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Business Event
Tutor Mark Assignment (TMA01)

Name: Wong Yong Haw

PI No.: N2110602
Submission Date: 13/04/2022

Q1a) SIWW is an international water event with high relevance to Asia. The technologies and solutions
exhibited in the conference rooms and exhibition floor which offers a wide range of applications for
municipal and industrial water users across Asia. It is one of the mega events which comprises of 300
companies, institutions and international organization that will be presenting and demonstrating their
insights, expertise and solutions that would bring the best in class across the world. With such events, it
could help to generate benefits to the economy by using these methods such as Return on Investment
(ROI), Meetings Satellite Accounts (MSAs) and Input-Output (I-O) model.

Firstly, Return on Investment (ROI) is commonly used by companies to determine the profitability of
expenses or reflects the net value receives from an event in relation to the net cost of the production.
SIWW 2022 has chosen to be held at Marina Bay Sands, Sand Expo and Conventional Centre and the
event committees has appointed Marina Bay Sands hotel as their official hotel for accommodation.
Additionally, SIWW 2022 do also offers social events to provide opportunities to the corporates to
expand and build their network and partnerships. SIWW has scheduled two social event which will be
held on the newly renovated Singapore Island Country Club golf course and Water Expo which offers
food and beverages as part of the services to be served and accommodate the participants. Furthermore,
SIWW 2022 has also acquired more than 20 corporate sponsorships with different tiers starting from
Corporate sponsors to Lee Kuan Yew Water Prize sponsors. As a result, towards ROI, the venues that
SIWW has selected is one of the top-notch venues that could gradually helps to generate high revenue
together with more than 240 international exhibitors that will be coming into Singapore to participate in
this mega event. ROI measurements are gradually important and there is certain key performance
indicator (KPI) that it is required to consider on such as cost to revenue ratio, sponsorship satisfaction and
registration by ticket types. Likewise, is it important knowing how to calculate event ROI as the
knowledge can helps to maximize the planning effort by honing sales strategy, increasing self-awareness
and creating the most profitable Sponsorship Package.

Secondly, Meetings Satellite Accounts (MSAs) is a framework for estimating important national headline
economic indicators for businesses events. Most importantly are the Gross Value Added (GVA) and
employment directly supported by such activities. In order To obtain 'estimates' of gross value added and
dependent employment for the meeting industry requires the establishment of a system of National
Accounts (SNA), satellite account that able to decompose the output of these industries into inputs, taxes,
and wages. Researchers is required to populate the MSA structure with data from range of stakeholders
including attendees, participants, organizers, exhibitors and venues. One of the examples using of the
framework which was done by an organization called “VisitDenmark” where they did their first research
to examine and study the economic contribution of meetings to the Danish Economy. Their analysis

comprises of three survey which are venue survey, organizer survey and delegate survey. The basic
structure of these survey will calculate the number of delegates and meeting days and daily costs and
spendings in the event. Thereafter, it will sum up the total expenditure to derive the economic effects
(CRT). At the end of the result, this survey will roughly estimate the direct economic contribution and
the derived economic impact of the conference, both indirectly and induced, resulted in a contribution to
the Danish economy. Likewise, this framework maybe helpful to estimate and assess the economic
impact level for such business events like SIWW.

Lastly, Input-Output (I-O) model is a macroeconomic analysis that focuses on the interdependence of
several economic sectors or enterprises. It is a tool for estimating the consequences of positive and
negative economic shocks, as well as analysing the economy's ripple effects. I-O analysis comprises of
three impacts which are direct impact, indirect impact, and induced impact. To apply on SIWW 2022,
direct impact can simplify the ultimate need for the consumption of directly related inputs. For example,
settling for this mega event, it requires venue, materials for booth and stages, accommodation, and
transportations. For indirect impact, it simplifies the impact of direct related input providers that set up
labor to meet the increase in demand. For induced impact, considering the increase in private
consumption of goods and services produced by the supplier's workers. In conclusion, the overall
economic impact of the mega event is the sum of the three categories of impacts plus the initial demand
shift. Hence, I-O analysis shows the benefits that the project will generate by hiring companies that
employs workers who spend to support economic growth.

1b) Corporate meeting planning process comprises of seven critical success factors that could help to
analyze and focus on how to help SIWW 2022 to achieve their business objectives, goals and interests of
the event company that host them. These seven critical success factors are Setting Objective, Venues,
Seating Configuration, Marketing, Budget, Procurement and Strategic Meeting Management.

SIWW is one of the leading international water events in Asia that brings leaders with ideology,
professionals and practitioners from governments, utilities, academia, and enterprise collectively to
percentage and co-create progressive answers to satisfy with urgent city water demanding situations
globally. Its unique core value proposition provides thought leadership, solutions implementation,
presenting effective technology and business networking addressing all areas of the urban water cycle
while keeping current trends and concerns in the water industry in mind. SIWW 2022 is set to be held on
the upcoming month which is from 17 April to 21 April 2022 at Marina Bay Sand, Sand Expo and
Conventional Centre. Virtual platform have also been all allocated for SIWW 2022 where participants are

able to access to the recordings session online and for international participants that is unable to attend on
site during on the demand period from 17 April to 30 April 2022.

As settling for an objective, in-order to achieve a successful result for SIWW, event organizers have to
adapt using SMART goals to focus on the established goals and to make decisions based on their
intention. The main focus that SIWW 2022 is focusing on will be the Lee Kuan Yew Prize Laureates and
business networking. Professor Kazuo Yamamoto was nominated to be awarded for the Lee Kuan Yew
Water Prize 2020 for this outstanding developing of the submerged membrane bioreactor (MBR). This
prestigious international award is named after Lee Kuan Yew, the first Prime Minister of Singapore. With
its vision and leadership, Singapore has been able to achieve water sustainability. He will also be
presenting and addressing his speech on the award ceremony and received the Prize Medallion from Mdm
Halimah Yacob, President of the Republic of Singapore. Next as for business networking, the event
organizers have chosen numerous top-notch places such as Marina Bay Sand Expo, The Ritz Carlton,
Millenia and Singapore Island Country Club, The New Course. Sponsors, Strategic Partners, and
International corporates are able to build up their networking and business relationships, promoting or
showcasing their products and to collaborate on issues and solutions. As it can been seen that these
venues are non-residential venues which can refer as conference centres that able to accommodate large
number of groups or participants and large spaces for exhibition and trade fair. Accommodation venues
was preferred to be Marina Bay Sand hotel, but SIWW event organizers has also appointed some hotel
partners which are mainly located around central business district area with the traveling time that require
less than twenty minutes to reached to the destination. Transportation is also easily accessible, and
expenses are not much heavy.

Since all internal attendees of company meetings must attend as part of their job responsibilities,
marketing such events is often as simple as notifying the employees who are attending or expected to
attend the event. Such effort is relatively simple just by sending out an invitation message to the attendees
provided with the event information, themes and objectives. Such invitation does also involve inviting
key personnel which they can be consider as VIP attendees. SIWW 2022 has invited water leaders and
experts to join the Water Leaders’ Summit (WLS) programme to share their innovation ideas, business
insights and policy interventions to address the world's imminent urban water problems. The budget usage
for organizing SIWW 2022 could require high margin spendings for such large-scale events due to certain
factors that is needed on-site such as facilities requirements, manpower for services, venues renting and
security for key personnel. But event budgets may vary depending on whether the business is thriving and
expanding, or whether it has undergone austerity and cost-cutting periods. Likewise, it is very important

for the event organizer to track on the cost incurred to any events and is their responsibility to ensure that
it does not exceed the overall budget.

In conclusion, SIWW is one of the most successful business events throughout the years with many
supporting leaders and organization around the world having the same objective and goals to help
tackling water challenges and providing technology ideas to improve water sustainability problems. It is
one of the big challenges to organize large-scale events because of many factors is required to be
considered and with given budget to meet every different aspect of the event. Making use of the planning
process guides and useful tools can be essentially help out on planning of the meeting agenda and
improving its effectiveness for the event. Likewise, the most important factor that an event organizer
should do is to understand what the goal and objective are before stepping further to plan for the later
stage. SIWW is one of the examples that can be set as a learning point and with the information provided
in their website, event organizers are able to do their study and research on why SIWW has chosen to be
held in certain venues in Singapore and how did they successfully achieve their goals and objectives.

1c) The Lee Kuan Yew Water Prize was first established in 2008 to honor the individuals or organizations
that have made significant contributions to addressing the world's water concerns by creating or
implementing novel technologies, policies, or programs that benefit mankind. This award was name after
Prime Minister, Lee Kuan Yew whose vision and leadership allowed Singapore to achieve water
sustainability. It is an honorable award that recognized and acknowledged these professionals of their
contribution by giving the initiatives that encourage dedicated professionals to push the boundaries and
find innovative solutions that give the world the opportunity for a sustainable water future.

Perhaps, not only LKY Water Prize benefits the stakeholder but also any other awards that holds the
recognition and acknowledgement to a person for a lifetime achievement is important to them which is
why award ceremonies are being held annually. Awards ceremonies produce their own positive news
stories, which are gladly shared throughout industry outlets. This coverage delivers unrivaled public
relations and greater visibility for the award recipients. Companies and individuals’ winners that is
nominated to receive this award wants to disseminate the good news through their own channels. The
news that was spread naturally and freely is giving their client and their sponsors a wider exposure
towards their coverage. Awards ceremonies can also create great exposure for the clients in many
different ways. This may be accomplished through direct interaction with influential people, greater brand
recognition, and networking possibilities during the event itself. Likewise, it is necessary to have such

award events as the title carries their reputation and knowledge implications which sometimes is valuable
in any industry.

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