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Heat Transfer Processes and Equipment

CC01, CC02, CC03, CC04


English Program
Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology

Wan Zaireen Nisa Yahya and Shafirah Samsuri 2022


Topic 2: Steady Heat Conduction

• Thermal Resistance Concept

• Thermal Resistance Network

• Multilayer Plane Walls

• Heat Conduction in Cylinders and Spheres

• Multilayered Cylinders and Spheres

Lesson Outcomes:
At the end of this topic:

1) Introduce the concept of thermal resistance for heat

flow in analogous to electrical resistance for current
2) Determine critical insulation thickness

Thermal Resistance Network
 Introduction
 Let’s consider the following scenario:

On a certain day, the temperatures on the inner side

of a 3-m high, 5-m wide, 0.3-m thick wall is 20 ºC,
while the temperature on the outer surface of the wall
is measured to be 34ºC. The thermal conductivity of
the wall is k = 0.9 W/m∙K. Determine the rate of heat
entry through the wall on that day.

 Recall
Fourier’s equation for heat conduction

Steady Heat Conduction in Plane Walls
• Heat transfer through the wall of a house can be modelled as
steady and one-dimensional
• Energy balance :
̇ ̇
𝑄𝑄𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 − 𝑄𝑄𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 =

• Steady state condition: =0

• Therefore heat conduction (Fourier’s Law):

𝑄𝑄̇ 𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐,𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤 = −𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘

Thermal Resistance Network
 Solution continue
1. Steady state condition ( T1, T2 remain constant at the
specified values).
2. Heat transfer is one dimensional
3. Thermal conductivity is constant

T1 (outer wall)=34°C
T2(inner wall)=20°C
K=0.9 W/m.K 𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑
𝑄𝑄𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐,𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤 = −𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘
Wall dimension = 3 m x 5 m 𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑
Thickness of wall= 0.3 m 𝑇𝑇1 − 𝑇𝑇2
𝑄𝑄̇ 𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐,𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤 = −𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘
Solution: Q= 630 W

Thermal Resistance Network
 Thermal Resistance Concept
 The thermal resistance against heat conduction
or conduction resistance to heat flow through the wall:


 Heat flow resistance between two temperatures

Thermal Resistance Network
 Thermal Resistance Concept
 Convective heat transfer (Newton’s law):

The thermal resistant of the surface
against heat convection
or convection resistance:


Thermal Resistance Network
 Thermal Resistance Concept
 The thermal resistance of the surface against radiation or
radiation resistance:



Thermal Resistance Network
 Thermal Resistance Concept
 The thermal resistance of the surface against radiation or
radiation resistance:



Thermal Resistance Network
 Thermal Resistance Concept
 Conduction Resistance:

 Convection Resistance

 Radiation Resistance

 Thermal Resistance is analogous to electrical resistance

Thermal Resistance Network
 Thermal Resistance on a Plane Wall
 The thermal resistance network for heat transfer through a plane
wall subjected to convection on both sides and the electrical
analogy are as follows:

Thermal Resistance Network
 Thermal Resistance on a Plane Wall
 Under steady-state conditions:

which can be rearranged to:


Thermal Resistance Network
 Thermal Resistance on a Plane Wall
 Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient

 It is sometimes convenient to express heat transfer through a

medium in an analogous manner to Newton’s law of cooling

 where U (W/m2·K)is the overall heat transfer coefficient.

 For a unit area, the overall heat transfer coefficient is equal to

the inverse of the total thermal resistance.

Thermal Resistance Network
 Thermal Resistance on a Plane Wall
 Composite Plane Wall

 The thermal resistance concept

can be used to determine the
rate of steady heat transfer
through composite walls.

 Consider a plane wall that

consists of two layers, the rate of
heat transfer:

At steady state, the

where, temperature at the
interface between
surfaces can also
be determined
Thermal Resistance Network
 Thermal Resistance on a Plane Wall
• Thermal resistance concept can be
used to solve steady heat transfer
problems that involve parallel layers
or combine series-parallel

• The total heat transfer is the sum of

the heat transfers through each layer:

Thermal resistance network

for two parallel layers
Thermal Resistance Network
 Thermal Resistance on a Plane Wall
• For combined series-parallel
arrangement, the total rate of heat
transfer is: . T1 − T∞

and L L2 L3 1
R1 = 1
, R2 = , R3 = , Rconv =
k1 A1 k 2 A2 k3 A3 hA3
Thermal resistance network
for combined series-parallel

Thermal Resistance Network
Example 1:
Consider a 5-m high, 8-m long , and
0.22 m thick wall whose
representative cross section is as
given in the figure. The thermal
conductivities of various materials
used, in W/m∙K, are kA= kF=2, kB=8,
kC=20,kD=15,and kE=35. The left and
right surfaces of the wall are
maintained at uniform temperatures
of 300°C and 100°C, respectively.
Assuming heat transfer through the
wall to be one-dimensional,
determine the rate of heat transfer
through the wall.

Thermal Resistance Network

Thermal Resistance Network
Solutions Continued:
 Combined series-parallel wall
. T1 − T∞
L 0.01m
RA = = = 0.005208 o C/W
kA (2W/m ⋅ K)(8m × 0.12m)
L 0.05m
RB = = = 0.01953o C/W
kA (8W/m ⋅ K)(8m × 0.04m)
L 0.05m
RC = = = 0.0078125 o C/W
kA (20W/m ⋅ K )(8m × 0.04m)
L 0.1m
RD = = = 0.01389 o C/W
kA (15W/m ⋅ K)(8m × 0.06m)
L 0.1m
RE = = = 0.00595 o C/W
kA (35W/m ⋅ K)(8m × 0.06m)
L 0.06m
RF = = = 0.03125 o C/W
kA (2W/m ⋅ K)(8m × 0.12m)
Thermal Resistance Network
Solutions Continued:
RC, RB and RC are in parallel, the total resistance R1 are:
1 1 1 1
= + +
R1, parallel RC RB RC
1  1 
= + × 2
0.01953  0.0078125 
R1, parallel = 0.00326 C/W

RD and RE are in parallel, the total resistance R2 are:

1 1 1
= +
R2, parallel RD RE
1 1
= +
0.01389 0.00595
= 0.004166 C/W
R2, parallel
Thermal Resistance Network
Solutions Continued:
Therefore, the total resistance is:
Rtotal = RA + R1 +R2 + RF
= 0.005208 + 0.00326 + 0.004166 + 0.03125
= 0.04388ºC/W

Then the steady rate of heat transfer through the wall is:
. T1 − T2 [300 − 100] o C
Q= =
Rtotal 0.04388o C/W
= 4557.47W (per 0.12 m x 8 m surface area)

Thermal Resistance Network
Solutions Continued:
For the total area of the wall is 5 m x 8 m = 40 m2, the rate of heat
transfer to the entire wall is:
. 5mx8m
Q total = 4557.47 W × = 189894.5 W
0.12 m x 8 m

Thermal Resistance Network
 Thermal Resistance on Cylinders and Spheres
 Consider steady heat conduction through a hot-water pipe.

 Heat is lost from a hot water pipe

to the air outside in the radial direction.

 The temperature of the pipe depends

on one direction only (the radial
r-direction) and can be expressed
as T = T(r)
Heat transfer through the pipe can
be modeled as steady and one-dimensional.

Thermal Resistance Network
 Thermal Resistance on Cylinders and Spheres
 The Fourier’s law of heat conduction for heat transfer through
the cylindrical layer:
. dT
Qcond ,cyl = −kA (W)
 A=2πrL, is the heat transfer area at location r. By integration
from r=r1, where T(r1)=T1,
. to r=r2, where T(r2)=T2, gives:
r2 Qcond ,cyl T2
∫r = r1 A
dr = − ∫ kdT
T =T1

 Substituting A=2πrL and performing integration:

. T1 − T2
Qcond ,cyl = 2πLk (W)
 r2 
ln 
 r1 
Thermal Resistance Network
 Thermal Resistance on Cylinders and Spheres
 The Fourier’s law of heat conduction for heat transfer through
the cylindrical layer:
. dT
Qcond ,cyl = −kA (W)
 A=2πrL, is the heat transfer area at
location r. By integration from r=r1,
where T(r1)=T1,
to r=r2, where T(r2)=T2,
r2 Qcond ,cyl T2
∫r = r1 A
dr = − ∫ kdT
T =T1
. T1 − T2
Qcond ,cyl = 2πLk (W)
r 
 Substituting A=2πrL and performing integration: ln 2 
 r1 
Thermal Resistance Network
 Thermal Resistance on Cylinders and Spheres
 Since Qcond,cyl = constant ,then:
. T1 − T2
Q cond ,cyl = (W)

where, thermal resistance for the cylindrical layer

ln(r2 / r1 )
Rcyl =

Thermal Resistance Network
 Thermal Resistance on Cylinders and Spheres
 For the same analysis on a spherical layer by taking A=4 πr2,
the result can be expressed as:
. T1 − T2
Q cond , sph = (W)

where thermal resistance for the spherical layer

r2 − r1
Rsph =
4πr1r2 k

Thermal Resistance Network
 Thermal Resistance on Cylinders and Spheres
 Thermal resistance network through a cylindrical or spherical layer

 The above thermal resistance network for a cylindrical (or

spherical) shell subjected to convection from both inner and outer
Thermal Resistance Network
 Thermal Resistance on Cylinders and Spheres
 Composite layers of Cylinders and Spheres

 The above three-layered composite cylinder is subjected to

convection on both sides.
Thermal Resistance Network
 Similar with multilayer plane wall with additional
resistance in series for each additional layer.

 Steady heat transfer rate through the three-layered

composite cylinder of length L with convection on both
sides can be expressed as:
. T∞1 − T∞ 2
Q = (W)
 where
Rtotal = R conv,1 + Rcyl ,1 + Rcyl , 2 + Rcyl ,3 + Rconv,2
1 ln(r2 / r1 ) ln(r3 / r2 ) ln(r4 / r3 ) 1
= + + + +
(2πr1 L)h1 2πLk1 2πLk 2 2πLk3 (2πr4 L)h2

Thermal Resistance Network
 Once Q has been calculated, the interface temperature
T2 between the first and second cylindrical layers can be
determined from:

. T∞1 − T2 T∞1 − T2
Q = =
Rconv ,1 + Rcyl ,1 1
ln(r2 / r1 )
h1 (2πr1 L) 2πLk1

or . T2 − T∞ 2 T2 − T∞ 2
Q = =
R2 + R3 + Rconv , 2 ln(r3 / r2 ) ln(r4 / r3 )
+ +
2πLk 2 2πLk3 h2 (2πr4 L)
Thermal Resistance Network

Example: Heat Loss through an Insulated
Steam Pipe
Steam at T∞1=320ºC flows in a cast iron pipe (k=80 W/m∙K) whose inner and outer
diameter are D1 = 5cm and D2 = 5.5 cm, respectively. The pipe is covered with 3-cm
thick glass wool insulation with k=0.05 W/m∙k. Heat is lost to the surroundings at T
∞2 = 5ºC by natural convection and radiation with a combined heat transfer
coefficient of h2 = 18 W/m2∙k. Taking the heat transfer coefficient inside the pipe to
be h1 = 60 W/m2∙K, determine the rate of heat loss from the steam per unit length of
the pipe. Also determine the temperature drop across the pipe shell and the


Given: D1 = 5 cm,D2 = 5.5 cm,T∞1=320ºC,T∞2 = 5ºC, 3-cm

thick insulation, kpipe=80 W/m∙K, kglass wool=0.05 W/m∙K,
h2 = 18 W/m2∙k, h1 = 60 W/m2∙K

i) The rate of heat loss from the steam per unit length of
the pipe (L = 1m).
ii) The temperature drops across the pipe shell and the


Equations to be applied (composite layer cylinder):

. T∞1 − T∞ 2
Q = (W)

Rtotal = R conv,1 + Rcyl ,1 + Rcyl , 2 + Rcyl ,3 + Rconv,2

1 ln(r2 / r1 ) ln(r3 / r2 ) ln(r4 / r3 ) 1
= + + + +
(2πr1 L)h1 2πLk1 2πLk 2 2πLk3 (2πr4 L)h2


 Determine Rtotal

Rtotal = R conv,1 + R pipe + Rglass wool + Rconv,2

1 ln(r2 / r1 ) ln(r3 / r2 ) 1
= + + +
(2πr1 L)h1 2πLk1 2πLk 2 (2πr3 L)h2
1 ln(0.0275/0.025)
= +
(2π × 0.025m ×1m)(60W/m 2 ⋅ K) 2π ×1m × 80W/m ⋅ K
ln(0.0575/0.0275) 1
+ +
2π ×1m × 0.05W/m ⋅ K (2π × 0.0575m ×1m)(18W/m 2 ⋅ K)
= (0.106 + 0.0002 + 2.35 + 0.154) o C/W
= 2.61 o C/W
i) The steady rate of heat loss:
. T∞1 − T∞ 2
Q =
(320 - 5) o C
= o
= 121 W ( per m pipe length)
2.61 C/W
ii) The temperature drop:
. T∞1 − T1
Q = , T1 = 320o C − 121W × 0.106o C/W = 307.17 o C
Rconv ,1
. T1 − T2
Q = , T2 = 307.17 o C − 121W × 0.0002o C/W = 307.15o C
R pipe
. T2 − T3
Q = , T3 = 307.15o C − 121W × 2.35o C/W = 22.8o C
Rglass wool


Temperature drop across the pipe =T1-T2 = 307.17ºC -

307.15ºC = 0.02 ºC

Temperature drop across the glass wool =T2-T3 =

307.15ºC - 22.8ºC = 284ºC

Critical Thickness of Insulation

• In a cylindrical pipe or a spherical

shell, the additional insulation
increases the conduction
resistance of the insulation layer
but decreases the convection
resistance of the surface because
of the increase in the outer surface
area for convection.

• As the thickness of insulation, r2-r1,

increases, T2 decreases, but
outside area Ao increases.
An insulated cylindrical pipe
exposed to convection from
the outer surface and the
thermal resistance network
Eq. 3-49 associated with it.
Critical Thickness of Insulation

The critical radius of

insulation for a cylindrical

The critical radius of

insulation for a spherical

The variation of heat transfer rate with the

outer radius of the insulation r2 when r1 < rcr.
Insulating the pipe may actually increase the
rate of heat transfer from the pipe instead of
decreasing it when r1 < rcr.
Example: Heat Loss from an Insulated Electric
A 3-mm diameter and 5-m long electric wire is tightly wrapped with a 2-
mm thick plastic cover those thermal conductivity is k = 0.15 W/m∙K.
Electrical measurements indicate that a current of 10 A passes through
the wire and there is a voltage drop of 8 V along the wire. It the insulated
wire is exposed to a medium at T∞ = 30 ºC with a heat transfer coefficient
of h = 12 W/m2∙K, determine the temperature at the interface of the wire
and the plastic cover in steady operation. Also determine whether
doubling the thickness of the plastic will increase or decrease this
interface temperature.

Given: 3-mm diameter ,5-m long, 2-mm thick, kplastic =
0.15 W/m∙K, wire with 10A and 8V, T∞ = 30 ºC, h = 12

i) the temperature at the interface of the wire and the
plastic cover,T1 in steady operation.
ii) determine whether doubling the thickness of the
plastic will increase or decrease this interface

Eq. 3-49
i) the temperature at the interface of the wire and the plastic
cover,T1 in steady operation.

 Determine Q,
Q = VI = 8 V x 10 A = 80W

 Determine Rtotal,

Rtotal = R plastic + Rconv

ln(r2 / r1 ) 1
= +
2πLk ( 2πr2 L) h
ln(0.0035/0.0015) 1
= +
2π × 5m × 0.15W/m ⋅ K (2π × 0.0035m × 5m)(12W/m 2 ⋅ K)
= (0.18 + 0.76) o C/W
= 0.94 o C/W
 Then the interface temperature can be determined from:
. T1 − T∞ (T1 - 30) o C
Q = , 80 W =
Rtotal 0.94 o C/W
T1 = 105o C
ii) determine whether doubling the thickness of the plastic will increase
or decrease this interface temperature.

 The critical radius of the insulation of the plastic cover (Eq 3-50): rcr
= k/h = 0.15/12 = 0.0125 m = 12.5 mm

 The radius of the plastic cover = 2 x 2 = 4 mm. Therefore,

increasing the thickness of the plastic cover will enhance heat
transfer until the outer radius of the cover reaches 12.5mm.
Therefore, T1 will decrease.

Steady Heat Conduction
 Thermal Resistance Network

 Composite Plane Wall

 Composite Cylinders and Spheres

 Critical Radius of Insulation

Thank you


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