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Generally speaking, there are two key components in learnable CF models

1) embedding, which transforms users and items to vectorized representations, and

2) interaction modeling, which reconstructs historical interactions based on the


For example,

matrix factorization (MF) directly embeds user/item ID as a vector and models user-
item interaction with inner product;

collaborative deep learning extends the MF embedding function by integrating the

deep representations learned from rich side information of items;

neural collaborative filtering models replace the MF interaction function of inner

product with nonlinear neural networks [14];

and translation-based CF models instead use Euclidean distance metric as the

interaction function, among others.

Despite their effectiveness, we argue that these methods are not sufficient to yield
satisfactory embeddings for CF. The key reason is that the embedding function lacks
an explicit encoding of the crucial collaborative signal, which is latent in user-item
interactions to reveal the behavioral similarity between users (or items). To be more
specific, most existing methods build the embedding function with the descriptive
features only (e.g., ID and attributes), without considering the user-item interactions
— which are only used to define the objective function for model training. As a result,
when the embeddings are insufficient in capturing CF, the methods have to rely on the
interaction function to make up for the deficiency of suboptimal embeddings.

While intuitively useful to integrate user-item interactions into the embedding

function, it is non-trivial to do it well. In particular, the scale of interactions can easily
reach millions or even larger in real applications, making it difficult to distill the
desired collaborative signal. In this work, we tackle the challenge by exploiting the
high-order connectivity from user- item interactions, a natural way that encodes
collaborative signal in the interaction graph structure.
To summarize, this work makes the following main contributions:

• We highlight the critical importance of explicitly exploiting the collaborative signal

in the embedding function of model-based CF methods.

• We propose NGCF, a new recommendation framework based on graph neural

network, which explicitly encodes the collaborative signal in the form of high-order
connectivities by performing embedding propagation.

• We conduct empirical studies on three million-size datasets. Extensive results

demonstrate the state-of-the-art performance of NGCF and its effectiveness in
improving the embedding quality with neural embedding propagation.

We now present the proposed NGCF model, the architecture of which is illustrated in
Figure 2. There are three components in the framework:

(1) an embedding layer that offers and initialization of user embeddings and item

(2) multiple embedding propagation layers that refine the embeddings by injecting
high- order connectivity relations;

(3) the prediction layer that aggregates the refined embeddings from different
propagation layers and outputs the affinity score of a user-item pair. Finally, we
discuss the time complexity of NGCF and the connections with existing methods.
2.1 Embedding Layer

E=[e u , ⋯ , eu ,e i , ⋯ , ei ]
1 N 1 M

d d
eu∈ R , ei ∈ R

d → the embedding size

2.2 Embedding Propagation Layers

2.2.1 First-order Propagation.

Message Construction.

mu ←i =f ( ei , eu , pui )→ the message from i to u

mu ←i → the message embedding (i.e., the information to be propagated)

f (·) → the message encoding function, which takes embeddings e i and e u as input, and
uses the coefficient pui to control the decay factor on each propagation on edge (u , i).

f (·)→ mu ← i= ( W 1 e i +W 2 ( e i ⊙e u ) )
√| N u||N i|

W 1 , W 2 ∈ R → the trainable weight matrices, d ' is the transformation size. e i ⊙ eu →

d ×d

the interaction between e i and e u into the message being passed ⊙ → the element-wise
product, this makes the message dependent on the affinity between e i and e u

pui → the graph Laplacian norm 1/ √|N u||N i|

N u , N i → the first-hop neighbors of user u and item i .

Message Aggregation.

e u =LeakyReLU mu ← u + ∑ mu ← i → the aggregation function

( )

i ∈N u

e (1)
u → the representation of user u obtained after the first embedding propagation layer

e (1)
i → the representation for item i by propagating information from its connected

Note that in addition to the messages propagated from neighbors N u , we take the self-
connection of u into consideration: mu ←u =W 1 eu , which retains the information of
original features.

2.2.2 High-order Propagation.

( )
u =LeakyReLU m u ←u + ∑ m u ←i → the representation of user u in the l -th step
e (l) (l) (l)

i ∈N u

{m u← i= pui ( W 1 ei + W 2 ( ei ) ) → the messages being propagated

(l) (l) (l−1) (l ) (l−1) (l−1)
⊙ eu
(l) (l) (l−1)
m u←u =W e1 u

(l) (l) d l × dl−1

W 1 ,W 2 ∈ R → trainable transformation matrices

e i → the item representation generated from the previous message-passing steps,
memorizing the messages from its (l−1)-hop neighbors. It further contributes to the
representation of user u at layer l .

the layer-wise propagation rule:

E =LeakyReLU ( ( L+ I ) E W 1 + L E )
(l) (l) (l ) (l−1 ) (l−1) (l)
⨀E W2

E(l) ∈ R(N +M)× d → user sand items obtained after l steps of embedding propagation.
is set as E at the initial message-passing iteration, that is e u=e u and e i=e i and I
denote an identity matrix.

L represents the Laplacian matrix for the user-item graph, which is formulated as:

AD 2 →
Laplacian matrix for the user-item graph and A=
[ 0
0 ]
→ user-item interaction matrix

A → the adjacency matrix and D is the diagonal degree matrix Dtt =|N t|;

Lui =1/ √|N u||N i|, which is equal to pui used in Equation (3).

the final item embedding

e ¿u=e (0u ) ∥ ⋯ ∥e(uL ) , e¿i =e (0i ) ∥ ⋯ ∥ e(L)
i →

∥→ the concatenation operation.

Finally, we conduct the inner product to estimate the user’s preference towards the
target item:
¿ ¿
y NGCF (u ,i)=e u e i

2.4 Optimization

Loss= ∑ −lnσ ( ^y ui− ^y u j ) + λ‖Θ‖2 → the objective function

(u , i , j )

O=¿ the pairwise training data, R+¿ ¿ indicates the observed interactions, and R−¿ ¿ is
the unobserved interactions

σ (·) is the sigmoid function

Θ= E , {W 1 , W 2
(l) (l) L
} l=1 }→ all trainable model parameters.
2.4.1 Model Size.

2.4.2 Message and Node Dropout.

2.5 Discussions

2.5.1 NGCF Generalizes SVD++. SVD++ can be viewed as a special case of NGCF
with no high-order propagation layer. In particular, we set L to one. Within the
propagation layer, we disable the transformation matrix and nonlinear activation
function. Thereafter, e (1) and e (1) are treated as the final representations for u user u
u i i

and item i , respectively. We term this simplified model as NGCF-SVD, SVD which
can be formulated as:

^y NGCF−SVD= e u+ ∑ pu i e i
( ) (e + ∑ p e )
' ' '
i iu i
i' ∈ N u u' ∈ N i

Clearly, by setting pu i and pu i as 1/ √|N u| and 0 separately, we can exactly recover

' '

SVD++ model. Moreover, another widely-used item-based CF model, FISM, can be

also seen as a special case of NGCF, wherein pi u in Equation(12) is set as 0.

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