Predictors of Taste Dysfunction and Its Severity Among Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease

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Clinical Study

Ear, Nose & Throat Journal

Predictors of Taste Dysfunction and Its ª The Author(s) 2021
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Severity Among Patients With Chronic DOI: 10.1177/01455613211019708
Kidney Disease

Tajudeen Yusuf, MBBS, FWACS, FMCORL1, Yemi R. Raji, MBChB, MSc, FMCP2,
Taye J. Lasisi, BDS, MSc FMCDS, FWACS, PhD3,
Adekunle Daniel, MBBS, FWACS4, O. T. Bamidele, MBBS, FWACP5,
Ayotunde J. Fasunla, MBChB, MSc, MD, FWACS, FMCORL, FACS4, and
Akeem. O. Lasisi, MBChB, MD, FWACS, FMCORL4

Background: Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) often complain of taste dysfunction. The prevalent taste dysfunction
among patients with CKD predisposes them to malnutrition, poor quality of life, and worsen disease prognoses. To appropriately
treat the taste dysfunction in this group of patients, it’s imperative that factors that predict taste dysfunction and its severity are
identified for prompt treatment. Aim: To identify factors associated with taste dysfunction and its severity among patients with
CKD. Materials and Methods: This was a hospital-based case–control study of adult patients with CKD at the University
College Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria. The control group was made up of age- and gender-matched healthy volunteers with no clinical
and laboratory evidence of CKD. Relevant clinical and social data obtained include demographics, symptoms, and signs of taste
dysfunction and its risk factors. The 4 basic taste modalities namely sweet, sour, bitter, and salt taste senses of the participants
were tested with validated ‘‘taste strips.’’ Factors that predict taste dysfunction were identified among the spectrum of the disease.
Results: There were 100 patients with CKD and 100 healthy controls, age ranges between 19 and 86 years (mean + standard
deviation [SD] ¼ 46.3 + 13.9 years) and 20 and 85 years (mean + SD ¼ 43.4 + 14.9 years), respectively. There was no
statistically significant difference between cases and control gender distribution (P ¼ .57). Hypogeusia was found in 27.0% of
patients with CKD, while total taste function score of all the control was within normal range. Increasing duration of CKD was
identified as a predictor of taste dysfunction among patients with CKD (odds ratio: 4.889, P ¼ .038). The stages of CKD had no
statistically significant relationship with the severity of taste dysfunction (P ¼ .629). Conclusion: The prevalence of taste
dysfunction among patients with CKD was high and this showed significant correlation with increasing duration of CKD; in
contrast, the severity of CKD is not significant in the development of taste dysfunction.

taste dysfunction, chronic kidney disease, taste strip, predictors 1 Department of Otorhinolaryngology, University College Hospital, Ibadan,
Oyo State, Nigeria
Nephrology Unit, Department of Medicine, College of Medicine, University of
Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria
Introduction 3
Department of Physiology/Oral Pathology, College of Medicine, University
The oral cavity is the first part of the alimentary tract and of Ibadan, Nigeria
Department of Otorhinolaryngology, College of Medicine, University
houses the teeth, tongue, and openings of major and minor
of Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria
salivary glands that help in mastication, taste, swallowing, and 5
Department of Chemical Pathology, University College Hospital, Ibadan, Oyo
digestion of some classes of food. Taste is the chemical stimu- State, Nigeria
lation of taste receptor cells in the oral cavity perceived as the Received: March 15, 2021; revised: April 29, 2021; accepted: May 3, 2021
primary tastes of sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and umami.1 Appre-
ciation of taste is one of the factors that gives satisfaction Corresponding Author:
Akeem. O. Lasisi, MBChB, MD, FWACS, FMCORL, Department of
derived from eating and when it is defective may lead to aver- Otorhinolaryngology, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan, Oyo State,
sion for food. Impairment of taste can be devastating to a Nigeria.
patient since it does not only affect the ability to enjoy food Email:

Creative Commons Non Commercial CC BY-NC: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 License
( which permits non-commercial use, reproduction and distribution of the work without further permission
provided the original work is attributed as specified on the SAGE and Open Access pages (
2 Ear, Nose & Throat Journal

products but also alter food choices and patterns of consump- summary is provided in the article.13 This was a hospital-
tion, thereby resulting in weight loss or weight gain, and other based case–control study conducted at the Medical Outpatient
forms of malnutrition.2 Defective taste function among patients clinic; medical wards; and ear, nose and throat clinic of the
with chronic kidney disease (CKD) was implicated as the cause University College Hospital, Ibadan. Consenting adult patients
of malnutrition among them.3 (18 years) with clinical and laboratory diagnosis of CKD
Previous studies4-6 reported that patients with CKD have defined as estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR)
high prevalence of taste dysfunction through several mechan- < 60 mL/min/1.73 m2 with or without albuminuria, while the
isms postulated that include dry mouth, tongue coating, muco- controls were healthy volunteers who were age- and gender-
sal inflammation, or oral ulceration. The features are common matched individuals with no clinical or laboratory evidence of
findings in patients with CKD7 and might have contributed to CKD. Excluded from the study were individuals with known
taste disorder in them. Uremia was also suggested to cause taste taste dysfunction from childhood, those with diabetes mellitus,
dysfunction due to its effect on the taste bud preventing its known thyroid hormone disorder, known dysfunction of smell,
regeneration and also its effect on the nerves of taste. Other those having chronic suppurative otitis media, previous history
mechanisms underlying taste dysfunction that have been of smoking, or current smoker.
reported include medication usage, changes in salivary compo-
sition, differences in dietary intake, and nutritional status,
including zinc deficiency.2,4,5,6,8 Informed Consent
The impact of taste dysfunction is enormous on the patient’s Written informed consent was obtained from all participants after
outcomes, survival, and the overall reduced quality of life. the study and its purpose have been fully explained to them.
However, little attention is often paid to taste dysfunction and
its risk factors during routine patient evaluations. The benefits
of taste assessment, prompt identification of taste dysfunction,
Ethical Approval
and treatment of the risk factors during routine clinical encoun- Ethical approval was sought and obtained from the Joint ethics
ters cannot be overemphasized. These benefits include ade- committee of the University of Ibadan/University College Hos-
quate nutrition, retarding progression of kidney disease, pital with the approval number UI/EC/18/0536.
improved survival, and quality of life.
Meanwhile, the severity of taste dysfunction among healthy
population has been shown to be worse among males.9-11 Liu
Study Procedure
et al9 observed that the prevalence of taste dysfunction doesn’t Interviewer’s assisted questionnaire was administered on all
increase with aging in contrast to the reports by Landis et al10 participants to obtain relevant data including participants’
and Doty et al.11 Racial or ethnic variation has been associated sociodemographic data, duration of ailment, medical history,
with taste disorders and it strongly suggests genetic predisposi- symptomatology of CKD, symptoms of taste dysfunction and
tion to taste disorder.9,12 These findings have not been con- its severity, primary causes of CKD, treatment modalities for
firmed or refuted among patients with CKD, who often have CKD, and duration of CKD. Blood samples were collected to
taste disorder. Middleton and Allman-Farinelli6 found an determine serum creatinine which was used to calculate the
inverse correlation between age and sweet taste but found no eGFR of each participant, using the CKD-EPI equation. Height
correlation between severity of CKD and taste threshold. and weight of the participants were measured and BMI was
The factors that been putatively considered to be associated calculated. The oral examination findings of the participants
with development of taste disorders among patients with CKD were also documented, and the taste function was assessed with
include age, gender, oral cavity/oropharyngeal lesion, stages of taste strips (Burghart) which have been previously validated
CKD, nutritional status (body mass index [BMI]), hemoglobin and used for the assessment of taste function among Nigerian
concentration (packed cell volume [PCV]), treatment modal- population.14
ities, and duration of illness. Prompt identification and treat- The strips contained 4 basic taste (sweet, sour, salty, bitter)
ment of risk factors predicting taste dysfunction and its severity each in 4 different concentrations, impregnated at 1 end with
among patients with CKD will provide more insight into the 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, or 0.4 g/mL of sucrose (sweet taste); 0.05, 0.09,
pathophysiology of taste disorder in them, in addition to 0.165, or 0.3 g/mL of citric acid (sour taste); 0.016, 0.04, 0.1, or
providing preventable and treatable options for taste dysfunction 0.25 g/mL of sodium chloride (salty taste); or 0.0004, 0.0009,
in CKD. This study therefore aim to determine the predictors of 0.0024, or 0.006 g/mL of quinine hydrochloride (bitter taste) in
taste disorder and its severity among patients with CKD. increasing order. Plain strips with no tastants impregnated in
them were also used to determine the possibility of phantogeu-
sia or patients confabulating.15 The strips were placed in the
Methods center of the anterior two-third of the extended tongue at about
1.5 cm from the tip of the tongue and participants were then
Study Population asked to close their mouth for whole mouth testing in a total of
The method has been fully described in our previous publica- 18 trials. Before each administration of a strip, the mouth was
tion on assessment of olfactory dysfunction, and only a rinsed with water. The tastes were presented in order of
Yusuf et al 3

increasing concentrations, starting with the lowest concentra- Table 1. Sociodemographic and Clinical Characteristics of
tion until patient could appreciate the taste or fails to appreciate Participants.
it in the strips with highest concentration for each of the taste Case Control
modalities and they were scored appropriately; no score was Continuous variables Mean (SD) Mean (SD) t test P value
allotted to the blank strips.
Each of the 2 sequences of 18 taste strips (4 concentrations Age (years) 46.3 (13.9) 43.4 (14.9) 1.414 .159
of each taste quality plus 2 blanks) were applied in a pseudor- Age range (years) 19-86 20-85
Mean eGFR (mL/min/ 23.7 122.8 20.848 .001
andomized order. While closing the mouth over the taste strip
1.73 m2)
and with or without tongue movement within the closed mouth Body mass index (kg/m2) 23.4 (4.7) 25.1 (4.5) 2.649 .009
patients were asked to identify the taste from a list of 5 descrip- Demographic data for categorical data w2 test P value
tors, that is, sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and no taste (multiple Sex N (%) N (%) 0.322 .570
forced choice). Gustatory function was obtained by the number Male (n ¼ 108) 56 (56.0) 52 (52.0)
of correctly identified taste added up to a ‘‘taste score,’’10,15 Female (n ¼ 92) 44 (44.0) 48 (48.0)
lowest concentration was 4 points, the highest concentration Abbreviations: eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; SD, standard
was 1 point, while failure to appreciate strips with highest deviation.
concentration was 0. Therefore, minimum score of 0 and max-
imum of 16 could be obtained and the whole testing procedure
for the 4 tastants required about 30 minutes. and 20 and 85 years, respectively, while the mean age (standard
deviation) were 46.3 (13.9) and 43.4 (14.9) years, respectively
Definition of terms. The GFR was graded as stage 1 CKD  90, (Table 1). There were 56 males and 44 females among the
stage 2 CKD 60 to 89, stage 3 CKD 30 to 59, stage 4 CKD 15 to cases, while the control had 52 males and 48 females. There
29, and stage 5 CKD (end-stage chronic kidney disease) <15.16 was no statistically significant difference between cases and
Body mass index was calculated using this equation for BMI, control gender distribution (P ¼ .57). The mean BMI of cases,
BMI ¼ weight (kg)/height (m)2, which applies equally to men 23.4 + 4.7 kg/m2, was significantly lower than that of the
and women. Body mass index was categorized17 as under- controls, 25.1 + 4.5 kg/m2 (P ¼ .009; Table 1).
weight ¼ <18.5, normal ¼ 18.5 to 24.9, overweight ¼ 25.0 The cases consisted of 4 (4%) stage 1 CKD, 8 (8%) stage
to 29.9, and obesity ¼ 30.0 to >40. While taste was graded as 2 CKD, 19 (19%) stage 3 CKD, 22 (22%) stage 4 CKD, and
taste score normal values defined as ‘‘Taste Strip’’ scores above 47 (47%) stage 5, while all the control had eGFR  90 (normal)
the 10th percentile of a group of healthy population.15 Normo- as shown in Figure 1.
geusia was total taste score 9, hypogeusia was <9, while Taste dysfunction was found in 27 (27.0%) cases, all were
ageusia was 0. Normogeusia for salt, sour,and sweet was taste hypogeusia (total taste score <9, >0; Figure 2), while the pre-
score >/¼ 2 while for bitter it was assigned a taste score of 1. valence of taste dysfunction among the control was 0.0%, all
Hypogeusia was defined as taste score of 1 or falseidentifica- had total taste score > 9 (normogeusia).
tion taste modalities (salt, sour, and sweet but only false while There was no significant relationship between age and
for bitter only false identification was used to define it. Ageusia taste function score among patients with CKD as shown
was 0 for all taste modalities.15 in Table 2 (P ¼ .122). However, significant relationship
between age and taste function score was found among the
Statistical Analysis control as shown in Table 3 (P ¼.0001). The association
between age and taste function score among the control was
Data obtained were entered and analyzed using statistical pack- further analyzed using post hoc test, this confirmed that the
age (IBM-SPSS statistic, version 22). Demographic variables age-group 55 years was responsible for the significant
were represented using tables, while qualitative sociodemo- taste score reduction among the control as shown in
graphic characteristics of patients with CKD and healthy con- Table 4.
trols were compared using chi-square tests. Gender of both the patients with CKD and the controls
Association between eGFR (stages of CKD) and severity of had no significant relationship with taste dysfunction among
taste dysfunction was determined using f tests. Factors associ-
them (t ¼ 0.751, P ¼ .388; t ¼ 0.304, P ¼ .762, respec-
ated with taste dysfunction were determined using analysis of
tively). Oral cavity and oropharyngeal lesions were seen
variance for categorical variables or correlation for continuous
only in 2 patients, 1 has whitish tongue coating lesion, the
variables, binary logistic regression was used to determine pre-
other has multiple ulcers in the oral cavity. These are too
dictor variables. Level of statistical significance was set at
small for any analysis.
P value of <.05.
Stages of CKD have no significant association with taste
dysfunction among patients with CKD. The relationship
between stages of CKD and severity of taste dysfunction was
Results analyzed in 2 different forms using 2 staging system of CKD.
There were 100 patients with CKD and 100 age- and gender- The first was the conventional eGFR staging system which
matched healthy controls. The age ranged between 19 and 86 has 5 stages of the CKD, that is, stages 1 to 5, while the
4 Ear, Nose & Throat Journal

control case
Percentage of respondent(%)
30 22
10 4
0 0 0 0
> Or =90 60-89 Mildly 30-59 15-29 Severely <15 End Stage
Normalor High Decreased Moderately Decreased
Stages of CKD

Figure 1. Distribution of cases and control based on eGFR. eGFR indicates estimated glomerular filtration rate.

Table 3. Age and Taste Function Scores Among Control.a

Score of taste function

Hypogeusia 27.0% Number
Age group of patients Mean + SD Range f test P value

18-34 31 14.0 + 1.5 11.0-16.0

35-54 50 13.6 + 1.3 11.0-16.0 11.532 .0001
Ageusia, 0, 0% 55 19 12.1 + 1.4 10.0-16.0
Total 100 13.4 + 1.5 10.0-16.0

Normogeusia, Abbreviation: SD, standard deviation.

73.0% N ¼ 100.

Table 4. Dependent Variable: Post Hoc Multiple Comparison of Total

Taste Score.
Figure 2. Distribution of taste function among the cases (total taste
(I) Age (J) Age Mean difference
score, ie, the sum of the scores of each of the 4 taste modalities; >9
Test statistic group_taste group (I  J) P value
¼ normogeusia, <9, >0 ¼ hypogeusia, 0 ¼ ageusia).
Tukey HSD 15-34 35-54 0.47226 .309
Table 2. Age and Taste Function Scores Among Patients With CKD. a 55 1.92699 .000
35-54 15-34 0.47226 .309
Score of taste function 55 1.45474 .001
Number 55 15-34 1.92699 .000
Age group of patients Mean + SD Range f test P value 35-54 1.45474 .001
Bonferroni 15-34 35-54 0.47226 .433
18-34 19 11.2 + 3.4 2.0-15.0 55 1.92699 .000
35-54 56 9.4 + 3.4 2.0-15.0 2.154 .122 35-54 15-34 0.47226 .433
55 25 9.5 + 2.6 4.0-14.0 55 1.45474 .001
Total 100 9.8 + 3.3 2.0-15 55 15-34 1.92699 .000
Abbreviations: CKD, chronic kidney disease; SD, standard deviation.
35-54 1.45474 .001
N ¼ 100.

second categorized patients with CKD based on urine albu- been proven to have any statistically significant relationship
min creatinine ratio (ACR) into 3 categories, that is, cate- with severity of taste dysfunction, eGFR (f ¼ 2.247, P ¼ .070)
gories 1 to 3. The severity of CKD in both methods has not and ACR (f ¼ 0.228, P ¼ .652).
Yusuf et al 5

Table 5. Duration of CKD and Taste Function Score Among Patients was 28.0 + 7.4 and 26.2 + 7.2, respectively. Treatment mod-
With CKD. alities including observation, medication, dialysis, and renal
Duration of Score of taste function
transplantation show no relationship with taste dysfunction in
treatment Number patients with CKD. (f ¼ 0.243, P ¼ .866).
(months) of patients Mean + SD Range f test P value

1 25 12.0 + 3.2 3.0-15.0 Discussion

2-6 33 9.5 + 2.9 2.0-14.0 3.015 .022
This study has revealed high prevalence of taste dysfunction
7-12 10 10.3 + 2.9 4.0-14.0
13-24 12 8.5 + 4.4 2.0-15.0 among patients with CKD and insignificant modality dysfunc-
>24 20 9.5 + 4.0 2.0-15.0 tions among the control group. The duration of CKD was iden-
Total 100 9.8 + 3.3 2.0-15.0 tified as an important factor that predicts taste dysfunction in
patients with CKD while age predicted taste dysfunction
Abbreviations: CKD, chronic kidney disease; SD, standard deviation.
among the controls.
In this study, there was no statistically significant associa-
Table 6. Predictors of Taste Dysfunction in CKD. tion between advancing age and taste disorder among patients
with CKD, although the proportion of taste dysfunction among
Variables Categories df OR 95% CI P value older participants was higher than those in the younger age-
group. Generally, it is believed that aging affects taste percep-
Age (years) 18-34 Reference
35-54 1 3.400 0.703-16.4 .128 tion and this has been shown to be true in this study among
>55 1 4.781 0.893-25.6 .068 healthy population similar to previous studies.10,18,19 Although
BMI Normal Reference the taste scores of the controls were within normal range (nor-
Underweight 1 0.588 0.131-2.638 .488 mogeusia), there was still significant reduction in taste scores
Overweight 1 1.333 0.237-7.510 .744 among them with aging. However, some studies did not report
Obesity 1 0.857 0.124-5.944 .876 any association between increasing age and taste dysfunction.9
Gender Gender 1 1.842 0.732-4.634 .194
The larger proportion of cases with taste dysfunction was
PCV Normal reference
Mild 1 2.000 0.409-9.785 .392 males, although males have slightly larger population than
Moderate 1 2.769 0.877-8.746 .083 females in this study. However, the difference was not statis-
Severe 1 1.273 0.403-4.021 .0681 tically significant. Females have been adjudged to have better
Stage of CKD Stage 1 (> or ¼90) Reference taste perception and this has been reported in previous stud-
Stage 2 (60-89) 1 0.646 0.062-6.719 .714 ies.10,15 Liu et al9 and Bhattacharyya and Kepnes19 could not
Stage 3 (30-59) 1 0.277 0.031-2.450 .248 prove that females have better taste perception. These can be
Stage 4 (15-29) 1 0.517 0.147-1.816 .303
compared to the finding in this study where gender of both the
Stage 5 (<15) 1 0.570 0.178-1.828 .344
Duration 1 Reference patients with CKD and the control has no significant influence
of CKD 2-6 1 0.205 0.659-11.480 .165 on their taste perception.
7-12 1 1.833 0.257-13-063 .545 Oral cavity and oropharyngeal lesions were not observed to
13-24 1 5.238 0.991-27.686 .051 be associated with taste dysfunction in this study, in addition,
>24 1 4.889 1.089-21.950 .038 oral cavity or oropharyngeal lesion was not prevalence among
Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; CKD, chronic kidney disease; OR, odds
patients with CKD in this study and obviously cannot be con-
ratio; PCV, packed cell volume. sidered a predictor of taste dysfunction. Previous studies7 also
Significant value for is set at 0.05. reported lesions in oral cavity and oropharynx to be predictive
of severity of CKD but not a predictor of taste dysfunction
among patients with CKD.
The duration of CKD shows significant association with There was no established relationship between stages of
taste dysfunction among the patients with CKD, considering CKD or severity of renal failure and taste dysfunction in
the duration in less than 1 month, 2 to 6 months, 7 months to this study. The stages of CKD were considered in 2 forms,
1 year, 1 year up to 2 years, and greater than 2 years as shown in firstly using the patients eGFR with 5 stages and secondly
Table 6 (f ¼ 3.015, P ¼ .022). The duration of CKD >24 months using the ACR with 3 groups.20 Despite the varieties of
was significant as a predictor of taste dysfunction among CKD stages in this study, the severity of taste dysfunction
patients with CKD (odds ratio [OR]: 4.889, P ¼ .038) as shown in all the stages was the same (hypogeusia) and the preva-
in Table 5. lence among each stages almost directly proportion to their
Body mass index has no significant relationship with taste population sizes.
dysfunction among patients with CKD, this has been shown Only few studies have assessed the correlation between
with statistical analysis (f ¼ 0.883, P ¼ .453; Table 5). There stages of CKD and severity of taste dysfunction in adults with
was no statistically significant difference in the mean value CKD. Finding in this study can be compared to a study by Kim
of PCV of patients with CKD with normogeusia and those et al21 that reported no correlation between severity of salty
with hypogeusia (P ¼ .264). The mean PCV of the 2 groups taste dysfunction and stages of CKD. Also, Middleton and
6 Ear, Nose & Throat Journal

Allman-Farinelli6 found no correlation between serum urea and The limitation of this study was the inability to recruit equal
creatinine (CKD biochemical parameters) and taste threshold. proportion of CKD stages because most of patients seen at the
However, Armstrong et al22 reported positive correlation hospital were those in advanced stages of CKD. This study
between stages of CKD (eGFR) and severity of taste dysfunc- used patients with CKD as subjects similar to our earlier
tion, but it was found among children with CKD. Similar to study13; however, some considerations in inclusion and exclu-
findings in this study, Armstrong et al22 also reported incidence sion criteria, as stated above, resulted in some differences in the
of taste dysfunction among children in early stages of CKD. subject population used for the 2 studies.
Body mass index is an indirect measure of nourishment
among patients with CKD. Although there was significant dif-
ference between the BMI of patients with CKD and healthy
controls, majority of the cases still had the normal BMI cate- The prevalence of taste dysfunction among patients with CKD
gories, so also were the cases with the taste dysfunction. The in this study was 27.0%. Increasing duration of CKD was iden-
index study observed no association between BMI or nutri- tified as a predictor of taste dysfunction among patients with
tional status of patients with CKD and taste dysfunction CKD while increasing age was found to predict taste dysfunc-
among both patients with CKD and the control. This can be tion among the healthy controls. Incorporation of assessment of
compared to report by Armstrong et al22 that observed no taste function and identification and treatments of its predictors
association between nutritional status (BMI) of children with in the routine clinical encounter will improve the quality of life
CKD and taste dysfunction in them. This is in contrast to and patients’ outcomes.
report from previous other studies23,24 where taste dysfunc-
tion was associated with malnutrition, however the evaluation Declaration of Conflicting Interests
of nutritional status did not only involve BMI but also other The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to
methods including biochemical markers. the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
The packed cell volume is a measure of hemoglobin concen-
tration of the patients with CKD, this study observed no associ- Funding
ation between taste dysfunction and PCV. However, the impact of The author(s) received no financial support for the research, author-
abnormal taste function can affect the intake of the various hemo- ship, and/or publication of this article.
poietic factors such as iron, folic acid, vitamin C, and vitamin B
complex, thus resulting in anemia which is a common finding ORCID iD
among patients with CKD. Conversely, patients with severe ane- Akeem. O. Lasisi
mia may have anorexia and altered taste.
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