Health Assessment

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Skin,Hair, Nails  Inspect the skin. Note  Linea nigra, striae,

hyperpigmented gravdarum, chloasma,
areas associated with and spider nevi are
pregnancy present

 Observe skin for  Angioma is present

vascular markings
associated with

 Inspect the hair and  Hair and nails

nails increase in growth,
presence of lice
Head and Neck Inspect and palpate the neck. Smooth, nontender, small
Assess the anterior and cervical nodes are palpable.
posterior cervical chain Slight enlargement of thyroid
lymph nodes. And also gland.
palpate thyroid gland
Eyes Inspect eyes. Examine  Pupils are equal and
Cornea, lens, iris, and pupil. round, reactive to
Use an ophthalmoscope to light, and
examine the fundus of the accommodate.
 Near Visual Acuity
and Distant Visual
Acuity has normal
findings which is
14/14 and 20/20
Ears Inspect the ears  Tympanic membranes
clear: landmarks

 Air conduction sound

heard longer than
bone conduction
Mouth, Throat, and Nose  Inspect the mouth.  Hypertrophy of
Pay particular gingival tissue is
attention to the teeth noted. Bleeding often
and the gingival occurs when the
tissues, which may patient brush her
normally appear teeth.
swollen and slightly

 Inspect the throat  Throat pink, no

redness or exudate

 Inspect the nose  Nasal mucosal

swelling and redness.
Epistaxis is present
because of the
increased vascular
supply to the nares
during pregnancy
 Can distinguish
between sweet and
 No unusual odor is

Thorax and Lungs Inspect, palpate, percuss, Increased anteroposterior

and auscultate the chest dimeter, thoracic breathing,
slight hyperventilation. Lung
sounds are clear to
auscultation bilaterally
Breast Inspect and palpate the  Venous congestion is
breasts and nipples for noted with
symmetry and color prominence of veins.
tubercles are
prominent. Breast
size increased and
nodular. Breast is
more sensitive to
touch. Colostrum is
Hyperpigmentation of
nipples and areola s
 A milky discharge is
Heart Auscultate the heart  Normal sinus rhythm

 Soft systolic murmurs

are audible due to
increased blood
Peripheral Vascular  Inspect face and  Dependent edema is
extremities. Note present. Varicose
color and edema. veins is also present.

 Percuss deep tendon  Normal reflexes 1-2+.

reflexes Clonus is absent.
 Capillary beds refill in
less than 2 seconds
 Pulses are bilaterally
strong (2+)
 Edema is noted which
is common during
Abdomen  Inspect the abdomen.  Striae and linea-nigra
For this part of the are present. The size
examination, ask the of the abdomen
client to recline with a indicate gestational
pillow under her head age. The shape of the
and her knees flexed. uterus suggest fetal
Note striae, scars, and presentation and
the shape and size of position in later
the abdomen. pregnancy.

 Palpate the  The uterus is palpable

abdomen. Note
organs and any

 Palpate for fetal  Fetal movement was

movement after 24 felt during 20 weeks.

 Palpate uterine  The uterus contracts

contractions. Note and feels firm
intensity, duration,
and frequency of

 Intensity of
 Palpate the
contraction is noted.
abdomen. Notice the
difference between
the uterus at rest and
during a contraction.
 Contraction last 54
 Time the length of seconds and occur
the contraction from every 5 minutes
the beginning to the
end. Also note the
frequency of the
contractions, timing
from the beginning of
one contraction until
the beginning of one
contraction until the
beginning of the next.
 Uterine size is
approximately equal
 Measure Fundal
the number of weeks
of gestation (26 cm)

 A longitudinal lie, in
 Using Leopold which the fetal spine
Maneuvers, palpate axis is parallel to the
the fundus, lateral maternal spine axis.
aspects of the The presentation is
abdomen and the cephalic.
lower pelvic area.
 The top part of the
 First Maneuver/ abdomen is soft mass
Fundus Grip is the fetal buttocks.
The bottom part is
fetal head feels round
and hard.

 On right side of the

 Second Maneuver/ abdomen, palpated
Umbilical Grip round nodules: these
are fist and feet of the
fetus. The left side of
the abdomen feels
smooth: this is the
fetus’s back

 Third Maneuver/  The unengaged head

Pawlik Maneuver is round, firm, and
ballotable, whereas
the buttocks are soft
and irregular.

 Fourth Maneuver  The hands move

together easily, the
fetal head has not
descended into the
maternal pelvic inlet.

 Fetal Heart.  Fetal Heart rate

Determine the ranges from 136-145
location, rate, and beats/min.
rhythm of the fetal
Musculoskeletal  Inspect the  Spine is curved
musculoskeletal forward
 Shoulders droop
 Gait changes often
called “waddling”

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