Studying - Dual Graph Convolutional Networks For Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis

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Graph Convolutional Network (GCN)



Given a graph with n nodes, the graph can be represented as an adjacency matrix A ∈ R n× n.

h =σ ( ∑ A ij W l hl−1
j +b ) →
hidden state representation in the i -th node at the l -th layer

Aij = 1 ,∧if thei−thnode is connected the j−th node ¿ 0 ,∧otherwise ¿

W → a weight matrix

b l → a bias term

σ → is an activation function (e.g., ReLU)

Proposed DualGCN

In the ABSA task, a sentence-aspect pair ( s , a) is given,

a={a1 , a 2 , ⋯ ,a m }→ is an aspect.
s={w 1 , w 2 , ⋯ , wm }→ a sub-sequence of the entire sentence
BiLSTM/ BERT: word embeddings ↦ hidden contextual representations

For the BiLSTM encoder

x={x 1 , x 2 , ⋯ , x n }→ the word embeddings of the sentences from an embedding lookup table
|V |× de
|V |→ the size of vocabulary
d e → denotes the dimensionality of word embeddings
H={h1 , h2 ,⋯ , hn }→ hidden state vectors hi ∈ R2 d
The dimensionality of a hidden state vector d is output by a unidirectional LSTM

For the BERT encoder

input: [CLS] sentence [SEP] aspect [SEP] ↦ aspect-aware hidden representations of the
[CLS] sentence [SEP] aspect [SEP] → a sentence-aspect pair


Syntax-based GCN (SynGCN)

Idea: the probability matrix representing dependencies between words contains rich syntactic
information compared with the final discrete output of a dependency parser.
LAL-Parser: dependency parser ↦ dependency probability matrix


SynGCN module using Eq. (1): A syn+ H ↦ H syn

Eq . (1 ) → hli=σ ( ∑ Aij W l hl−1 l
j +b )

A syn → the syntactic encoding of an adjacency matrix A syn ∈ R n ×n

H → the hidden state vectors from BiLSTM

syn syn d
H → The syntactic graph representation hi ∈ R

{h1syn ,h 2syn , ⋯ ,h nsyn } is a hidden representation of the i th node

is a hidden representation of the aspect nodes

{ ha 1syn ,h a 2syn , ⋯ , hamsyn }


Semantic-based GCN (SemGCN)

Idea: the attention matrix shaped by self-attending, also viewed as an edge-weighted directed
graph, can represent semantic correlations between words



QW ×( K W )
A sem=softmax( ) → the adjacency matrix of SemGCN A sem ∈ R n ×n

Q and K → equal to the graph representations of previous layer of SemGCN module

Q k
W and W → are learnable weight matrices

d → the dimensionality of the input node feature.

Note that we use only one self-attention head to obtain an attention score matrix for a

SemGCN module using Eq. (1): A sem+ H ↦ H sem

sem d
H sem → The Semantic graph representation hi ∈R

{h1sem , h2sem , ⋯ , hnsem }→ a hidden representation of the i th node

a hidden representation of the aspect nodes

{ ha 1sem , ha 2sem , ⋯ , hamsem } →


BiAffine Module: H syn + H sem ↦ H syn ', H syn + H sem ↦ H sem '

BiAffine Module → a mutual BiAffine transformation as a bridge

Note that Biaffine transformation is a method to incorporate an attention mechanism into

binary relations


H syn ' =softmax ¿

H sem ' =softmax ¿

W 1 and W 2 → trainable parameters.

syn syn syn syn sem sem sem sem

f : (ha , ha , ⋯ , h a ) ↦h a , (h a ,h a , ⋯ , ha )↦ ha
1 2 m 1 2 m

f →an average pooling function applied over the aspect node representations

h syn syn syn syn

a =f (ha , ha , ⋯ , h a )→ the final feature representation of SynGCN
1 2 m

h sem sem sem sem

a =f (ha , h a , ⋯ , ha )→ the final feature representation of SemGCN
1 2 m

r =[hasyn , hasem ]→ concatenation of the final feature representation


σ :r ↦ p
σ → softmax function pa=softmax (W p r +b p )

p → a sentiment probability distribution

W p and b p → the learnable weight and bias



the orthogonal regularizer: RO =‖ A sem A semT −I‖F

Idea: the semantically related terms of each word should not overlap. Therefore, we
encourage the attention probability distributions over words to be orthogonal

I → an identity matrix

√∑ ∑| |
m n
F → the Frobenius norm ‖ A‖F = aij
i j=1

the differential regularizer: R D=
‖A sem
− A s yn‖F

Idea: the two representations should contain significantly distinct information captured by the
syntactic dependency and the semantic correlation

Note that the regularizer is only restrictive to A sem

Loss Function

l T =l C + λ1 R O + λ2 R D + λ3‖Θ‖2
λ 1 , λ2 , λ3 → regularization coefficients

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Θ → represents all trainable model parameters

l C → a standard cross-entropy loss

l C =− ∑ ∑ log p (a)
(s , a)∈ D c∈ C

D → contains all sentence-aspect pairs

C → the collection of distinct sentiment polarities

pa=softmax (W p r +b p )

The key point in solving the ABSA task is to model the dependency relationship between an
aspect and its corresponding opinion expressions.


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