are the examples:

 I can hear the leaves rustling
and wind howling
 Bam! He hit the truck with the
speed of 80 kmph
“ And those are the types of figure of speech, I
hope you understand the lesson for today. Are
there any questions?”

“We will have a short quiz about figures of

speech. Please prepare a one whole sheet of


Identify what type of figurative language is Key to correction.

used in the sentence.

1. It is raining cats and dogs 1. metaphor

2. He is as brave as a lion 2. simile
3. The buzzing bee flew over my head 3. onomatopoeia
4. She got a pea-sized brain 4. hyperbole
5. She sells seashells in the seashore 5. alliteration
6. A boiled egg every morning is hard to 6. pun
beat 7. apostrophe
7. Blue moon, you saw me standing alone 8.personification
8. The stars in the clear night winked a me


Look for examples of Figure of speech and identify what type it is. Look for as many as you can

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