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Performance Task in UCSP

Submitted by: Andrea Llaneta | 12-St. Albert the Great
simplicity a family of

My family is honestly a simple and typical family that most people know. Our family may be
“simple” or “basic”, but our diverse personalities brings color to our belongingness. Personally,
my maternal relatives influence most of the values and experience I have encountered with my
family, since I have been living with them ever since I was born. On the other hand, my paternal
relatives live in my province, which is Bicol. In that case, our family can be dominantly described
based from the cultural values we are applying ever since.
Since when I was younger, our family is already considerably religious based from the practices
we have been constantly doing. My grandmother influenced my brother and me to pray the
Rosary daily. My family would also consider religious figurines or statues as a best gift that we
could offer to another family. We also often visit religious attractions during important events
like birthdays. Although, we may barely attend the Holy Mass together since we usually have
conflicts in our personal time or schedule; nevertheless, going to Church is vital in our family.
In my perspective, another quality that my family is known for is our various personal expertise
in different fields. My mother is known for her great skills in cooking where multiple people often
request for her delicious meals. On the other hand, my father has a great knowledge and ability
to construct and engage with engineering cases, since he works as an employee under an
engineering field. Meanwhile, my brother has a proficient skill in English since he works as an
online teacher to teach English to foreign or young people. Overall, by means of saying we have
“diverse personalities that brings color to our belongingness”, it correlates with these abilities
that my family is known for.
In a wider perspective, my maternal family, including my great grandparents, is known for
different professional fields of expertise. Most of my maternal relatives engage with professional
fields like politics, business, and craftsmanship. On the other hand, my paternal relatives are also
mostly known for craftsmanship works and different professional expertise like engineering.
However, in a general perspective, since my paternal family belongs to a crafty and artistic
province, which is from Bicol region, they are also known for producing multiple art crafts made
from organic products as well as local Bicol foods.
Overall, my family’s simplicity reveals our individuality and our individual interests and
capabilities. However, that does not make us less of an ideal family; perhaps, our uniqueness
systematically strengthens our relationship as a family, since it helps us gain understanding to
each other. Hence, the practices we do together and the individual abilities we apply defines the
complexity of our family.

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