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OBM752-Hospital Management Department of CSE /IT 2022-23


Distinction between Hospital and Industry, Challenges in Hospital Administration – Hospital
Planning– Equipment Planning – Functional Planning
1. Define the term Hospital?
A hospital is a health care institution providing patient treatment with specialized staff
and equipment. The best-known type of hospital is the general hospital, which has an
emergency department. A district hospital typically is the major health care facility in its
region, with large numbers of beds for intensive care and long-term care. Specialized
hospitals include trauma centers, rehabilitation hospitals, children's hospitals, seniors'
(geriatric) hospitals, and hospitals for dealing with specific medical needs such as
psychiatric problems and certain disease categories. Specialized hospitals can help reduce
health care costs compared to general hospitals.
2. State the code of ethics in Hospital?
The following principles recognize each Medical center personnel’s duty to act in the
public’s interest, to be honest and truthful, to demonstrate personal integrity, and to
respect privileged information. They maintain integrity with respect to their duties as
they come in contact with the public, other service providers, and clients and patients.
Principle I: Confidentiality
Principle II: Professional Conduct
Principle III: Quality of Service
Principle IV: Moral and Legal Standards
Principle V: Medical Provider-Client Relationships
3. What is the vision of the hospital? ( NOV 2011)
To provide each patient with the world class care, exceptional service and compassion.
To be a caring hospital trusted by patients and staff renowned for clinical excellence and
4. Why is now efficient administration much required in hospital.( MAY 2011 )
To provide the best possible patient care
To optimize the resources available in hospitals
To instill efficiency and effectiveness into the existing CT system
To satisfy the increasing health needs
To streamline the health care services
5. List the condition peculiar to administrative work in hospitals.
The difference between administration work in hospitals and in other organizations can
be attributed to the existence of following conditions peculiar to hospitals:
I. Consumers of services - physically / mentally ill
II. Customers require highly personalized and custom made services.
III. Many of its services are provided continuously
IV. Services deals with human relations problem
V. Hospital personnel are expected to maintain a very high level of efficiency, as their
functioning affects the lives of patients.
6. What is the need for efficient management in hospitals? (MAY 2013)
1. Increase in health needs
2. Increase in competition from internal & external source
3. Necessity of employing trained and dynamic employee
4. To utilize all the resources effectively
5. To integrate the individual goals with organizational goals.
6. To attain the organizational objectives effectively.

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7. What are the main functions of the hospital?
Hospital administration functions can be classified into three broad categories:
Medical - This involves the treatment and management of patients through the staff of
physicians. Patient Support - This relates directly to patient care and includes nursing,
dietary diagnostic, therapy, pharmacy and laboratory services.
Administrative - This concerns the execution of policies and directions of the hospital
governing discharge of support services in the area of finance, personnel, materials and
property, housekeeping, laundry, security, transport, engineering and board and the
8. Define Hospital management.
Hospital Management is a term very broad in scope and may be defined from different
aspects. It mainly relates to management of all aspects of a hospital; a coordination of all
elements of a hospital. This may range from patient care to record keeping to inventory of
medicines and cleanliness.
9. Define Hospital Administration.
Health administration or healthcare administration is the field relating to leadership,
management, and administration of public health systems, health care systems, hospitals,
and hospital networks.
10. Write the challenges in hospital Administration.
 Compete for healthcare
 professionals Specialize for growth
 Prepare for the future Improve patient care through technology
 Managing Medicare and Medicaid.
 Specialize for growth
11. Give the importance of counseling as a tool in Hospital administration.
Counseling is a dynamic interaction between counselor and a counselee where a
counselor adopts certain attitude and uses knowledge and skill to introduce and sustain
in the clients learning process of self – expression leading to self understanding, leading
to action so that the client changes his behavior and solves his problems.
12. Write the role of hospital administrators in legal matters.
Though all hospital administrators are not qualified legal persons yet they are supposed
to possess sufficient knowledge of the Indian laws to be able to take decisions on legal
matters. Indian contract act - to deal with building contractor. Industrial employment
standing orders act, the industrial disputes act, and the principle of natural justice to deal
with employees employment and termination.
13. List the functions of a CEO.
Strategy, Operations, Marketing, Mentoring and Finance are the various functions of a
14. What is the primary responsibility of CEO in hospital? (MAY 2011)
The primary responsibility of CEO of a hospital is to communicate his vision about the
hospital as well as to involve the employees at every step towards the attainment of
organizational objectives. Another responsibility is to invite the employees to give their
views and discuss how they would work towards the vision.
15. List the steps to plan a hospital.
 Demographic pattern
 Site selection
 Environmental study
 Water supply
 Project approval

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16. What is the associate ship of CEO with the governing body? (NOV 2012 )
The associate ship of CEO with the governing body is in policy formulation, Mission and
vision framing, Functional and operational planning, Decision making on HR policies and
procedures, wages and salary administration, legal compliance.
17. What is the relationship between operational and functional plan.(NOV 2012)
Operational plan is a subset of functional plan. It is the planning of activities to do a
18. Define equipment planning.(JUNE 2013)
It is the process of planning to determine all the items of equipment necessary for the
hospital, to write or secure specifications, to call for and receive bids and to purchase or
recommend purchase according to hospital organization's policy.
Planning for service and maintenance of equipment.
19. What are the phases involved in equipment acquisition? (NOV 2015, MAY 2013)
Demand forecasting, purchasing, reception and inspection, labelling and tagging ,
inventory control, work record, maintenance history record, preventive maintenance
programme, calibration and safety.
20. List the types of hospitals present in India.
General hospital, Rural hospital, Specialized hospital, Teaching hospital, Isolation
hospital, Trust hospital, Public hospital, voluntary hospital, private nursing home and
corporate hospital.
21. What does the selection of medical equipment require? (MAY 2016)
The selection of medical equipment require equipment planning - It is the process of
planning to determine all the items of equipment necessary for the hospital, to write or
secure specifications, to call for and receive bids and to purchase or recommend purchase
according to hospital organization's policy.
Planning for service and maintenance of equipment.
22. What is functional planning?
It refers to medium term planning carried out by middle management at times with
assistance of top management. It comprises of Functional guidance, Goal setting and
Functional Assessment
23. Define equipment planning.
It is the process of planning to determine all the items of equipment necessary for the
hospital, to write or secure specifications, to call for and receive bids and to purchase or
recommend purchase according to hospital organization's policy.
Planning for service and maintenance of equipment.
24. What is Nosocomial infection? (NOV 2010)
Nosocomial: originating or taking place in a hospital, acquired in hospital, especially in
reference to an infection. Nosocomial is now synonymous with hospital- acquired.
Infections that have been caught in a hospital and are potentially caused by organisms
that are resistant to antibiotics.
25. Define Incidence rate (NOV 2010)
It is the rate of new (or newly diagnosed) cases of the disease. It is generally reported as
the number of new cases occurring within a period of time (e.g per month, per year ).
Fraction of the population at risk of developing the disease.
26. Define Prevalence (NOV 2010)
It is the actual number of cases alive, with the distance either during a period of time
(period prevalence) or at a particular date in time. (Point Prevalence). Fraction of the total
population at risk and can be further categorized according to different subsets of the

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27. Identify various factors considered for Equipment planning.
(NOV 2021)
Planning for Future Growth
• Seek Help from Experienced Equipment Planners
• Know About the Vendor and Their Equipment Delivery Process
• Consider Regulations
• Prevent Interruptions in Patients and Workflow
• Make Sure to Involve the Departments Concerned in the Process
Always Check, Test, and Ensure Quality Before Transferring Ownership
28. Distinguish between hospital and industry. (NOV 2021)
• The consumers of the services provided in a hospital are physically or mentally
ill and are rendered services within the four walls of the hospital
• The customers of the hospital have individual needs and require highly
personalized and custom-made services.
• The diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive services provided by physicians,
nurses and technicians, with the aid of expensive and specialized equipment’s
and medication are tailored to the needs of each individual consumer.
• All the services involve many individuals – the ill customer, tensed friends and
relatives, physicians, technologist, clerks and manual laborers. These
individuals are working suffering, eating and sleeping within a comparatively
small space and in an unusual atmosphere, highly charged with emotion and
• The hospital also provides a wide range of scientific and technical services such
as nursing, diet therapy, anesthesiology, pharmacy, radiology, clinical
laboratory, physiotherapy and medical social work and also, many of its
services are provided continuously, round the clock, every day of the year.
• The end product of all business is people. Organizations are created to fill
certain needs-including healthcare organizations – continue to exist because
they provide something that people want or need.
• The health care product is ill-defined, and the outcome of care is uncertain
1 Explain in detail the difference between hospital and Industry
2 Discuss in detail about challenges in hospital Administration. (NOV 2021)
3 Explain the guiding principles in planning hospital facilities and services
4 Describe the conditions to which the distinction between hospital and industry can be
5 Discuss about hospital ethics.
6 Explain how challenges to the administrative abilities have come from within the health
field as well as from the public.
7 Explain and draw a flow chart for the different stages in promoting and building a new
8 Classify the main functions of a hospital and explain.
9 What are the approaches of CEO 'S Vision to improve the hospital.
10 Explain Hospital equipment: planning, scheduling and maintenance?
11 Discuss hospital planning and functional planning.
12 i)State the important functions of the human resource department try to keep the
Organization safe and efficiently?
(ii) Discuss: the Role of human resource management in hospital?
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13 Explain the current issues in hospital management.
14 Explain functional planning of hospital administration.
15 Explain the nature and scope of a hospital.
17 Predict the planning procedure for equipment management in hospital. (NOV 2021)
18 Explain the different stages in promoting and building a new hospital. (NOV 2021)
Principles of HRM – Functions of HRM – Profile of HRD Manager- Human Resource
Inventory – Manpower Planning
1 List the fundamental principles of HRM.
Human Resource Management (HRM) is the term used to describe formal systems
devised for the management of people within an organization. These human resources
responsibilities are generally divided into three major areas of management: staffing,
employee compensation, and defining/designing work. Essentially, the purpose of HRM
is to maximize the productivity of an organization by optimizing the effectiveness.
2 What are the steps to improve the use of human resources.
The steps to improve the use of human resources are Leadership Mentoring, Education
Climate Assessment, Competence Management / Knowledge Management and
Performance Evaluation, Incentive Systems, Analytical and Problem Solving and
Teamwork , Meetings Management, Internal Communication
3 What are the functions of HRM?
The various functions of Human Resource Management (HRM) are Policy formulation,
Staff function, Line function Control, Managerial. Human resource management ensures
satisfaction of employees and maximum contribution of employees to the achievement of
organizational objectives.
4 Define Manpower Planning.
Manpower planning is may be defined as a technique for the procurement, development,
allocation and utilization of the human resources in the organization. It views employees
are scarce and costly resources, whose contribution must be developed to the fullest by
the management. Manpower planning, which is at times described as manpower
management is basically concerned with having the right types of personnel for the right
job at the right times.
5 List the importance of HRM.
An organization cannot build a good team of working professionals without good
Human Resources. The key functions of the Human Resources Management (HRM) team
include recruiting people, training them, performance appraisals, motivating employees
as well as workplace communication, workplace safety, and much more.
6 Explain the policy formulations of HRM.
Human Resource Management consists of deliberate organizational activities
designed to improve employee productivity and administration through such means
as recruitment, compensation, performance, evaluation, training, record keeping and
compliance. HR policies should be developed for key HR management functions
covering the commonly accepted responsibilities.
7 What is the role of HRM in a hospital?
Human resources, when pertaining to health care, can be defined as the different kinds of
clinical and non-clinical staff responsible for public and individual health intervention. As
arguably the most important of the health system inputs, the performance and the
benefits the system can deliver depend largely upon the knowledge, skills and
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8 What is the most important function of Human Resource Management?
Hiring potential candidates by assessing their skills is the primary function of Human
Resource Management. Before taking the step of recruitment and selection, the companies
must consider the process of staffing as an important step. They should analyze the
number of employees needed and work on the budget.
9 What is the nature of communication in HRM?
Communications is fundamental to the existence and survival of humans as well as to
an organization. It is a process of creating and sharing ideas, information, views,
facts, feelings, etc. among the people to reach a common understanding.
Communication is the key to the Directing function of management.
10 What is the need for Manpower Planning.
Every hospital has to do manpower planning for the following reasons : Shortage of
certain categories of employee, Advancement of medical science and technology
resulting in need for new skills and new categories of employee, Changes in organization
design and structure affecting manpower demand, Government policies in respect to
reservation of seat for handicapped person/women and others, Labour law affecting
demand and supply of labour, International scenario of employment eg employment of
nurses & doctors, paramedical personnel on USA, UK, Ireland & gulf countries ,
Introduction of computer.
11 What are the benefits of manpower planning?
The benefits of manpower planning are as follows:
• Enables an organization to have the right person at the right place and at the right
• Provides scope for advancement and development of employee through
training development
• Helps in anticipating advertisement and salary budgets
• Foresees the need for redundancy and plan eliminate it
• Plans for better working conditions, fringe, benefits and training needs
• Given an idea of the type of tests to be used and interview techniques in selection
based on the level of skills, qualification, intelligence, value of future manpower.
• Helps improve service to patients and contribution of working personnel.
12 What are the objectives of manpower planning?
The most important objectives are Ensuring maximum utilization of personnel,
Assessing future requirements of the organization, Determining recruitment sources,
Anticipating from post records: Resignations, Discharge simplicities (simple discharge),
Dismissals and Retirements, Determining training requirements for management
development and organizational development.
13 What are the steps for manpower planning?
Manpower planning covers the total activity of the personnel function such as
recruitment selection, training career development staff appraisal etc. Manpower
planning involves the following steps Scrutiny of the present personnel strength,
Anticipation of manpower needs, Investigation of turnover of personnel, Planning job
requirements and job description.
14 What is the purpose of job Analysis?
Job Analysis plays an important role in recruitment and selection, job evaluation, job
designing, deciding compensation and benefits packages, performance appraisal,
analyzing training and development needs, assessing the worth of a job and increasing
personnel as well as organizational productivity.
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15 List the steps in conducting job analysis.

The various steps for conducting a job analysis are as follows: Recruitment and Selection,
Performance Analysis, Training and Development, Compensation Management, Job
Designing and Redesigning.
16 Mention the purpose of Job description in Manpower Planning.
The main purpose of job description is to collect job-related data in order to advertise for
a particular job. It helps in attracting, targeting, recruiting and selecting the right
candidate for the right job. It is done to determine what needs to be delivered in a
particular job. It clarifies what employees are supposed to do if selected for that particular
job opening. It gives recruiting staff a clear view what kind of candidate is required by a
particular department or division to perform a specific task or job. It also clarifies who
will report to whom.
17 Explain the purpose of Job specification in manpower planning.
Described on the basis of job description, job specification helps candidates analyze
whether are eligible to apply for a particular job vacancy or not. It helps recruiting team
of an organization understand what level of qualification, qualities and set of
characteristics should be present in a candidate to make him or her eligible for the job
opening. Job Specification gives detailed information about any job including job
responsibilities, desired technical and physical skills, conversational ability and much
more. It helps in selecting the most appropriate candidate for a particular job
18 Define Human Resource inventory.
It involves the determination of personnel whose inventory to be made, cataloging the
actual information of each employee, systematic and detailed appraisal of employees
through study of individuals. Human Resource Inventory, also known as the skills
inventory comprehensively lists down the basic information on all the employees, like
their education, experience, skills, age, gender, salary related data, job preference and
special achievements.
19 What are the examples of Human Resources?
Human resources are defined as the people employed by a company or the department in
a company in charge of hiring, training, benefits and records. An example of human
resources is the department you would speak with to get more information about
employee benefits.
20 Define Training.
Training is a process of learning through a sequence of programmed behaviour. It is
aimed at increasing the skills and knowledge with a view to do a particular job. The basic
purpose of training is to fill the gap between the present capabilities of an employee and
the requirements of a job.
21 Plan the methods of collecting job analysis information. (NOV 2021)
The methods of collecting job-related data are (i) observational method, (ii) interviews,
(iii) questionnaire, (iv) checklists, (v) technical conferences, and (vi) diary.
22 Identify the functions of Human Resource management. (NOV 2021)
The various functions of Human Resource Management (HRM) are Policy formulation,
Staff function, Line function Control, Managerial. Human resource management ensures
satisfaction of employees and maximum contribution of employees to the achievement of
organizational objectives.
1 Explain in detail the various Principles of HRM.
2 List out the Functions of HRM and explain each function in detail.

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3 Describe the profile of HRD Manager.
4 Explain in detail the tools of Human Resource Department.
5 Describe Human Resource Inventory and the various information collected.
6 Explain in detail Human Resource Records and Forms.
7 Explain in detail on Manpower planning.
8 Describe the Need and Benefits of Manpower Planning.
9 Explain the Benefits and Objectives of Manpower Planning.
10 Describe Manpower Planning in different departments.
11 Analyse the role of manpower planning in the hospital administration. (NOV 2021)
12 Explain the characteristics of human resource management. (NOV 2021)
Different Departments of Hospital, Recruitment, Selection, Training Guidelines – Methods of
Training – Evaluation of Training – Leadership grooming and Training, Promotion – Transfer.
1 List the different process of Human resource.
The different process of Human resource are as follows:
• Acquisition
• Development
• Motivating
• Maintenance
2 Give the importance of human factor in hospitals.
Human factor is balancing the people and process to best achieve the goals of a hospital.
Human factors examines the relationship between human beings and the systems with
which they interact by focusing on improving efficiency, creativity, productivity and job
satisfaction, with the goal of minimizing errors. A failure to apply human factors
principles is a key aspect of most adverse events in health care. Therefore, all health-care
workers need to have a basic understanding of human factors principles.
3 What is the purpose of job Analysis?
Job Analysis plays an important role in recruitment and selection, job evaluation, job
designing, deciding compensation and benefits packages, performance appraisal,
analyzing training and development needs, assessing the worth of a job and increasing
personnel as well as organizational productivity.
4 Give types of training given for staff at different levels?
• Fresher training - new employees to familiarize them with organizational mission,
vision, objectives.
• Refreshment training - to refresh and enhance their knowledge
• Job training - training is given to cope with advancements
• Training for promotion - to share the responsibilities of higher level job.
5 What may lead to if a wrong person is selected as an employee in hospitals?
Selection of wrong person as an employee in a hospital may lead to inefficient use of
resources, occurrence of accidents, and more expense on training. This can lead to the
extent of being the cause of deaths in the hospitals due to the carelessness of the wrong
6 Write the main responsibilities of a super leader in a hospital.
The main responsibility of a super leader is to spot and liberate the leader in every
employee. He has to continuously put effort in developing individual capacity of every
employee till they realize their optimum potential to act in a responsible manner.
Another responsibility of a super leader is to create an effective learning environment to
develop people's skills and competencies.
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7 List the merits of a training program.

• Reduce obsolence
• Improvement in skill and knowledge
• Attract new employees - retain old employees
• Higher productivity
• Best use of available resources
• Promoting safety measures
• Ensure adaptability
• Stability of workforce
• Filling higher post
• Reduction in complaints, wastes.
8 What preparation the supervisor has to do to make training successful?
• Identification of training needs
• Setting training objectives
• Preparing training materials, the training space, trainers and trainees
• Selecting appropriate methods of training
• Selecting right person for training
• Evaluating the skill set of individuals before training
• Monitoring the effectiveness of training frequently.
9 Why is the salary structure important?
The salary structure gains primary importance since it is used determine the following:
• To define the duties and responsibilities involved in each positions in the hospital
and determining the qualifications and training requirements of employee
• To compare positions according to mental and physical requirements, skill,
responsibility and working conditions.
• To establish a periodic salary review system so that the adjustments may be effected
whenever indicated.
• Evaluate each job to determine the relative value in relation to all other jobs
performed in the hospital and Classifying the jobs into groups which possess
similar characteristics and establishing a wage level for each groups.
10 List how the evaluation of training is carried out in hospitals.
• Identify purposes of evaluation
• Select evaluation method
• Design evaluation tools
• Collect data ,Analyze and report results
11 Define promotion.
Promotion refers to upward movement of an employee from his current job position to
another that is higher is pay, responsibility and hierarchy within an organization.
Promotion has an inbuilt motivational value i.e. it elevates the status and power of an
employee within an organization.
12 What is the need of orientation programs?
Orientation programs are needed for the following reasons :
• To help a new employee overcome his sense of strangeness
• To introduce the new employees to the existing employees so that they may
develop a sense of belonging.
• To introduce new employees to organizational objectives, policies and practices.
• To foster a close and cordial relationship among employees.

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13 What are the types of transfers of employee in hospitals?
• Production transfer - to avoid lay off in one department and also to avoid
employment of persons from outside.
• Replacement transfer - to transfer employee to similar job in another
• Versatility transfer- to make employee versatile
• Shift transfer - transferred from one shift to other on similar jobs involving same
type of work.
• Remedial transfer - to avoid faulty placement of an employee on a job at the
time of his joining, incompatability with his supervisor, illness, accident record
14 List the main objectives of an interview in hospitals.
The main objectives of an interview in hospitals:
• To obtain all the information about the candidate to decide about his suitability for
the post.
• To give the candidate a complete picture of the job as well as the organization
• To demonstrate fairness to all candidates.
15 What is training evaluation ?
Training evaluation Process helps
• to check whether training has had the desired effect
• to check the effectiveness of training
• ensure that whether candidates are able to implement their learning in their
respective work places or to the regular work routines
16 How are training needs identified in a hospital?
William Mc Ghee and Paul W. Thayer recommended approach to determine training
needs : 1. Organization analysis to determine whether training emphasis should be
placed within the organization. 2. Operation analysis to decide as to what the training
programme should consist of including a study of what a person should be taught, if he
is to perform his task with maximum effectiveness. 3. Man analysis to determine who
needs to be trained and what skills, knowledge or attitudes should be augmented or
17 Why leadership grooming is essential?
Leadership grooming is essential to recognize the ' skill set ' of employee, hone these
skills and mould every employee into the next rung ladder. It fosters this attitude by
encouraging them to break old patterns of thinking, come out of their boxes, question
routines and challenge assumptions.
18 Give the merits of employee performance appraisal.
Merits of employee performance :
• It gives evidence of management’s interest in the individual employee.
• It gives an opportunity to an employee to know his plus and minus points and to
improve his performance.
• It provides an objective basis for many types of personnel decisions including pay
increase, training, promotion, etc.
19 Define selection with respect to hospital management.
Selection with respect to hospital management is the process of differentiating between
applicants who apply for various roles in the hospital, in order to identify and hire those
with a greater likely hood of success in the hospital.
Its growth with a service motive.

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20 List the different approaches of recruitment.
The different approaches of recruitment are:
• In house recruitment
• Internal recruitment
• Outsourcing recruitment
• Recruitment through Employee referral
21 Define Transfer.
A transfer refers to lateral movement of employees within the same grade, from one job
to another. According to Flippo “a transfer is a change in the job accompanied by a
change in the place of the job of an employee without a change in responsibilities or
22 List the positive strengths to be present in HR manager's profile.
The positive strengths to be present in HR manager's profile are effective
communication, good counseling, clarity in job description, commitment, confidence,
control, patience, self motivation, initiative Ness, ability to accept risk, willingness to
serve, creative and critical thinking, good decision making and problem solving.
23 Write the objectives of human resource development.
The objectives of human resource development is to develop the following :
1. Capabilities of all individuals working in an organization in relation to their
present role
2. Capabilities of all such individuals in relation to their future roles.
3. Better interpersonal and employee- employer relationship.
4. Team spirit
5. Co - ordination of work groups
6. Organizational health
24 List the steps in conducting job analysis.
The steps for conducting a job analysis are as follows:
• Recruitment and Selection
• Performance Analysis
• Training and Development
• Compensation Management
• Job Designing and Redesigning
25 What is Leadership grooming?
Grooming leaders for success is a critical task for today's organizations. By
maintaining a group of qualified, high-potential candidates for leadership positions,
companies can avoid the hazards of succession problems and ensure that they are
prepared for the future.
26 Determine the objective of training policy of healthcare organization(NOV 2021)
The objectives of training are as follows:
(i) To provide job related knowledge to the workers.
(ii) To impart skills among the workers systematically so that they may learn quickly.
(iii) To bring about change in the attitudes of the workers towards fellow workers,
supervisor and the organisation.
(iv) To improve the productivity of the workers and the organisation.
(v) To reduce the number of accidents by providing safety training to the workers.
(vi) To make the workers handle materials, machines and equipment efficiently and
thus to check wastage of time and resources.
(vi) To prepare workers for promotion to higher jobs by imparting them advanced
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27 Estimate the functions of outpatient department.(NOV 2021)
• Early diagnosis, curative, preventive & rehabilitative care on ambulatory basis
• Effective treatment on ambulatory basis
• Screening for admission to hospital
• Follow up care & care after discharge
• Promotion of health-by-health education
• Rendering of preventive health care
• Promotion of health through health education
• Training of medical / nursing students
• Keeping up to date records for future treatment, medical education,
epidemiological and social research
1 Discuss in detail about the different departments of hospital.
2 Explain the various levels of training and management of technical staff in hospital. How
are these training programs developed?
3 What are the different methods of evaluating training in an organization?
4 List the considerations to be kept in mind while advertising a post in hospitals. List the
points to be kept in mind for the recruitment of employees in hospitals.
5 List the points to be kept in mind while preparing the job application form for hospitals
6 Discuss the features and merits of promotion policy in hospitals.
7 Describe the factors involved while developing a training program for hospital staff.
8 List and explain the sources of recruitment in Hospitals.
9 Describe about the retention tools used by the HR manager to retain their employees.
10 Explain with neat diagram the Human Resource Recruitment model and discuss the six
retention tool used in the hospital administration.
11 Define Leadership grooming. Explain in detail about Leadership grooming with suitable
12 Explain in detail (i) Recruitment (ii) Selection (iii) Training guidelines.
13 List the important information that the Human Resource Manager should consider while
recruitment in a hospital and the effects of selecting a wrong employee in a hospital.
14 Discuss in detail the steps involved along with benefits of promotion and transfer in
15 With a suitable diagram indicate the importance of having various departments in a
16 Explain in detail about different departments of hospital. (NOV 2021)
17 Classify the types of interview in selection process and explain in detail. (NOV 2021)
18 Explain how to retain the employees of an organization and how to retain top
performers.(NOV 2021)
Medical Records Department – Central Sterilization and Supply Department –
Pharmacy– Food Services - Laundry Services.
1 How are computers useful for Medical record department of a hospital?
• In record admin area: used for chart abstracting, indexing. Coding, statistics, etc.
• In registration: used to maintain information and patient's personal data, for
assigning patient numbers, making appointments and assigning to physicians,
creating records, etc.

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2 What will be the outcome of food serving to employees of a hospital during working
When the food is served to employees of a hospital during working hours, the quality of
food can be checked, type of food selection excusing standard recipes or scheduled meals
could be made possible.
3 Specify the functions of Food Service Department.
• Provide the best possible food at a cost consistent with the policy of the hospital
• Buy to specifications, receive supplies, check their quantity and quality, and store,
produce, portion, assemble and distribute food.
• Establish standards for planning menus, preparing and serving food and
controlling meals. Standards must be established before setting up food purchase
• Establish policies, plan layouts and equipment requirements
• Plan and implement patient therapy, education and counseling
• Train dietetic interns
• Cooperate with medical staff in planning, preparing and serving experimental
metabolic research diets.
4 Why are medical records an integral part of quality patient care ?
Medical records become an integral part of quality patient care because of
• increasing medico legal cases such as assaults, attempted suides, death from
criminal acts, industrial accidents , poisoning , and road accidents,
• Consumer cases
• Teaching in hospitals to postgraduate students
• Research work.
5 How do you select an equipment for laundry service department ?
The following factors should be considered when selecting equipment for laundry
service department.
• Reasonable capital cost
• Reliability of design and compliance with BIS
• Availability of spare parts and ease of maintenance
• Efficiency in working under normal conditions
• Economy in consumption of utilities like water, power, steam etc and in
washing materials and consumables.
• Continuity of workflow and reduction of manual effort.
6 What are the constituents of a good pharmacy?
Quality modern facilities, qualified personnel, efficient organization and operation,
sound budgeting, therapeutic committee, Medical, nursing and administrative staff of the
hospital. Physical constituents- Dispensing area, manufacturing area, administration
area, storage area, unit dose Dispensing system and I.V Additive system.
7 What are the functions of laundry services?
• Collection of / receiving soiled and infected linen
• Processing soiled linen through laundry equipment. (Sorting,sluicing,
disinfecting, washing, extracting, conditioning, ironing, pressing and holding).
• Inspection and repair of damaged articles, their condemnation and replacement.
• Assembling and packing speciality items and linen packs for sterilization.
• Distributing processed linen to the respective user departments.
• Maintenance and control of active and back up inventories and processed linen.

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8 Write the role of CSSD.

CSSD play a vital role in combating ubiquitous menace of infections caused by
pathogenic microorganisms, speedy recovery, helps in providing sterile hygienic
environment, and sterile supplies before utilized in patient care. It helps in gaining a
higher level of efficiency in operations.
9 Write the computer applications in pharmacy department of a hospital
Automation, computer based ordering system, computer assisted pricing, billing,
Medical Information System, batch wise inventory management for drugs and
consumables. Facilitate all activities from procurement to documentation. Drug - drug
interactions - Similar drug - Drug reactions and combined effects, Online drug
prescription and issue.
10 The use of computers in pharmacy department improves the patient care - justify
Pharmacists use computers to review the patients' current and previous drugs. Pharmacy
also maintains a “drug dictionary “using computers that contains information on the
commonly prescribed drugs. For each drug, default dose and frequency, maximum
recommended dose, interaction with other drugs, side effects are stored and instructions
are given to patient based on these stored information.
11 What are the factors considered for location of pharmacy in hospitals?
• Flow of outpatient traffic through the hospital
• Flow of drugs and other raw materials into the pharmacy
• Flow of drugs and other services from the pharmacy to the inpatient
areas and other departments
• Need for future expansion.
12 What are the components of electronic medical record?
Access to knowledge resources, integrated communication and reporting support,
clinician order entry, clinical decision support system, integrated view of a patient data.
13 What is the role played by pharmacy department?
Drug ordering, preparation, distribution and Dispensing. Clinical pharmacy- includes
activities like taking medication history, monitoring drug use, drug selection, patient
counseling and surveillance of adverse reactions of drugs. It is a part of therapeutic
14 What is the laundry capacity and load based on American, British and Indian standard?
American standard : An average of 15 pounds ( 6.80 kilograms) per bed per day plus 25
pounds ( 11.33 kilograms) for each operation or delivery.
British standard : 60 articles per bed per week at 0.39 kilograms per article.
Indian standard : The rule of thumb is three to five kilograms per bed per day.
15 List the functions of medical records department.
• Location
• Design
• Organization Unit record
• Numbering system
• Filing system
• Dictating and transferring system
• Space requirements
16 What are the facilities and space requirements of the laundry and linen services?
It should be located at the ground floor or basement. Area should be large enough to
separate the infected linen according to the infectious disease, and separate rooms for
cleaning, segregation, Treating, drying and dispatching the linens.
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17 How can proper maintenance of medical records help in hospitals?
A good medical record serves the interest of the medical practitioner as well as his
patients. It is very important for the treating doctor to properly document the
management of the patient under his care. Medical record keeping has evolved into a
science. The key to dispensability of most of the medical negligence claim rest with the
quality of the medical records. Record maintenance is the only way for the doctor to
prove that the treatment was carried out properly.
18 Differentiate clinical information systems and administrative information system.
A clinical information system (CIS) is an information system designed specifically for use
in the critical care environment, such as in an Intensive Care Unit (ICU). It draws
information from all these systems into an electronic patient record, which clinicians can
see at the patient's bedside.
Administrative Information Systems is divided into 3 sub departments:
Administrative Applications is responsible for information technology that supports core
hospital and college business functions such as human resources, payroll, parking,
accounting, public safety, admissions, financial aid and registration.
19 What are the advantages of medical record maintenance?
The benefits of electronic health records include: Better health care by improving all
aspects of patient care, including safety, effectiveness, patient-centeredness,
communication, education, timeliness, efficiency, and equity.
20 What are the advantages of a clinical departmental information system?
• Helps in patient tracking by enabling staff communication through
automated alerts and information.
• Avoids prescription errors and demonstrate alerts for abnormal lab values
• Maximizes revenue - prevents user bias, losses and repetitions of clinical
and financial information
• Improves patient satisfaction

21 What are the Objective and Functions of CSSD?

• To provide sterilized material.
• Contributing to a reduction in the incidence of hospital infection.
• To avoid duplication of costly equipment.
• To maintain record of effectiveness of cleaning, disinfection and sterilization
• To monitor and enforce controls necessary to prevent cross infection.
• To maintain an inventory of supplies and equipment.
• To stay updated regarding developments in the field.
• To provide a safe environment for the patients and staff.

22 How the CSSD is manned

CSSD is usually manned by following staffs:
• CSSD in charge/ manager: supervises activities of CSSD.
• CSSD technicians: operate the autoclave and eto Machines.
• CSSD assistants: perform the cleaning and packing, gauge Cutting and cotton ball
• Clerk or storekeeper: to manage the inventory and Sterile stores.
• housekeeping staff.

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23 List the functions of CSSD
• Receiving the used equipment’s
• Sorting the equipment’s
• Packing
• Sterilizing
• Disturbing
24 What are the advantages of CSSD
• Bacteriological safe sterilization.
• Less expensive.
• Elimination of unsound practices & establishment of standard procedures.
• Assurance of adequate supply of sterile products immediately and constantly
available for some time as well as emergency use.
• Conservation of trained staff.
• Better quality control
• Better good of material flow and Prolonged life by proper care of equipment
25 Why Healthcare supply chain management Department is important?
Healthcare supply chain management involves obtaining resources, managing supplies,
and delivering goods and services to providers and patients. To complete the process,
physical goods and information about medical products and services usually go through
a number of independent stakeholders, including manufacturers, insurance companies,
hospitals, providers, group purchasing organizations, and several regulatory agencies.
However, by promoting efficiency in the healthcare supply chain, hospitals and physician
practices can create substantial cost-reducing opportunities across their organization.
26 Compare the advantages and disadvantages of Medical Records keeping.(NOV 2021)
Advantages of Medical Records
• Reduced Upfront Costs.
• Ease of Use in a Familiar Format.
• Physical Form Factor.
• Easier to Customize.
Disadvantages of Paper Medical Records
• Storage Isn't Scalable.
• Lack of Backups & Limited Security.
• Time Consuming & Error Prone.
• Inconsistent Layouts.
27 Recommend the factors considered in determining the most suitable location for the pharmacy
department.(NOV 2021)
• Flow of outpatient traffic through the hospital
• Flow of drugs and other raw materials into the pharmacy
• Flow of drugs and other services from the pharmacy to the inpatient areas and other
• Need for future expansion.
1 Write the important functions of medical record department and draw the flowcharts of
medical records on admission and discharge of patient.
2 Explain how the pharmacy department of any hospital is a major source of
administrative concern.
3 Explain the hospital information system in detail.
4 List the objectives, functions and procedures of CSSD. List the points to be considered
in while determining the staffing norms for CSSD.

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5 Explain the role of the following departments - Laundry department , Food service
6 Explain about the Pharmacy services in hospital / Describe the facilities, location,
organization and space requirements of Pharmacy department.
7 How do you choose equipment for laundry service department?
8 “A new information system reduces clerical tasks and enables the pharmacists to spare
more time for reviewing patient profiles - Justify.
9 Elaborate the functions of medical records department in hospital. Also explain the
systematic procedure of maintenance of medical records in hospital
10 Explain in detail about the support service technical information systems.
11 What is clinical information system? Why is it required? Explain its features, benefits and
12 Explain in detail about CSSD
13 Elaborate the linen distribution system in a hospital laundry service.
14 Give the Importance of Central Sterilization in hospital.
15 Why Supply Department are important in hospitals. Justify
16 Why medical record department is important in each hospital. Justify reasons.(NOV 2021)
17 Analyze the need of security systems in hospital. (NOV 2021)
18 Identify the importance of food services in hospitals. (NOV 2021)
Purposes – Planning of Communication, Modes of Communication – Telephone, ISDN, Public
Address and Piped Music – CCTV Security – Loss Prevention – Fire Safety – Alarm System –
Safety Rules.
1. Define Communication systems in healthcare
Communication systems are the formal or informal structures organisations use to
support their communication needs. A communication system involves people, the
messages they wish to convey, the technologies that mediate conversations, and the
organisational structures that define and constrain the conversations that are allowed to
2. List out the different elements of communication systems.
Elements of communication systems include:
 Communication channel:
 Types of message:
 Communication policies:
 Agents and
 Communication services
 Communication device
 Interaction mode and Security protocol
3. Define Signs and Symbols communication
Many health care settings are full of signs and symbols that communicate quickly what a
patient or visitor needs to know. Using this type of communication is beneficial in care
settings, as it allows individuals who are unable to read or understand a specific language
to still know what is being communicated.
4. Define Technology-Aided communication
Not all patients are able to communicate on their own with their caregivers. In these
instances, many use technology-aided communication devices to hear or speak. For
example, patients who are unable to speak may type their thoughts into a computer that
announces them out loud.
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5. What is the difference between synchronous and asynchronous communication?
 Communication needs can be characterized by the separation of participants over
time or distance
 When two parties exchange messages across a channel at the same time, this is
known as synchronous communication
 In contrast, when individuals can be separated in time, they may use
an asynchronous channel to support their interaction. Since there can be no
simultaneous discussion, conversations occur through a series of message
Sound Image Data
synchronous telephony video-conferencing shared electronic white
boards, shared documents
asynchronous voice-mail letters and notes, computer paging, fax, e-mail
image store and forward
6. What is the importance of Nurse Paging System for Hospital Management
Nurse Call System ranges from the simplest a mere visual signal system to most
sophisticated computer controlled system.
The system has the following
 panel in patient room
 Patient room door panel
 Main nurse station panel
 Monitoring
 Computer interface
 Software
 Alert panel
 Computer voice interface
7. Explain about Integrated Service Digital Network
• ISDN is an international communications standard for sending voice, video, and
data over digital telephone lines or traditional telephone copper wire.
• Benefits: Carries a variety of user traffic, such as digital video, data, and telephone
network services, using the normal phone circuit-switched network
• Offers much faster call setup than modems
8. What is Telemedicine and Teleconsultation ?
Telemedicine and teleconsultation are the application and development of the
telecommunication networks. Health experts can solve problems by using the electronic
and communication technologies without distance limitation. We can apply this system in
training local volunteers, educators, and welfare workers. Meanwhile, we can save lots of
cost and time
9. What is Quality Management System?
Quality management system (QMS) is a set of policies, processes and procedures required
for planning and execution (production /development/service) in the core business area
of an organization (i.e areas that can impact the organization’s ability to meet customer
10. Define Quality.
According to Institute of Medicine (IOM) defined quality as the“the degree to which
health services for individuals and populations increase the likelihood of desired health
outcomes and are consistent with current professional knowledge.” According to WHO:
Quality of care is the level of attainment of health systems’ intrinsic goals for health
improvement and responsiveness to legitimate expectations of the population.
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11. What is the role of CCTV in Communication systems for Hospital Management?
In hospitals and healthcare facilities, video surveillance is an effective tool not only for
increasing security, but also for controlling costs. CCTV cameras can work to protect
hospital employees and patients from security breaches, and provide valuable visual
evidence that can be used to increase productivity and prevent dishonest claims.
12. What is Public Address System?
A public address system (PA system) is an electronic sound amplification and
distribution system with a microphone, amplifier and loudspeakers, used to allow a
person to address a large public.
13. What about the two - fold responsibility regarding safety for the management of any
Management of any hospital has a twofold responsibility regarding safety:
(a) To make the workplace and the environment safe by creating safe conditions and
(b) To establish communication to all concerned and enforce safety rules.
14. What precautions are taken for fire safety?
• Keep doorways, corridors and egress paths clear and unobstructed. Make sure
that all electrical appliances and cords are in good condition and UL approved.
Do not overload electrical outlets. Use surge protected multi-outlet power strips
and extension cords when necessary.
• Never store flammable materials in your room or apartment.
• Do not tamper with any fire system equipment such as smoke detectors, pull
stations or fire extinguishers.
15. How the fires are classified in general?
• Class A Fire - Ordinary combustible materials like wood, paper, rags, rubbish,
rubber and plastics
• Class B Fire - Flammable or combustible gases and liquids like gasoline, kerosene,
thinners, paints, grease and similar materials
• Class C Fire - Fires involving or near electrical equipment- Non-conducting
materials like carbon dioxide or dry powders should be used.
• Class D Fire - Fires involving active metals like magnesium, sodium, titanium
potassium, zirconium.
16. How many levels are there in documented quality system and explain them with
There are 4 tiers:
First tier consist of Quality Manual, Second Tier consist of Procedures, third tier consist of
work instructions and fourth tier consist of documents, forms and records.
17. State the factors by which accidents may be caused in hospitals.
• Occupational exposure to infectious waste, body fluids
• Mismanagement of Biomedical waste
• Exposure to chemicals
• Fire accidents from frayed or damaged electrical cords
• Improperly used extension cords, appliances
• Improper grounding
18. Write the need for voltage fluctuation alarm.
Low voltage poses the biggest threat to electrical system and equipment. Diagnostic
equipment often gives erroneous readings in low voltage conditions. There are certain
areas and sensitive equipment that do not tolerate excessive low or high voltage. Such
areas or equipment may be fitted with a simple voltage- sensitive alarm with a voltmeter.
The alarm can be set at any desired point.
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19. List the types of alarm in hospital
Fire alarm, Medical Gas alarm, Elevator Alarm, narcotics alarm, Code blue alarm, Patient
emergency alarm, blood bank alarm, and voltage fluctuation alarm.
20. Mention the benefits of accreditation.
 Accreditation benefits all stake holders. Patients are the biggest beneficiary.
Accreditation on high quality of care and patient safety - Rights of patients are
respected and protected. Patient satisfaction is regularly evaluated.
 The staff in a accredited health care organization are satisfied lot as it provides for
continuous learning, good working environment, leadership and above all
ownership of clinical processes.
 Accreditation to a health care organization stimulates continuous improvement. It
enables the organization in demonstrating commitment to quality care. It raises
community confidence in the services provided by the health care organization. It
also provides opportunity to healthcare unit to benchmark with the best.
 Finally, accreditation provides an objective system of empanelment by insurance
and other third parties. Accreditation provides access to reliable and certified
information on facilities, infrastructure and level of care.
21. Write any five medical emergency code.
• Code Red: Fire and Code Blue: Cardiac Arrest
• Code Orange: Disaster or Mass Casualties
• Code Green: Evacuation
• Code Yellow: Missing Patient
• Code Amber: Missing or Abducted Infant or Child
• Code Black: Bomb Threat
• Code White: Aggression
• Code Brown: Hazardous Spill
• Code Grey: System Failure and
• Code Pink: Pediatric Emergency and/or Obstetrical Emergency
22. List the types of a medical gas alarm.
• One monitors the pressure of various gases at different areas of the distribution
system. If abnormal pressure is sensed, the system sets off an alarm- the green
signal goes off and the red warning signal glows with audible alarm until the line
pressure returns to normal.
• Remote signal lamp- lights up when either of the banks of cylinders becomes
23. Define Environmental Management System (EMS)
(a) It refers to the management of an organization environmental programs in a
comprehensive, systematic, planned and documented manner.
(b) Act->Plan->Do-> Check. It is a frame work that helps a company achieve its
environmental goals through consistent control of its operations.
(c) It helps a company address its regulatory demands in a systematic, cost effective
manner and non-regulated issues such as energy conversation and can promote stronger
operational control.

24. Define Loss Prevention? What are the Categories of Losses

Loss Prevention is the concept of establishing policies or procedures and business practice
to prevent the loss of inventory in a retail environment. Loss control is the act of reducing
severity by identifying the factors that aggravate or increase a loss. There are three
categories of Loss prevention. Internal theft, External theft and through error.
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25. Define Fire Safety and Alarm Safety with exampled?
Fire Safety: Refers to precautions that are taken to prevent or reduce the likelihood of a
fire that may result in deaths, injury or property damage, alert those in a structure to the
presence of an uncontrolled fire in the event one occurs, better enable those threatened by
fire to survive in and evacuate from affected areas, or to reduce the damage caused by a
fire. Alarm Safety: It is a sounder. The sounders make a noise to let people know that
there is a fire. Some companies that make fire alarms are Wheelock and simplex
sometimes, of fashioned fire alarms are metal belts. It can be either manual or an
automatic system
26. Identify the steps involved in loss prevention.(NOV 2021)
Internal Control:
1: Physical Security
• Communicate Watchfulness. ...
• Use Technology to Your Advantage. ...
• Organize Your Storefront to Minimize Theft. ...
2: Procedural Security
• Handle Checkout Procedures with Care. ...
• Let an Expert Help.
27. List the function of CCTV. (NOV 2021)
A CCTV is a video surveillance system that is placed in security cameras to help record
images and videos in a home, business property, and even on the roads. The camera
works by monitoring, recording video images and transmitting them to a monitor. A
CCTV is therefore used primarily for security purposes.
1. What are the different modes of communication and explain the essentials of effective
2. Explain the Fire and safety procedure maintained in the hospital administration?
3. Define Security and its Concept?
4. Write Brief notes on Loss prevention?
5. Discuss about the various Modes of Communication
(i) Telephone
(ii) ISDN
6. Explain about
(i) Cable television and closed circuit television
(ii) safety Rules
7. Explain about
(i) Purpose of communication in hospital
(ii) Fire safety in hospital.
8. Explain about safety rules and security measures in the hospital
9. What are the Purposes in Planning of Communication?
10. Explain about Alarm system in hospital and its types in detail.
11. Analyze the need of security systems in hospital. (NOV 2021)
12. Explain in detail about the fire alarm systems used in hospital. (NOV 2021)

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