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Happiness is often considered difficult to define. Why is this?

What factors determine happiness?

It is true that the majority of people want to have a happy life while it is hard
for them to define happiness. This essay will give some reasons about this
issue and many elements that determine happiness.

First of all, I believe that each person has their own thoughts about happiness,
so it is difficult to define specifically what happiness is. Something may be
happiness for one person but not for another, depending on their point of view.
For example, someone is in a happy mood because they earn much money or
have a successful job and so on, while others care about their health and their
family. On top of that, happiness status may be made up from a range of
feelings such as excitement, satisfaction and so on. Therefore, people feel
happy in many different ways.

In my view, I think that there are three main factors including love, money and
health that determine happiness. First, love from family, friends or
relationships is a really important element to have a feeling of happiness. It is
clear that they always have someone by their side when they have some
difficult problems in their life, making them feel more safe and cared for.
Second, when people have a lot of money, it may satisfy their necessities
easily without being nervous about spending. Finally, health is an essential
element to have happiness. When they are healthy, they may share the joy
with others as well as enjoy this moment for a long time.

In conclusion, happiness is difficult to explain specifically, and I believe love,

money, and health are factors that determine happiness.

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