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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent N0.2 US 8,486,176 B2

Aubrey (45) Date of Patent: Jul. 16, 2013


ALUMINUM AND MOLTEN ALUMINUM USPC ...................................... .. 75/412; 210/ 500.26
ALLOYS (58) Field of Classi?cation Search
USPC ...................................... .. 210/500.26; 75/412
(75) Inventor: Leonard S. Aubrey, Hendersonville, NC See application ?le for complete search history.
(56) References Cited
(73) Assignee: Porvair PLC (GB)
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 3,947,363 A 3/1976 prvor et a1‘
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 3,962,081 A 6/1976 Yarwood et a1.
U_S_C_ 154(1)) by 266 days_ 4,056,586 A * 11/1977 Pryor et a1. ................... .. 264/44
4,343,704 A 8/1982 Brockmever
_ 4,610,832 A 9/1986 Brockmever
(21) APPl' NO" 12/999’121 5,673,902 A * 10/1997 Aubrey et a1. .............. .. 266/229

(22) PCT Filed: Jun. 16, 2009 OTHER PUBLICATIONS

_ International Search Report and Written Opinion, PCT/US2009/
(86) PCT No.. PCT/US2009/047502 047502, Jan‘ 20, 2010, K00 Kwan Kang‘
§ 371 (0)0), . .
(2), (4) Date: Jan. 28, 2011 * med by examlner
(87) pCT pub NO; W02010/005716 Primary Examiner * George WysZomierski
Assistant Examiner * Tima M McGuthry Banks
PCT Pub‘ Date: Jan‘ 14’ 2010 (74) Attorney, Agent, orFirm * Joseph T. Guy; Perkins LaW
(65) Prior Publication Data Flrm’ LLC
Us 2011/0107875 A1 May 12, 2011 (57) ABSTRACT
. . A method for ?ltering molten aluminum and aluminum
Related U's'Apphcatlon Data alloys. The method includes providing a reticulated foam
(60) Provisional application No. 61/061,772, ?led on Jun. Wherein oxygen is introduced to an interior of the reticulated
16, 2008. foam. Molten aluminum or aluminum alloy is passed through
the reticulated foam Wherein oxygen is maintained at a partial
(51) IIlt- Cl- pressure of at least 2.51><10_35 atm during ?ltration.
B01D 39/20 (2006.01)
B01D 35/00 (2006.01) 14 Claims, 5 Drawing Sheets
US. Patent Jul. 16, 2013 Sheet 1 615 US 8,486,176 B2

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US. Patent Jul. 16, 2013 Sheet 2 of5 US 8,486,176 B2

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US. Patent Jul. 16, 2013 Sheet 4 of5 US 8,486,176 B2
US. Patent Jul. 16, 2013 Sheet 5 of5 US 8,486,176 B2
US 8,486,176 B2
1 2
METHOD FOR FILTERING MOLTEN mechanical properties. Silica containing materials have rela
ALUMINUM AND MOLTEN ALUMINUM tively loW thermal expansion and compressive modulus.
ALLOYS Silica is Widely available in materials including mullite, kya
nite, fused silica, calcium silicate, magnesium silicate, cordi
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED erite, and lithium aluminum silicates.
APPLICATIONS Boron glass can be used to improve the corrosion resis
tance of ?lter materials containing silica-rich aggregate grain
This application claims priority to pending U.S. Provi materials. Under standard conditions of use in typical indus
sional Patent Application No. 61/061 ,772 ?led Jun. 16, 2008. trial aluminum ?ltration operations there is still some degree
of attack, particularly, With magnesium-alloy containing
BACKGROUND materials.
There has been a long standing desire for a refractory
The present invention is related to a method of ?ltering material Which is relatively inexpensive, robust under ?lter
molten aluminum and aluminum alloys. More speci?cally the ing conditions, non-reactive and Which can be used for a Wide
present invention is related to a method for ?ltering molten variety of aluminum alloys including, especially, those con
aluminum and aluminum alloys comprising maintaining a taining magnesium. The present invention provides a method
partial pressure of oxygen Within the interstitial spaces of the for ?ltering molten aluminum and alloys thereof Which meets
?lter to mitigate reactivity betWeen the oxides making up the the long-standing desire in the art.
ceramic ?lter and aluminum or aluminum alloys.
Filtration of molten metals is a common practice in indus 20 SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
try. In particular, ?ltration of molten aluminum using reticu
lated foam ?lters is Widely practiced in the art. It is Well It is an object of the present invention to provide an
knoWn that the refractory and chemical stability of the ?lter improved method for ?ltering molten aluminum and alumi
material is of critical importance in obtaining effective inclu num alloys.
sion particle retention and to avoid release of reaction prod 25 It is another object of the present invention to provide a
ucts from the ?lter material into the molten metal as a con method for ?ltering molten aluminum and aluminum alloys
taminant. While minimiZing reactivity betWeen the molten metal and the
Reticulated foam ?lters using alumina aggregate grain in a ?lter material.
binder phase have been commonly used for ?ltering alumi A particular advantage of the present invention is the abil
num and aluminum alloys. Aluminum orthophosphate has 30 ity to ?lter molten aluminum and aluminum alloys With
been Widely practiced as exempli?ed in US. Pat. Nos. 3,947, reticulated ?lters comprising silica While mitigating reaction
363; 3,962,081 and 4,343,704. Unfortunately, it is Widely betWeen the silica and components of the molten aluminum
realiZed in the art that aluminum phosphate has poor resis or alloy.
tance to chemical attack, particularly, When used With mag These and other advantages, as Will be realiZed, are pro
nesium containing aluminum alloys. During use the magne 35 vided in a method for ?ltering molten aluminum and alumi
sium corrodes the intergranular areas causing a softening and num alloys. The method includes providing a reticulated
release of alumina grain as inclusion material. Softening is foam Wherein oxygen is introduced to an interior of the reticu
knoWn to compromise the strength of the reticulated foam lated foam.
structure. Yet another problem With aluminum orthophos Molten aluminum or aluminum alloy is passed through
phate based ?lters is the potential environmental issues result 40 said reticulated foam Wherein oxygen is maintained at a par
ing from formation of phosphine gas from the spent ?lter. tial pressure of at least 2.51><10_35 atm during ?ltration.
High purity sinter bonded alumina ?lters using an alumina Yet another advantage is provided in a reticulated ?lter
hydrate bonding system are also Well knoWn as exempli?ed in system. The system has an aggregate phase and a binder phase
US. Pat. No. 4,610,832. These ?lters exhibit excellent chemi Wherein at least one of the aggregate phase and the binder
cal resistance to attack from magnesium, but the expensive 45 phase has silica. A partial pressure of oxygen is providing in
reactive grade alumina coupled With the high sintering tem the reticulated ?lter at elevated temperature during ?ltration.
peratures eliminates these ?lters from being ?nancially fea
sible for use in many processes. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF FIGURES
In addition to the aforementioned issues, alumina ?lters,
both phosphate bonded and sinter bonded, suffer from poor 50 FIG. 1 is a graphical representation of the Ellingham free
thermal properties due to their high thermal expansion and energy of formation of oxides for various materials.
compressive modulus. FIG. 2 is a schematic representation of an embodiment of
It Would be desirable to use silica as a refractory foam the present invention.
material, as it tends to be inexpensive, easily processed. Silica FIG. 3 is a graphical representation of the threshold partial
also has a loW thermal expansion and compressive modulus. 55 pressure of oxygen for the equilibrium reaction of silicon
Unfortunately, it is knoWn to be highly reactive in molten dioxide formation from silicon and oxygen.
aluminum alloys, especially in magnesium containing alloys. FIG. 4 is a schematic representation of an embodiment of
An Ellingham free-energy diagram is illustrated in FIG. 1 the present invention.
Wherein provided is the free energy of oxide formation as a FIG. 5 is a photograph of a prior art ?lter after use.
function of temperature. Aluminum and magnesium are Well 60 FIG. 6 is a photograph of an inventive ?lter after use.
beloW that of silicon. Therefore, the presence of unprotected
silica in either the grain material or binder phase of a reticu DETAILED DESCRIPTION
lated foam ?lter Would be readily attacked by aluminum or
magnesium. It is Widely understood in the art that silica is to The present invention provides a method for ?ltering mol
be avoided for use When ?ltering molten aluminum, magne 65 ten aluminum and aluminum alloys Wherein reaction betWeen
sium or alloys thereof. Exclusion of silica is most unfortunate the ?lter material and the molten metal are avoided. In par
due to the loW raW material cost and the improved thermal and ticular, the present invention alloWs the use of materials pre
US 8,486,176 B2
3 4
viously thought to be unavailable for use With aluminum cipitate and are removed by ?ltration. Calcium, lithium and
thereby allowing for the formation of ?lters Which are more sodium are particularly common impurities and each can be
physically robust and Which can be manufactured at a loWer removed by introducing chlorine gas into the molten metal,
cost. and particularly, into the interstitial area of the reticulated
An embodiment of the present invention is illustrated in ?lter.
cross-sectional schematic vieW in FIG. 2. In FIG. 2, the A particular problem associated With aluminum ?ltration is
reticulated foam ?lter is illustrated schematically at 10. An the presence of hydrogen. Hydrogen atoms can be caused to
oxygen source, 12, is attached to the reticulated foam ?lter by diffuse into the reticulated ?lter and react therein to form
tubing, 14, Which preferably includes at least one valve, 16. hydrogen gas. Methods of removing hydrogen are described,
While illustrated as a single oxygen source and tubing it
particularly, in Us. Pat. Publ. No. 2006/0125160.
Would be understood that multiple oxygen sources could be
An embodiment of the present invention is illustrated sche
attached through a manifold as typically implemented in the
art. Additional gas sources may be employed as further
matically in FIG. 4, Wherein the reticulated ?lter, generally
described herein. It is preferable that the interstitial space of represented at 100, is shoWn in cross-sectional vieW. The
the ?lter be homogeneously supplied With oxygen. To insure reticulated ?lter, 100, comprises at least one interface tube,
adequate gas permeation Within the skeletal porosity of the 102. An interfaced gasket, 104, is provided to alloW entry of
?lter it is highly preferable to provide a micro-porous gasket the gas into the skeletal porosity of the ?lter. The interface
materials to seal the tube to the ?lter. The tube is inserted into tube, 102, provides oxygen, preferably With a carrier gas. The
the porous gasket material, 21. The oxygen then ?oWs second interface tube, 121, is used as a vent. A regulator, 105,
through the micro -porous gasket material and into the skeletal 20 may be used to control internal pressure and therefore partial
porosity of the ?lter. Particularly suitable gasket material pressure of oxygen. In an alternative embodiment oxygen,
include commercially available materials such as Safeseal® and optional carrier gas, can be introduced in one interface
or Sealsafe® or a porous ?ber paper such as Fiberfrax®, tube and oxygen, any carrier gas, and hydrogen are exhausted
lsofrax®, SuperWool®, SF607® or lnsulfrax®. In one from a subsequent interface tube. The exhaust can be With
embodiment the ?lter edge is saW cut to open the skeletal 25 vacuum assist if desired.
porosity in contact With the compressible gasket material in In one embodiment the interface tubes may be in How
order to facilitate How of oxygen from the porous gasket communication With an internal cavity. This is not preferred
material into the skeletal porosity of the ?lter. in a ?lter due to the loss of strength associated With cavity
Reticulated foam ?lters are knoWn to typically include an formation.
aggregate grain material in a binder. In a preferred embodi 30 The interface tubes are non-porous, preferably metal or
ment the reticulated foam ?lter preferably comprises silica in dense ceramic such as graphite, boron nitride, alumina, Zir
at least one of the bonding phase and the aggregate grain conia or mullite. Preferably, the interface tubes could be
material. This Was previously considered impossible for use constructed of steel austenitic stainless steel or Inconel.
in aluminum or aluminum alloy ?ltration due to the reactivity While not limited to any theory, the function of the inter
of silica as indicated previously. 35 face tubes is to provide a partial pressure of oxygen in the
While not restricted to any theory, the reactivity of oxide interstitial space. This can be done at static, or near static,
materials can be suppressed or modi?ed by maintaining a pressure or as a continuous How of gas into the interstitial
critical oxygen pressure at the oxide-metal interface. A com spaces of the reticulated ?lter. The ?oWing gas maintains
puted threshold oxygen pressure for reaction equilibrium optimal partial pressure of oxygen and preferably continu
betWeen the Si/O2 and SiO2 is illustrated in FIG. 3 as obtained 40 ously removes hydrogen gas. By continuously removing the
from San Jose State University, Ellington Web Tool (WWW.en hydrogen gas, a high driving force is maintained for the
gr. sj ellingham). If the oxygen pressure is maintained diffusion of hydrogen atoms into the plate. Either a purge or
above a critical value the chemical reduction of silica can be a vacuum removes the hydrogen by the same basic mecha
effectively suppressed. By Way of example, at about 727° C. nism based on the partial pressure of hydrogen in the plate
an oxygen partial pressure of about 2.5 1 x10‘37 is required to 45 relative to the molten metal.
suppress silica reduction. The presence of hydrogen in a carrier gas, particularly
The oxygen source is selected for convenience and accu argon, has a signi?cant impact on the thermal conductivity of
rate control. Pure oxygen is most preferred from a chemical the carrier gas. This change in thermal conductivity can be
reactivity perspective, hoWever, maintaining such a loW level measured and quanti?ed using commercial thermal conduc
of oxygen With any level of precision is challenging. In prac 50 tivity analyZers. By measuring the purging gas ?oW rate and
tice oxygen is preferably provided as a mixture With a carrier the % hydrogen gas in the argon, based on the conductivity,
gas, Which is inert to the ?lter and molten metal at ?ltration the performance of the ?lter as a degasser can be measured in
temperature. Particularly preferred carrier gases include real-time and the performance optimiZed With regards to How
nitrogen, argon and helium With nitrogen being most pre rates and volumes of purge air. Due to the enhanced ability to
ferred due to cost considerations. 55 monitor ef?ciency a purge system is preferred over a vacuum
The oxygen partial pres sure is preferably maintained at, at system.
least, 2.5l><l0_35 atm during ?ltration. To insure adequate The ?lter is preferably made via the foam replication tech
oxygen it is preferable to maintain a partial pressure of at least nique, Which is a common method used to manufacture
3x10‘35 atm thereby mitigating the presence of local areas reticulated ceramic foam for use as molten metal ?ltration
Which are oxygen de?cient. Above about 1 x10“34 atm there is 60 devices. In forming the ?lters a foam, and most preferably
no added bene?t and oxide formation can occur if the oxygen polyurethane foam, is coated With ceramic slurry, then dried
level is maintained at a level Which is Well above that neces and ?red. During ?ring, the polyurethane foam Within the
sary for the purposed described herein. ceramic coating vaporiZes but the ceramic structure remains
In another embodiment additional gases are included to resulting in an exoskeleton-like ceramic foam having holloW
facilitate metal puri?cation. A particularly preferred gas is 65 voids Where the polyurethane once resided. The structure is
chlorine gas, Which reacts With solubiliZed impurities, such as essentially a connection of struts With porosity residing
alkali earths, to form chloride salts. The chloride salts pre around and Within these struts. The process for forming a
US 8,486,176 B2
5 6
ceramic ?lter is provided in Us. Pat. Nos. 4,056,586; 5,456, as aluminosilicate, examples of Which are mullite or kyanite,
833 and 5,673,902 each of Which are incorporated herein by 0-20% inorganic binder that ?uxes at loW temperature and
reference. binds the ceramic grain material, examples include ?ne clay
The slurry employed depends on the desired ceramic mate or colloidal silica, 0-20% ?ne ceramic material to aid in ?oW
rial for the chosen application. One must have suf?cient prop properties of the ceramic slurry, examples include silica
erties in the ?nal product to Withstand the particular applica fume, ?nely ground mullite, or ?nely ground kyanite, 0-20%
tion and must have su?icient structural and/or mechanical Water to achieve the desired slurry rheological ?oW charac
strength to stand up to the particular elevated temperature teristics, and 0-1% dispersing aids such as ammonium poly
conditions. In addition, the slurry preferably has a relatively acrylate.
high degree of ?uidity and most preferably is comprised of an The density of the resulting ?lter is preferably at least about
aqueous suspension of the ceramic intended for use in the 8 Wt % of theoretical density to no more than about 18 Wt %
?lter. Normally, the slurry contains Water. Additives, such as of theoretical density. Above about 18 Wt% of theoretical
binders and surfactants, may be employed in the slurry. density the ?ltering rate is too sloW to be effective. BeloW
The ?exible foam material is impregnated With the aqueous about 8 Wt % of theoretical density the strength of the ?lter is
ceramic slurry so that the ?ber-like Webs are coated thereWith insuf?cient for use in ?ltering molten aluminum. Theoretical
and the voids are ?lled thereWith. Normally, it is preferred to density is a common term of art Wherein density is reported as
repeatedly immerse the foam in the slurry and compress the a percentage of the theoretical density of the ceramic material
foam betWeen immersions to insure complete impregnation assuming no voids.
of the foam. Refractory aluminosilicate is a naturally occurring mate
The impregnated foam is preferably compressed to expel 20 rial With a nominal composition of 3Al2O3 .2SiO2. In practice
from 25 to 75% of the slurry While leaving the ?ber-like Web refractory aluminosilicate comprises from about 45 Wt % to
portion coated thereWith. In a continuous operation, one may 70 Wt % A1203 and about 25 Wt % to about 50 Wt % SiO2.
pass the impregnated foam through a preset roller to affect the Naturally occurring impurities are present and one of skill in
desired expulsion of slurry from the foam and leave the the art Would realiZe that completely removing the impurities
desired amount impregnated therein. This may be done 25 is cost prohibitive. In practice, refractory aluminosilicate has
manually by simply squeezing the ?exible foam material to about 1.5-3 Wt % TiO2, up to about 1.5 Wt % Fe2O3, up to
the desired extent. At this stage, the foam is still ?exible and about 0.06 Wt % CaO, up to about 0.8 Wt % MgO, up to about
may be formed into con?gurations suitable for the speci?c 0.09 Wt % Na20, up to about 0.9 Wt % K20 and up to about
?ltration task, i.e., into curved plates, holloW cylinders, etc. It 0.12 Wt % PZOS. For the purposes of the present invention the
is necessary to hold the formed foam in position by conven 30 preferred refractory alumino silicate is Virginia Kyanitei325
tional means until the polymeric substrate is decomposed, or mesh available from Kyanite Mining Company in DillWyn,
preferably until the ceramic is sintered. The impregnated Va., but any commercially available refractory aluminosili
foam is then dried by either air drying or accelerated drying at cate poWder is suitable to the application.
a temperature of from 35° to 700° C. for from 2 minutes to 6 It is preferable to add volatile organic materials into the
hours. After drying, the material is heated at an elevated 35 ceramic slurry to further increase the porosity.
temperature to bond the ceramic particles making up the In an alternative embodiment a ceramic precursor compris
?ber-like Webs. It is preferred to heat the dried impregnated ing spherically shaped voids therein can be formed into the
material in tWo stages, With the ?rst stage being to heat to a desired shape of the porous ceramic and ?red as described in
temperature of from 350° to 700° C. and holding Within this Us. Pat. No. 6,773,825, Which is incorporated herein by
temperature range for from 2 minutes to 6 hours in order to 40 reference thereto.
burn off or volatiliZe the Web of ?exible foam. Clearly this A mixture of ceramic or metal particles and pliable organic
step can be part of the drying cycle, if desired. The second spheres as the pore former is prepared into a liquid, or sus
stage is to heat to a temperature of from 900° to 1700° C. and pension, and the mixture is formed into a shaped article. The
hold Within that temperature range for from 2 minutes to 10 shaped article is dried and ?red so that the particles are
hours in order to bond the ceramic. The resulting product is a 45 bonded by sintering. The organic spheres and other organic
fused ceramic foam having an open cell structure character additives are volatiliZed. The spheres are preferably loW den
iZed by a plurality of interconnected voids surrounded by a sity and more preferably holloW. The siZe of the voids may be
Web of the ceramic. The ceramic foam may have any desired preselected by selecting the appropriate polymer spheres. The
con?guration based on the con?guration needed for the par porosity is also easily controlled by the number of polymer
ticular molten metal ?ltration process. 50 spheres added. It is most preferred that the polymer spheres
The process for forming the ?lter comprises forming a are each in contact With at least tWo other spheres such that a
slurry of ceramic precursors. For the purposes of the present netWork of voids is created in the eventual diffuser.
invention ceramic precursors may comprise aluminosilicate, To a suspension of ceramic precursor is added pliable
colloidal silica, fumed silica, fused silica, or modi?ed bento organic holloW spheres, Which are simultaneously suspended
nite. The slurry may comprise a surfactant to decrease the 55 in the solvent as a pore former. The ceramic precursor is then
surface tension of the aqueous phase for improved Wetting incorporated into the foam as described further herein and
characteristics. dried to remove the solvent. When the ceramic precursor is
The term “refractory alumino silicate” as used herein refers ?red to form a ceramic the spheres are volatiliZed resulting in
to refractory raW materials that comprise predominantly mul uniformly distributed voids throughout the ?lter lattice.
lite and Which possess a pyrometric cone equivalent (PCE) of 60 Using this method a range of porosities can be achieved,
at least 20. This class of raW materials is also knoWn in the hoWever, for use in molten aluminum ?ltration it is preferable
refractory materials literature by the synonyms calcined ?re that the porosity be no more than 60% due to insuf?cient
clay, calcined aggregate, refractory calcines, mullite calcines, thermal stress resistance at higher levels of porosity. The
refractory aggregates, calcined kyanite, electrofused mullite porosity and pore siZe is easily controlled by the number and
and chamottes. 65 siZes of polymer spheres used. After ?ring the void is sub
The ceramic precursor of the present invention preferably stantially the same shape and siZe as the included sphere. It is
comprises 40-60% inexpensive ceramic grain material such most preferably to utiliZe spheres With an average diameter of
US 8,486,176 B2
7 8
20 to 150 microns and more preferably 20-80 microns. An 80 4. A reticulated ?lter system comprising:
micro sphere is most preferred. Other organic pore formers an aggregate phase and a binder phase Wherein at least one
may be included including ?our, cellulose, starch and the like. of said aggregate phase and said binder phase comprise
HolloW organic spheres are most preferred due to the loW silica;
volume of organic to pore volume, Which can be achieved and 5 a source for providing a partial pressure of oxygen in said
reticulated ?lter at elevated temperature Wherein said
the minimal level of organic residue remaining after ?ring. It source is a gas introduced into said reticulated ?lter
is most preferred that the slurry comprise up to about 10 Wt % Wherein said gas comprises a carrier gas.
pore formers based on an 80 micron holloW sphere. 5. The reticulated ?lter system of claim 4 Wherein said gas
The material is either formed to siZe or cut to siZe. The is provided from an external source.
material can be cut to siZe as a green ceramic or as a sintered 6. The reticulated ?lter system of claim 5 Wherein said
ceramic. reticulated foam comprises an interface tube in How commu
FIG. 5 is a photograph illustrating a used silica-containing nication With said external source.
?lter bonded With a borosilicate glass. The ?lter Was sub 7. The reticulated ?lter system of claim 6 Wherein said
jected to corrosion testing in a magnesium-containing alumi interface tube is in How communication With an internal
num alloy Where no oxygen introduced thereby representing
8. The reticulated ?lter system of claim 4 Wherein said
reducing conditions. The ?lter material has turned black indi carrier gas is selected from nitrogen, argon, and helium.
cating reaction With the molten alloy. Furthermore, Wetting is 9. A reticulated ?lter system comprising:
indicated by the in?ltration of metal into the ?lter exoskel an aggregate phase and a binder phase Wherein at least one
eton. The test Was conducted for 2 hours at 750° C. in 4.7% 20 of said aggregate phase and said binder phase comprise
magnesium-aluminum alloy. silica;
FIG. 6 illustrates an inventive example subjected to the a source for providing a partial pressure of oxygen in said
same conditions as above except that a small partial pressure reticulated ?lter at elevated temperature Wherein said
of oxygen Was maintained during the test. The ?lter has not source is a gas introduced into said reticulated ?lter;
reacted and the ?lter exoskeleton does not exhibit penetration 25 Wherein said gas is provided from an external source;
or Wetting by the molten alloy. Wherein said reticulated foam comprises an interface tube
The present invention has been described With particular in How communication With said external source and
reference to the preferred embodiments, Which are intended Wherein said reticulated foam further comprises a second
interface tube.
to be illustrative, but are not considered to be limiting. Other
10. The reticulated ?lter system of claim 9 further com
con?gurations, alterations and embodiments could be real 30
prising a vacuum source in How communication With said
iZed from the teachings herein Without departing from the second interface tube.
scope of the invention, Which is set forth more clearly in the 11. A reticulated ?lter system comprising:
claims appended hereto. an aggregate phase and a binder phase Wherein at least one
of said aggregate phase and said binder phase comprise
The invention claimed is: silica;
1. A reticulated ?lter system comprising: a source for providing a partial pressure of oxygen in said
an aggregate phase and a binder phase Wherein at least one reticulated ?lter at elevated temperature
of said aggregate phase and said binder phase comprise further comprising a gasket Wherein said gasket is in con
silica; tact With said reticulated ?lter.
a source for providing a partial pressure of oxygen in said 40 12. The reticulated ?lter system of claim 11 Wherein said
reticulated ?lter at elevated temperature Wherein said gasket is selected from a porous gasket and a permeable
partial pressure of oxygen is no more than 1x10“34 atm. gasket.
2. The reticulated ?lter system of claim 1 Wherein said 13. The reticulated ?lter system of claim 11 Wherein said
elevated temperature is a ?ltration temperature for molten gasket is a refractory ?ber gasket.
aluminum or molten aluminum alloy. 14. The reticulated ?lter system of claim 11 Wherein said
3. The reticulated ?lter system of claim 1 further compris gasket is a compressible gasket.
ing providing chlorine to an interior of said reticulated foam. * * * * *

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