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Name: Denn Carlisle Torrevillas Date Submitted: 10/24/2022

Course: BSIT Term: First Semester

Year & Section: 1-B Instructor: Mr. Virgilio Sayson
Subject: Multimedia


The process of learning photoshop and working with digital photographs was a good learning experience.  It was
not too difficult, but it challenged me enough to the extent that I had to work hard to get comfortable with the
program and its practical uses.  The most challenging aspect of learning about Photoshop was getting used to
navigating around the various toolbars in the software interface.

Base on exercise given last week me and my group mates perform the activities in Photoshop, like Changing
Image Size, Using Colors, Adjusting Image quality, Working with Layers, Making Selections, Retouching Images,
Applying Filters, Combining Images, Adding Texts and Shapes. For these activities at first it is difficult to
understand the tools of Adobe Photoshop, because each tools have different functions. But in the long term you
will be able to understand to functions of each tool if you listen to the person that more knowledgeable than you
about Adobe Photoshop. You will be able to learn more if you will do it by your own skill.

The hardest exercise that I encounter in this activity is Working with Layers because it uses more tools than
other exercise and it needs creativity so you can make you output presentable, clean, and organized. And the
easiest exercise that I encountered in this activity is Changing the Image Size, because you only need to add the
image and adjust its size by dragging it or adjusting it manually. There are another editing apps that that has
same purpose of Adobe Photoshop to manipulate images, but Adobe Photoshop will test your skills, creativity,
and patience. Adobe Photoshop is helpful in making invitation letters, posters, advertisements, and other things
that uses photo.

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